25 research outputs found

    Vishaharayogas in Sahasrayoga: A review

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    Ayurveda pharmaceutics deals with preparation of medicines. The formulations are in different forms with a variety of ingredients that are herbal, mineral, marine, etc. in origin.  These formulations, based on the ingredients and the forms are mentioned in different conditions including in the management of poisons. Sahasrayoga is a book that is a compilation of different formulations that are mentioned in various diseases. A review of this book has put light on the yogas that are mentioned in the management of various poisons. In this book, for the management of poisons different dosage forms are mentioned like kashaya, churna, leha, ghrita, etc. The formulations mentioned are not just for management of visha but are also indicated in other disorders. Keywords: Visha, Yogas, Vishaghna, Ayurveda, formulation

    Concept of Satvapatana: a review

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    Rasashastra is a branch in Ayurveda that deals with Ayurveda Pharmaceutics using drugs of varied origin like metals, minerals, gemstones, mercury, etc. Indian alchemy consists of various processes like shodhana (purification), marana (incineration), amrutikarana (processing the incinerated ash to imbibe more qualities), etc. One among these processes is Satvapatana (extraction of essence from mineral ores). Satvapatana is a process where the mineral ore mentioned in texts of Indian alchemy are mixed with other drugs and subjected to heat by which the essence of the ore is obtained.  The satva of the drugs are of different colours and different types of heat are mentioned to extract the satva for different minerals based on the hardness of the drug. These satvas are used in different processes of Mercury and also in therapeutics. Keywords: Satvapatana, rasashastra, satva, minerals, mercur


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    Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda pharmaceutics that deals with preparation of formulations using mineral, metals, marine drugs, gemstones, etc. It is a branch that has mercury as its center. Many processing types have been mentioned in Indian alchemy, most of the processes mentioned are for making Parada develops lohavada and dehavada property. There are also procedures and samskaras mentioned to potentiate the formulations or drugs. One such samskara (process) is mardana samskara that is used as a purification procedure of Parada as well as a bhavana for preparing Khalviya yogas (preparation made in mortar and pestle). Keywords: Rasashastra, Mardana, shodhana, processe

    Damshaja Shula: A Review

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    Ayurveda has mentioned the bite of Sarpa(snakes), Keeta(incects), Luta(spider), Vrischika(scorpion), Mooshaka(rat), etc., the Jangama Visha (animate poisons), their characteristic symptoms and its management, in a very special branch of Ayurveda termed as Agada tantra. Ayurveda Acharyas have given special attention to Jangama Visha(animate poisons) and are described in the classics as a special entity. Damsha(bite) is the most common in animal poisons. The most common and early symptom is pain. In the management of all types of jangama visha damsha traditional and regional knowledge are available. Administration of anti- venom and sthavaravisha(plant poison) are used as an antidote for all jangama visha damsha. Ayurveda has explained numerous medicinal plants in the management of jangama visha damsha. Pain management plays a major role in management of animal poisoning. Most of the Ayurveda formulations used in management of bite have multiple actions rather than on single symptom like pain. Keywords: Pain, Sarpa, Keeta, Loota, damsha, Chikits

    Gruhadhuma in Agada Yogas: a review

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    Gruhadhuma is an ingredient mentioned in Ayurveda pharmaceutics in a group of drugs termed as panchamrittika. It is an ingredient that is used in various formulations in the treatment of vishas (poisons). Many formulations for the management of various poisons like snake bite, keetavisha (insect poisons), etc. have been explained in Ayurveda treatise that contains it as an ingredient. The agada yogas (formulations for poisonous bites) mentioned for the management of various poisons in bruhatrayee contain ingredients that are both herbal and mineral in origin. Formulations having gruhadhuma have been mentioned for oral administration, as nasya (nasal inhalation), anjana (collyrium), lepa (anointment), etc.  A literary search through the treatises of Ayurveda has put a light on the various formulations containing it. Keywords: Agadayogas, Gruhadhuma, poisons, formulation

    A Review on Antidotes W.S.R to Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika

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    Ayurveda is an ancient system of health care, native of Indian subcontinent. It is one of the oldest scientific medical systems of the world with a long record of clinical experience. More than a medical system, ayurveda is a way of life. It is concerned with eight prime branches of medicine. Agada tantra is a specialized branch of ayurveda that offers meticulously detailed information about animal and non animal poisons and methods of eliminating these poisons from the body. It particularly advocates different antidotes for materials which are poisonous to human body. Here, the antidotes mentioned in Visha vaidya jyotsnika are reviewed. Keywords: Visha, Antidotes, Ayurveda, Vishavaidya jyotsnik

    Pharmaceutical study & preliminary analysis of Sheetala Parpati

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    The Parpati kalpana is a thin flake form of mercurial preparation which is unique in the field of Rasashastra. It is one among the Chaturvidha Rasayana and Agnisthayi Murchita Parada Bandha i.e., Pota Bandha of Parada. Sheetala parpati is an Ayurvedic medicine that comes under Parpati kalpana, used in the treatment of difficulty in urination, urinary calculi, dyspepsia, etc. There are two different references of Sheetala Parpati where the ingredients and method of preparation are different. In the present work an attempt has been made to prepare both the varieties of Sheetala parpati along with its analytical study. It is mainly indicated in Mutrakricchra (Dysurea) and other diseases like Amlapitta (Hyperacidity), Udarashoola (Abdominal pain), Ajeerna (Indigestion), Yakritvikara (Hepatic disorder), etc. Keywords: Parpati kalpana, Chaturvidha Rasayana, Sheetala Parpati, Mutrakricchra (Dysurea


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    There is a wide range of importance for appearance in present era. Psoriasis is chronic disorder which is commonly encountered in day to days clinical practices. It is one of the burning issue having social importance. Increased stress and life style are main predisposing factor which is accounting for wide spared prevalence of this disease. Usually10-15% cases present before general practitioners are pertaining to skin diseases. Due to altered life style, lack of physical exercise, unhygienic, mental stress, over eating, skin diseases are commonly observed. We can observe many diseases popping up especially due to mental stress i.e., Manasa Vikriti. There is Samavaya Sambandha between Tvacha and Manas (Chetah Samavayi). Most of the Tvak Vikaras are psychologically agonising and have negative impact on quality of life. Here it is important to remember the citation of Acharya Charaka regarding the relationship between the Tvacha and Manas, Tvacha is considered as Chetah Samvayi i.e., the skin has an eternal relationship with Manas (psyche/mind). The knowledge of Nidana is helpful for the proper diagnosis, prevention of disease and treatment also. Thus to treat any Tvak Gata Vikara, Bhishak should consider the skin ailment as well as condition of Manas. This paper highlights a case study of stress related Kitibha Kusta (Psoriasis) treated with Shodhana Chikitsa.

    Gandhahastadi Agada: A Review

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    Agada Tantra is a branch of Ayurveda that deals with the science of toxicology. It deals with the treatment of various poisons. For the management of poisons various treatment procedures have been described, one among them is the use of formulations taken internally. Varied formulations are described of just herbal, animal origin drugs and also herbo- mineral in origin. One among them is Gandhahastadi agada that is mentioned in the treatment of visha. It is a formulation of nineteen drugs and the bhavana dravya is of animal origin drugs namely Ajamutra (Goat’s urine), Go pitta (cow’s bile) and Ashwa pitta (horse’s bile) alternatively for seven days. This is indicated in various conditions such as Visuchika, Pilla, Arbuda, Arma, Kandu, Kshaya (consumption), Dourbhalya (asthenia), Madatyaya (alcoholism), Pandu (anaemia), Moha (unconsciousness), etc. and also as nasya in  sarvajwara (all types of fever). Keywords: Gandhahastadi Agada, visha, formulatio

    A review on experimental pharmacology

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    In this era where the pharmaceutical companies and products are hiking in its need and production it is inevitable to document the safety and toxicity along with the indications of the same. This is where the experimental study has a vital role to play. Experimental pharmacology is the science where the drug interaction with different receptors and target sites in living organism are explained. This article reviews about the different aspects of experimental pharmacology and its uses.   Keywords: Experimental pharmacology, products, dosag