17 research outputs found

    Abscisic Acid Insensitive 4 transcription factor is an important player in the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) feeding.

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    Plants growing in constantly changeable environmental conditions are compelled to evolve regulatory mechanisms to cope with biotic and abiotic stresses. Effective defence to invaders is largely connected with phytohormone regulation, resulting in the production of numerous defensive proteins and specialized metabolites. In our work, we elucidated the role of the Abscisic Acid Insensitive 4 (ABI4) transcription factor in the plant response to the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM). This polyphagous mite is one of the most destructive herbivores, which sucks mesophyll cells of numerous crop and wild plants. Compared to the wild-type (Col-0) Arabidopsis thaliana plants, the abi4 mutant demonstrated increased susceptibility to TSSM, reflected as enhanced female fecundity and greater frequency of mite leaf damage after trypan blue staining. Because ABI4 is regarded as an important player in the plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signalling process, we investigated the plastid envelope membrane dynamics using stroma-associated fluorescent marker. Our results indicated a clear increase in the number of stroma-filled tubular structures deriving from the plastid membrane (stromules) in the close proximity of the site of mite leaf damage, highlighting the importance of chloroplast-derived signals in the response to TSSM feeding activity

    Podstawowe własności macierzy pełnych

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    In this paper the, so called, full matrices are distinguished. A number of basic properties of such matrices are also presented. Moreover, few possible directions for further research are indicated.W artykule wyróżniono tzw. macierze pełne. Przedstawiono wiele podstawowych własności tych macierzy. Wskazano też kilka możliwych kierunków badań

    Wpływ oddziaływań mechanicznych między odlewem a formą odlewniczą na warunki oddawania ciepła: model numeryczny

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    We present a description of the effects of thermal interactions, which take into account formation of a shrinkage gap, that affect the level of stresses in a system casting – mold. Calculations were carried out in our own computer program which is an implementation of the finite element method used to solve the equations describing a thermo-elastic-plastic model of material and the heat conduction, including solidification. In the computing algorithm we use our own criteria for mechanical interaction between the casting and mold domains. Our model of mechanical interactions between the casting and the mold allows efficient modeling of stresses occurring in the casting and an impact of development of the shrinkage gap on cooling course.W artykule przedstawiamy opis oddziaływań cieplnych, uwzględniający tworzącą się szczelinę skurczową, które wpływają na poziom naprężeń w układzie odlew – forma odlewnicza. Obliczenia przeprowadzono we własnym programie komputerowym będącym implementacją metody elementów skończonych użytej do rozwiązania równań opisujących termosprężysto–plastyczny model materiału oraz przewodzenia ciepła z uwzględnieniem krzepnięcia. W algorytmie obliczeniowym wykorzystujemy własne kryteria wzajemnego oddziaływania mechanicznego obszarów odlewu i formy odlewniczej. Opracowany model oddziaływań mechanicznych między odlewem a formą odlewniczą pozwala na efektywne modelowanie naprężeń powstających w odlewie oraz wpływ rozwoju szczeliny skurczowej na przebieg stygnięcia

    Some generalizations of Gregory's power series and their applications

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    The series representing the generalizations of classical James Gregory's series are discussed in this paper. Formulae describing sums of these series are found. A number of applications of obtained formulae are also presented, among others, in receiving the generalizations of Gregory-Leibniz-Nilakantha formula. Moreover, the sums of series of differences of odd harmonic numbers are generated

    Hospital audit as a useful tool in the process of 2 introducing Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) into 3 hospital pharmacy settings – a pilot study

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    Background: Recently, the European Union has introduced the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD). Additionally, in early 2016, a Delegated Act (DA) related to the FMD was published. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of external audits in the context of implementing new regulations provided by the FMD in the secondary care environment. Methods: The external, in-person workflow audits were performed by an authentication company in three Polish hospital pharmacies. Each audit consisted of a combination of supervision (non- participant observation), secondary data analysis, and expert interviews with the use of an independently designed authorial Diagnostic Questionnaire. The questionnaire included information about hospital drug distribution procedures, data concerning drug usage, IT systems, medication order systems, the processes of medication dispensing, and the preparation and administration of hazardous drugs. Data analysis included a thorough examination of hospital documentation in regards to drug management. All data were subjected to qualitative analysis, with the aim of generating meaningful information through inductive inference. Results: Only one dispensing location in the Polish hospitals studied has the potential to be a primary authentication area. In the audited hospitals, an Automated Drug Dispensing System and unit dose were not identified during the study. Hospital wards contained an enclosed place within the department dedicated to drug storage under the direct supervision of senior nursing staff. An electronic order system was not available. In the largest center, unused medications are re- dispensed to different hospital departments, or may be sold to various institutions. Additionally, in one hospital pharmacy, pharmacists prepared parenteral nutrition and chemotherapeutic drugs for patients admitted to the hospital. Conclusions: External audits might prove beneficial in the course of introducing new regulations into everyday settings. However, such action should be provided before the final implementation of authentication services. To sum up, FMD can impact several hospital departments

    Hospital audit as a useful tool in the process of 2 introducing Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) into 3 hospital pharmacy settings – a pilot study

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    Background: Recently, the European Union has introduced the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD). Additionally, in early 2016, a Delegated Act (DA) related to the FMD was published. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of external audits in the context of implementing new regulations provided by the FMD in the secondary care environment. Methods: The external, in-person workflow audits were performed by an authentication company in three Polish hospital pharmacies. Each audit consisted of a combination of supervision (non- participant observation), secondary data analysis, and expert interviews with the use of an independently designed authorial Diagnostic Questionnaire. The questionnaire included information about hospital drug distribution procedures, data concerning drug usage, IT systems, medication order systems, the processes of medication dispensing, and the preparation and administration of hazardous drugs. Data analysis included a thorough examination of hospital documentation in regards to drug management. All data were subjected to qualitative analysis, with the aim of generating meaningful information through inductive inference. Results: Only one dispensing location in the Polish hospitals studied has the potential to be a primary authentication area. In the audited hospitals, an Automated Drug Dispensing System and unit dose were not identified during the study. Hospital wards contained an enclosed place within the department dedicated to drug storage under the direct supervision of senior nursing staff. An electronic order system was not available. In the largest center, unused medications are re- dispensed to different hospital departments, or may be sold to various institutions. Additionally, in one hospital pharmacy, pharmacists prepared parenteral nutrition and chemotherapeutic drugs for patients admitted to the hospital. Conclusions: External audits might prove beneficial in the course of introducing new regulations into everyday settings. However, such action should be provided before the final implementation of authentication services. To sum up, FMD can impact several hospital departments