5 research outputs found

    Profil epidemiologique de l’epilepsie chez des patients atteints de troubles du spectre de l’autisme: Etude de 45 cas a Dakar (Senegal)

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    Description: Troubles du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) et Ă©pilepsie peuvent coexister chez une mĂŞme personne constituant des facteurs de mauvais pronostic bilatĂ©raux. Objectif:  DĂ©crire les Ă©lĂ©ments sociodĂ©mographiques de patients atteints de TSA et Ă©tudier les aspects clinico-paracliniques et Ă©volutifs des Ă©pilepsies chez ces patients. Patients et MĂ©thodes:  Etude transversale et descriptive au service pĂ©dopsychiatrique du CHNU Fann, avec analyse des dossiers, via un questionnaire standardisĂ©, de tous les patients suivis entre Janvier 2004 et Septembre 2018 pour TSA avec ou sans Ă©pilepsie. RĂ©sultats:  Quarante-cinq patients avec TSA colligĂ©s, avec une frĂ©quence de l’épilepsie de 37,8%. L’épilepsie avait dĂ©butĂ© avant l’âge de 5 ans dans 94% des cas. Les crises Ă©taient gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es (58,8%), essentiellement motrices tonico-cloniques (80%), ou focales (35,3%), avec une frĂ©quence de 2 crises/jour Ă  1 crise/semaine. L’EEG de veille et sommeil montrait des anomalies majoritairement frontales dans 60%, et centro-pariĂ©tales dans 26,6% des cas. L’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale Ă©tait normale dans 93,9% des cas, et les potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s auditifs (PEA) normaux dans 87,2% des cas. La prise en charge Ă©tait multidisciplinaire pour les TSA (neuropsychologique, psychomotrice, orthophonique) et mĂ©dicale, essentiellement (82,4%) en monothĂ©rapie pour l’épilepsie. Les mĂ©dicaments antiĂ©pileptiques utilisĂ©s Ă©taient le valproate de sodium (58,8%) et le phĂ©nobarbital (17,6). Le niveau d’instruction Ă©tait bas avec 40% de non-scolarisĂ©s et 55,6% au primaire. Seuls 6,7% Ă©taient autonomes et 20 patients nĂ©cessitaient une aide quasi-constante. Conclusion: La prĂ©valence de l’épilepsie chez les patients atteints de TSA varie suivant les Ă©tudes. Une prise en charge globale et multidisciplinaire de l’épilepsie et des TSA amĂ©liore les troubles de comportement.   English Title: Epidemiologic profile of epilepsy in patients with autism spectrum disorders: study of 45 cases in Dakar (Senegal) Description: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and epilepsy can coexist in the same person, which are factors of bilateral poor prognosis. Purpose: To describe the socio-demographic profile of ASD patients and to study the clinical, paraclinical and evolutive aspects of epilepsy among them. Patients and methods: We did a cross-sectional and descriptive study in the department of child psychiatry of Fann university hospital in Dakar. We analyzed patients’ files followed between January 2004 and September 2018 for autism’s spectrum disorders with or without epilepsy. We used a standardized survey with several items. Results: Forty-five patients with ASD were collected, with an epileptic frequency of 37.8%. Epilepsy had started before the age of 5 years in 94% of cases. Seizures were generalized (58.8%), mainly tonico-clonic (80%), or focal (35.3%), with a frequency of 2 seizures per day to 1 seizure per week. The awake and sleep EEG showed abnormalities mostly in frontal area in 60%, and centro-parietal in 26.6%. Brain imaging was normal in 93.9%, and auditory evoked potential (AEP) normal in 87.2%. Management was multidisciplinary for ASD (neuropsychological, psychomotor, speech therapy) and medical, mainly (82.4%) monotherapy for epilepsy. The main molecules were: sodium valproate (58.8%) and phenobarbital (17.6). The level of education was low with 40% of students out of school and 55.6% in primary school. Only 6.7% were self-reliant and 20 patients needed almost constant assistance. Conclusion: The prevalence of epilepsy in patients with ASD varies according to the studies. The global and multidisciplinary management of epilepsy and ASD improves behavioral disorders

    Generalized dystonia following resuscitation from a cardiac arrest: a case report and review of the literature

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    Abstract Background A wide variety of movement disorders can be observed after cerebral hypoxia, including akineto-hypertonic syndrome and dystonia. Post-anoxic dystonia is a rare clinical syndrome that is not widely reported in the literatures. It is thought to be related to cerebral hypoxia leading to ischaemia of the basal ganglia. Case description We report a case of an 11-year-old girl who represented with generalized dystonia following resuscitation from a cardiac arrest after open heart surgery. Brain MRI showed basal ganglia hypersignals in T2-FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery) weighted sequence and in the diffusion sequence without restriction of ACD in favour of subacute ischemic lesions. Treated with oral baclofen, the evolution was favourable with regression of the dystonia. Conclusion It is often difficult to accurately predict the final neurological outcome of a patient who has survived cardiac arrest. Baclofen and anticholinergic can be used for the treatment for dystonia post-cerebral hypoxia

    Surveillance of Viral Encephalitis in the Context of COVID-19: A One-Year Observational Study among Hospitalized Patients in Dakar, Senegal

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    The burden of encephalitis and its associated viral etiology is poorly described in Africa. Moreover, neurological manifestations of COVID-19 are increasingly reported in many countries, but less so in Africa. Our prospective study aimed to characterize the main viral etiologies of patients hospitalized for encephalitis in two hospitals in Dakar. From January to December 2021, all adult patients that met the inclusion criteria for clinical infectious encephalitis were enrolled. Cerebrospinal fluids, blood, and nasopharyngeal swabs were taken and tested for 27 viruses. During the study period, 122 patients were enrolled. Viral etiology was confirmed or probable in 27 patients (22.1%), with SARS-CoV-2 (n = 8), HSV-1 (n = 7), HHV-7 (n = 5), and EBV (n = 4) being the most detected viruses. Age groups 40–49 was more likely to be positive for at least one virus with an odds ratio of 7.7. The mortality was high among infected patients, with 11 (41%) deaths notified during hospitalization. Interestingly, SARS-CoV-2 was the most prevalent virus in hospitalized patients presenting with encephalitis. Our results reveal the crucial need to establish a country-wide surveillance of encephalitis in Senegal to estimate the burden of this disease in our population and implement strategies to improve care and reduce mortality