81 research outputs found

    As lĂłgicas do recrutamento polĂ­tico

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    Resumo A anĂĄlise da posição social e da origem das lideranças partidĂĄrias revela que os mecanismos atuais de recrutamento polĂ­tico tendem a favorecer as classes superiores da sociedade, embora cada partido privilegie a ascensĂŁo de fraçÔes distintas dessas classes. As oposiçÔes entre partidos que estruturam o funcionamento do campo polĂ­tico mostram-se, assim, como a duplicação (por outro lado, relativamente autĂŽnoma) da estruturação interna das classes superiores. As diferenças que separam, por um lado, os dirigentes do Partido Comunista FrancĂȘs (PCF) e do Partido Socialista FrancĂȘs (PS) e, por outro, os da CoalizĂŁo pela RepĂșblica (RPR) e da UniĂŁo pela Democracia Francesa (UDF) sĂŁo, por exemplo, fortemente marcadas pela oposição entre os polos intelectual e econĂŽmico dessas classes. Do mesmo modo, quando buscam em outros espaços, o PCF e PS recrutam sobretudo agentes que ocupam as posiçÔes inferiores-dominadas, ao passo que a UDF e a RPR privilegiam o recrutamento de agentes que se encontram nas posiçÔes superiores-dominantes. Esse jogo de homologias permite tambĂ©m compreender a lĂłgica do recrutamento das classes mĂ©dias e popular e formular algumas hipĂłteses sobre os mecanismos da influĂȘncia e da representação polĂ­ticas. Palavras chave: recrutamento polĂ­tico; classes sociais; partidos.   Abstract Analysis of the original social positions of party leaders shows that the present mechanisms of political recruitment tend to favour the upper classes of society, but that each party encourages the ascent of different fractions of these classes. The contrasts between parties which structure the functioning of the political spectrum thus appear to duplicate (quite independently moreover) the internal structures of the upper classes. The differences between the leaders of the PCF and PS on one hand, and the RPR and UDF on the other, bear a strong resemblance, for example, to the contrast between the intellectual and economic poles of these classes. Similarly, when these parties recruit in other strata, the PCF and PS tend to recruit officials in lower-dominated positions, whereas the UDF and RPR prefer to recruit officials in senior-dominant positions. This pattern of homologies also explains the logic behind recruitment aimed at the middle and popular classes, and allows a few assumptions to be made concerning the mechanism of political influence and representation. Key words: political recruitment; social classes; political parties

    Democracy and elites

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    From a sociological point of view the elitist phenomenon must be examined from two angles: the question of renewal of the elites, and that of their unity. When it comes to the question of renewal, internal mobility needs to be distinguished from structural mobility: that is to say, the replacement of one type of elite by another one. For example, could professional politicians give way in the future to amateurs because of the profound mistrust that affects them? Internal renewal is currently limited by the predominantly school-based mode of reproduction that is well demonstrated for the political elite, including the populist political elite, and produces selection effects. About the problem of unity of the elites, there are two distinct questions: are the various elites united, and each one cohesive? The monist hypothesis is faced with difficulties when it is applied to "modern" societies, characterized by a structural differentiation of their sectors of activity. The struggles between elites open up opportunities for the representation of interests of groups outside the elites. Political elites are divided along individual and collective interests and their divisions echo social cleavages. They must be defined and analyzed by their political and ideological tendencies and their links with various groups, but also by their relative positions within political fields. Such hypotheses highlight the distrust in established elites and the populist phenomenon in times of crisis

    Mort et rĂ©surrection du paradigme de Michigan. Remarques sur quelques rĂ©sultats rĂ©cents de la sociologie des comportements politiques aux États-Unis

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    The sociology of political behavior was influenced for a long time by the work done at the University of Michigan, to such an extent that there were references to the domination of the Michigan paradigm. Recent works — particularly those of Norman Nie, Sidney Verba, and John Petrocik — show that the American voter has changed, that his behavior no longer corresponds to the portrait sketched by the dominant paradigm with reference to his level of political competence, and to thĂ© way his electoral choices are mode and to his party identification. These authors come to the conclusion that the work of the Michigan group is out dated; that it was valid for only one specifie period of American history. But the old and the new results are not necessarily contradictory and can be integrated into a model taking into account both the individual characteristics of the social agents and the working of the political field.La sociologie des comportements politiques a longtemps Ă©tĂ© influencĂ©e par les travaux des chercheurs de l'UniversitĂ© du Michigan, au point que l'on a pu parler d'une domination du paradigme de Michigan. Des travaux rĂ©cents — notamment ceux de Norman Nie, Sidney Verba et John Petrocik — montrent que l'Ă©lecteur amĂ©ricain a changĂ©, que son comportement ne correspond plus au portrait brossĂ© par le paradigme dominant, en ce qui concerne tant le niveau de compĂ©tence politique, les modalitĂ©s de ses choix Ă©lectoraux, que son identification partisane. Leurs auteurs en tirent la conclusion que les travaux du groupe de Michigan sont dĂ©passĂ©s, qu'ils ne vaudraient que pour une pĂ©riode spĂ©cifique de l'histoire amĂ©ricaine. Mais les rĂ©sultats anciens et nouveaux ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement contradictoires et peuvent ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©s dans un modĂšle tenant compte Ă  la fois des caractĂ©ristiques individuelles des agents sociaux et des conditions de fonctionnement du champ politique.Gaxie Daniel. Mort et rĂ©surrection du paradigme de Michigan. Remarques sur quelques rĂ©sultats rĂ©cents de la sociologie des comportements politiques aux États-Unis. In: Revue française de science politique, 32ᔉ annĂ©e, n°2, 1982. pp. 251-269

    Le maire entre disciplines et libertés. Remarques sur les limites du travail politique

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    The mayor between disciplines and freedoms. Remarks on the limits of the political work. Daniel Gaxie [140-148]. Mayors's activities have undergone several transformations which appear to be a pecular case of more generai changes in the organisation of political practices. The increasing role of political parties, the unification of various political competitions, the strengthening of voters's political interests, alter the conditions of the conquest or officiai local political positions. Holders of these positions are more dependant to national political forces, even if several factors produce contradictory effects.Le maire entre disciplines et libertĂ©s. Daniel Gaxie [140-148]. L'activitĂ© politique des maires a connu un certain nombre de transformations qui apparaissent comme des cas particuliers de changements plus gĂ©nĂ©raux touchant Ă  l'Ă©conomie gĂ©nĂ©rale des pratiques politiques. Le rĂŽle croissant des partis, les Ă©lĂ©ments d'unification des compĂ©titions politiques, le renforcement des prĂ©occupations politiques des Ă©lecteurs, modifient les conditions d'accĂšs aux mandats Ă©lectifs locaux et rendent leurs titulaires plus dĂ©pendants des forces politiques nationales, mĂȘme si divers facteurs produisent des effets en sens inverse.Gaxie Daniel. Le maire entre disciplines et libertĂ©s. Remarques sur les limites du travail politique. In: Politix, vol. 7, n°28, QuatriĂšme trimestre 1994. Le mĂ©tier d'Ă©lu : jeux de rĂŽles. pp. 140-148

    Le vote désinvesti. Quelques éléments d'analyse des rapports au vote

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    The indifferent voter. Analysis of electors' relationship with their votes. Daniel Gaxie. [138-164]. The less interested in politics are the citizens, the more likely they are to abstain from voting. At the same time, electoral participation depends on a lot of other factors, especially the feeling of civic duty. Voters are therefore very differents with regard to their concern in the election they participante in. That is the reason why the study of electoral bebaviour must focus on and start with inequally involved citizens' attitude towards their vote. This paper presents some results of an inquity held in the town of Amiens during tbe municipal elections of 1989. Both sarnple survey and thorough interviews were conducted. They show that voters pay unequal attention to the campaign and are unequally familiar with the candidates, the main issues and the results of the election. Their way of voting varies also very much with their degree of concern. Tbe most interested decide tbemselves more often on general and political grunds, even if they are far from the rational voter model. More indifferent citizens' "choice" is more inconsistant and less general, it is frequently made on practical interests of their everyday life or on their evaluation of the personality of one of tbe candidates.Le vote dĂ©sinvesti. Quelques Ă©lĂ©ments d'analyse du rapport au vote. Daniel Gaxie. [138-164]. Les citoyens les moins intĂ©ressĂ©s par la politique ont davantage de chances statistiques de s'abstenir de voter. En mĂȘme temps, la participation Ă©lectorale dĂ©pend de beaucoup d'autres facteurs, notamment du sentiment du devoir civique, ce qui peut conduire beaucoup d'entre eux Ă  se rendre aux urnes. Les Ă©lecteurs sont ainsi trĂšs inĂ©galement concernĂ©s par les enjeux politiques sur lesquels ils sont appelĂ©s Ă  se prononcer. Toute Ă©tude du comportement Ă©lectoral doit donc partir du rapport que les Ă©lecteurs entretiennent avec leur vote. Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d'une enquĂȘte par questionnaire et par entretiens approfondis effectuĂ©e en 1989 lors des Ă©lections municipales Ă  Amiens. Il montre que le degrĂ© d'intĂ©rĂȘt pour la politique, la campagne Ă©lectorale, le vote et les rĂ©sultats est trĂšs difĂ©rent selon les personnes interrogĂ©es. La maniĂšre de voter varie Ă©galement beaucoup selon le degrĂ© d'implication. Les citoyens les moins intĂ©ressĂ©s n'adoptent pas le point de vue gĂ©nĂ©ral qui leur est gĂ©nĂ©ralement imputĂ©. Ils se prononcent sur la personne de l'un des candidats ou Ă  partir de points de repĂšre ponctuels qui correspondent Ă  des enjeux pratiques de leur expĂ©rience ordinaire. Inversement, plus le niveau d'instruction et d'intĂ©rĂȘt pour la politique s'accroĂźt, plus les Ă©lecteurs se prononcent sur des critĂšres gĂ©nĂ©raux et spĂ©cifiquement politiques, sans que leur comportement se rapproche pour autant du modĂšle de l'Ă©lecteur rationnel.Gaxie Daniel. Le vote dĂ©sinvesti. Quelques Ă©lĂ©ments d'analyse des rapports au vote. In: Politix, vol. 6, n°22, DeuxiĂšme trimestre 1993. Des votes pas comme les autres, sous la direction de Yves DĂ©loye et Olivier Ihl. pp. 138-164

    Vu du sens commun

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    Everyone who talks on political topics refers to a practical knowledge, generally tacit, of what is politics. According to these "ethnoconceptions", more or less developed, politics means sometimes power struggle, sometimes action aimed to enhance the society, sometimes local action or international relations, even if the first meaning is predominant. The scholarly spotting of politics has to take into account these common conceptions even if it can and should become emancipated from them.Toutes les personnes qui s'expriment sur des sujets politiques se rĂ©fĂšrent Ă  des conceptions pratiques, gĂ©nĂ©ralement tacites, de ce qu 'elles entendent par "politique". Dans ces ethnodĂ©finitions inĂ©galement dĂ©veloppĂ©es, le politique renvoie tantĂŽt Ă  la lutte pour "le pouvoir", Ă  l'action en vue d'amĂ©liorer l'Ă©tat de la sociĂ©tĂ©, Ă  l'action locale ou aux relations internationales, mĂȘme si la focalisation sur la premiĂšre dimension est prĂ©dominante. Le repĂ©rage "savant" du politique est condamnĂ© Ă  prendre en compte ces dĂ©finitions communes mĂȘme s'il peut et doit s'en Ă©manciper.Gaxie Daniel. Vu du sens commun. In: Espaces Temps, 76-77, 2001. RepĂ©rages du politique. Regards disciplinaires et approches de terrain, sous la direction de Sophie Duchesne et Florence Haegel. pp. 82-94

    Les logiques du recrutement politique

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    THE LOGIC BEHIND POLITICAL RECRUITMENT, by DANIEL GAXIE Analysis of the original social positions of party leaders shows that the present mechanisms of political recruitment tend to favour the upper classes of society, but that each party encourages the ascent of different fractions of these classes. The contrasts between parties which structure the functioning of the political spectrum thus appear to duplicate (quite independently moreover) the internal structures of the upper classes. The differences between the leaders of the PC and PS on one hand, and the RPR and UDF on the other, bear a strong resemblance, for example, to the contrast between the intellectual and economic poles of these classes. Similarly, when these parties recruit in other strata, the PC and PS tend to recruit officials in lower-dominated positions, whereas the UDF and RPR prefer to recruit officials in senior-dominant positions. This pattern of homologies also explains the logic behind recruitment aimed at the middle and upper classes, and allows a few assumptions to be made concerning the mechanism of political influence and representation. [Revue française de science politique XXX (1), fĂ©vrier 1980, pp. 5-45.]LES LOGIQUES DU RECRUTEMENT POLITIQUE, par DANIEL GAXIE L'analyse de la position sociale d'origine du personnel dirigeant des partis montre que les mĂ©canismes actuels du recrutement politique tendent Ă  favoriser les classes supĂ©rieures de la sociĂ©tĂ©, mais que chaque parti privilĂ©gie l'ascension de fractions distinctes de ces classes. Les oppositions entre partis qui structurent le fonctionnement du champ politique apparaissent ainsi comme le redoublement (par ailleurs relativement autonome) de la structuration interne aux classes supĂ©rieures. Les diffĂ©rences qui sĂ©parent les dirigeants du PC et du PS d'une part, ceux du RPR et de l'UDF de l'autre, sont, par exemple, fortement marquĂ©es par l'opposition entre les pĂŽles intellectuel et Ă©conomique de ces classes. De mĂȘme, lorsque ces partis recrutent dans d'autres milieux, le PC et le PS recrutent plutĂŽt des agents occupant des positions basses-dominĂ©es alors que l'UDF et le RPR privilĂ©gient le recrutement d'agents occupant les positions hautes-dominantes. Ce jeu d'homologies permet encore de comprendre la logique du recrutement en direction des classes moyennes et populaires et de formuler quelques hypothĂšses sur les mĂ©canismes de l'influence et de la reprĂ©sentation politiques. [Revue française de science politique XXX (1), fĂ©vrier 1980, pp. 5-45.]Gaxie Daniel. Les logiques du recrutement politique. In: Revue française de science politique, 30ᔉ annĂ©e, n°1, 1980. pp. 5-45

    10. Les critiques profanes de la politique

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    La rĂ©currence de critiques souvent dĂ©veloppĂ©es, argumentĂ©es et vĂ©hĂ©mentes des hommes, des partis et de l’action politiques est certainement le rĂ©sultat le plus marquant de diverses enquĂȘtes qualitatives portant sur le rapport que des personnes trĂšs diverses entretiennent avec la politique. Ces critiques proviennent d’individus d’ñge, de sexe, de niveau de diplĂŽme, de position sociale et d’orientation politique trĂšs variables. Rares sont ceux qui ne dĂ©veloppent pas l’un au moins des arguments ..
