17 research outputs found

    Myths about Borders and the Reconciliation Moment

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    This article deals with the relevant historical and political myths, especially myths about borders, firstly regarding the nationalistic movements within the FPRY/SFRY (including political emigration myths), and the myths and counter-myths concerning the new states created in the 1990s. Methodologically, this article emphasizes the dynamics of these myths and observes them in their continuous interaction. Thus, as opposed to the architects and engineers of these myths who see these myths as “natural” and “eternal”, as well as freed from “artificial creation”, this article places the emphasis on the artificial, or constructed, character of myths about borders and states, both Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav, as well as on their changes, dynamics and interaction. The text covers the period from World War II until the present day. Also, article is seeking for the political solution how to deal with myths and placing it in political context of apology and reconciliation in the Former Yugoslav Territories same as breaking the veil of secrecy in the Former Yugoslav Territories

    Uticaj ekonomskog liberalizma na države u tranziciji

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    Speaking about economic liberalism which has taken direction towards the concept of free trade and towards the doctrine connected with it about laissez-faire, one shall have in mind that it focused all its strength towards removing all economic barriers which have grown inside and between the countries on one side, and towards the fight against all forms of organizations from antique societies up to new syndicates on the other side. It conformed the most to economic giants, because providing them with the possibility of free competition in which bigger and stronger can equally freely overrun weaker and smaller. Although economic liberalism experienced the strongest strikes after the First World War by Fascism and Communism, it managed to recover in the second half of the XX century and to come back in a new form, in which powerful have even more power to use it cruelly, as they usually always have, to run over weaker - in this case national economies.Govoreći o ekonomskom liberalizmu u XX i na početku XXI veka, koji se usmerio na koncept slobodne trgovine i s njom povezano učenje o laissezfaire, treba imati na umu da je on svu snagu usmerio na rušenje ekonomskih barijera koje su rasle unutar zemalja i između njih, s jedne, i na borbu protiv svih oblika organizacija od antičkih društava do novih sindikata, s druge strane. On je najviše odgovarao ekonomskim gigantima, jer im je pružao mogućnost slobodne konkurencije u kojoj veći i jači jednako slobodno može da pregazi slabijeg i manjeg. Mada je ekonomski liberalizam doživeo krizu nakon Prvog svetskog rata, i to od strane fašizma i komunizma, on je ipak uspeo da se u drugoj polovini XX veka, oporavi i da se vrati u jednoj novoj formi, u kojoj moćnici imaju još veću moć i u kojoj nemilosrdno, kako je to uostalom uvek i bilo, gaze slabije - u ovom slučaju nacionalne ekonomije srednje razvijenih i nerazvijenih država

    Uticaj ekonomskog liberalizma na države u tranziciji

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    Speaking about economic liberalism which has taken direction towards the concept of free trade and towards the doctrine connected with it about laissez-faire, one shall have in mind that it focused all its strength towards removing all economic barriers which have grown inside and between the countries on one side, and towards the fight against all forms of organizations from antique societies up to new syndicates on the other side. It conformed the most to economic giants, because providing them with the possibility of free competition in which bigger and stronger can equally freely overrun weaker and smaller. Although economic liberalism experienced the strongest strikes after the First World War by Fascism and Communism, it managed to recover in the second half of the XX century and to come back in a new form, in which powerful have even more power to use it cruelly, as they usually always have, to run over weaker - in this case national economies.Govoreći o ekonomskom liberalizmu u XX i na početku XXI veka, koji se usmerio na koncept slobodne trgovine i s njom povezano učenje o laissezfaire, treba imati na umu da je on svu snagu usmerio na rušenje ekonomskih barijera koje su rasle unutar zemalja i između njih, s jedne, i na borbu protiv svih oblika organizacija od antičkih društava do novih sindikata, s druge strane. On je najviše odgovarao ekonomskim gigantima, jer im je pružao mogućnost slobodne konkurencije u kojoj veći i jači jednako slobodno može da pregazi slabijeg i manjeg. Mada je ekonomski liberalizam doživeo krizu nakon Prvog svetskog rata, i to od strane fašizma i komunizma, on je ipak uspeo da se u drugoj polovini XX veka, oporavi i da se vrati u jednoj novoj formi, u kojoj moćnici imaju još veću moć i u kojoj nemilosrdno, kako je to uostalom uvek i bilo, gaze slabije - u ovom slučaju nacionalne ekonomije srednje razvijenih i nerazvijenih država

    Uticaj ekonomskog liberalizma na države u tranziciji

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    Speaking about economic liberalism which has taken direction towards the concept of free trade and towards the doctrine connected with it about laissez-faire, one shall have in mind that it focused all its strength towards removing all economic barriers which have grown inside and between the countries on one side, and towards the fight against all forms of organizations from antique societies up to new syndicates on the other side. It conformed the most to economic giants, because providing them with the possibility of free competition in which bigger and stronger can equally freely overrun weaker and smaller. Although economic liberalism experienced the strongest strikes after the First World War by Fascism and Communism, it managed to recover in the second half of the XX century and to come back in a new form, in which powerful have even more power to use it cruelly, as they usually always have, to run over weaker - in this case national economies.Govoreći o ekonomskom liberalizmu u XX i na početku XXI veka, koji se usmerio na koncept slobodne trgovine i s njom povezano učenje o laissezfaire, treba imati na umu da je on svu snagu usmerio na rušenje ekonomskih barijera koje su rasle unutar zemalja i između njih, s jedne, i na borbu protiv svih oblika organizacija od antičkih društava do novih sindikata, s druge strane. On je najviše odgovarao ekonomskim gigantima, jer im je pružao mogućnost slobodne konkurencije u kojoj veći i jači jednako slobodno može da pregazi slabijeg i manjeg. Mada je ekonomski liberalizam doživeo krizu nakon Prvog svetskog rata, i to od strane fašizma i komunizma, on je ipak uspeo da se u drugoj polovini XX veka, oporavi i da se vrati u jednoj novoj formi, u kojoj moćnici imaju još veću moć i u kojoj nemilosrdno, kako je to uostalom uvek i bilo, gaze slabije - u ovom slučaju nacionalne ekonomije srednje razvijenih i nerazvijenih država

    Model for Automated Generation of DTM with Hybrid Data Structure Using Point Clouds

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    In this paper, a model has been created for the automated generation of DTM (Digital Terrain Models) using a hybrid data structure based on LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. The automated process facilitates the creation and implementation of both simplified and complex DTMs using hybrid data structure. The classification of terrain into various classes is achieved through the application of the slope parameter. This model can be applied to the entire area or a specific area of interest by loading the boundaries and offers the optional capability to implement structural terrain lines in the form of watersheds. The proposed model addresses the challenge of generating DTMs in rapidly changing terrain and areas with complex landscapes, providing solutions to enhance DTM generation performance. Alongside the hybrid DTM structure, the developed model introduces a hierarchical grid with three different spatial resolutions, allowing users to adjust them based on specific requirements. The model is designed to adapt to the terrain, creating a hybrid data structure that combines the benefits of the GRID and TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) approaches. The development and implementation of the model were carried out in ModelBuilder, within the ArcMap software environment

    First report of pneumonia caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum in a golden jackal

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    Angiostrongylosis caused by metastrongyloid nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum is an emerging parasitic disease in Europe and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is considered as a main reservoir species for this parasite. Little is known about the role of other wild canids in the epidemiology of angiostrongylosis. The present paper provides the first description of pathomorphological lesions caused by A. vasorum in a golden jackal (Canis aureus). The paper describes a case of co-infection with A. vasorum and Dirofilaria immitis in a one-year-old female golden jackal, legally hunted near the City of Kovin, South Banat, Serbia, The postmortem examination revealed severe pneumonia, proliferative endarteritis, the presence of two adult males of D. immitis in the right atrium, and the presence of 15 adult forms of A. vasonun (11 females and 4 males) in the pulmonary arteries. Native microscopy of an impression smear of the lung tissue found numerous larvae compatible with the A. vasorum first larval stage. This paper provides the first evidence that angiostrongylosis exists in the golden jackal in Serbia and confirms that the golden jackal should be considered as a very suitable definitive host for A. vasorum. The results suggest the possibility that the golden jackal may act as reservoir species and as an important transmitter of A. vasorum larvae

    Are golden jackals (Canis aureus) definitive hosts for Angiostrongylus vasorum?

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    Angiostrongylosis caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum is an emerging disease in Europe. Recent reports have shown that, besides the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) recognized as the main definitive host and reservoir for the parasite, the role of the definitive host can be taken by a range of mammals. We considered that, due to the rapid large-scale expansion of its populations in Europe, the golden jackal (Canis aureus) could assume an important role in the epidemiology of the disease. The aim of the investigations was to explore the role of the golden jackal as the definitive host for A. vasorum. Sixty-three golden jackals, legally hunted in lowlands around the Danube River in Serbia recognized as the core area of the species distribution in Europe, were subjected to patho-morphological and parasitological examination. The adult forms of A. vasorum were detected in the pulmonary arteries in six golden jackals with gross lesions manifested in the lungs. The finding of first stage larvae (L1) of A. vasorum in microscopic smears of the lung tissue altered by infection, which was consistent with the presence of adult parasites and manifestation of gross lesions in the lungs, confirms the successful reproduction of the parasite in the golden jackal. Migration of L1 from the blood vessels to the airways was confirmed by histopathology and, subsequently, their shedding was demonstrated by the Baermann method. The results support the hypothesis that the golden jackal acts as a suitable definitive host for A. vasorum. As a definitive host with a large-scale expansion of its populations in Europe, the golden jackal may be an important part of the parasites host repertoire by spreading the parasite into previously non-endemic areas and by being an additional definitive host in endemic areas of vulpine angiostrongylosis

    Dirofilarioza kod divljih mesojeda u Južnom Banatu

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    Дирофилариоза проузрокована врстом Dirofilaria immitis је паразитска болест паса и других карнивора. Узрочник паразитира у плућним артеријама и десном срцу правих домаћина, а за употпуњење развојног циклуса користи преко 60 врста комараца који имају улогу прелазног домаћина. Поред пса, прави домаћин могу да буду: вук, шакал, којот, лисица, мачка, дивље фелиде и неке друге врсте животиња, али се пас сматра најкомпетентнијим природним правим домаћином. У Ветеринарском специјалистичком институту „Панчево“ од 2004. године бележи се висока инциденција дирофилариозе код обдукованих паса што је био разлог да се испитивања преусмере на дивље месоједе. У периоду од 2013. до 2018. године, обдуковано је 100 лисица, 30 шакала и три вука. У отвореној десној срчаној преткомори, комори, плућној артерији и њеним гранама испитивано је присуство одраслих облика D. immitis. Од појединих животиња узимани су и узорци за хистопатолошко испитивање. Одрасли облици паразита доказани су код 19 лисица, 5 шакала и једног вука. Макроскопске промене у срцу и плућима установљене су само код вука у виду емболије плућа и дилатације и хипертрофије десног срца. Хистопатолошке промене манифестовале су се у плућној артерији на месту паразитирања одраслих облика паразита у виду пролиферативног ендартеритиса. Истраживања спроведена у јужном Банату показала су да је дирофилариоза распрострањена код дивљих канида: лисица, шакала и вукова, што указује на могућност њеног одржавања у силватичном циклусу. Због тога у изради стратегије сузбијања дирофилариозе треба имати у виду дивље каниде као могуће резервоаре узрочника.Dirofilariosis caused by Dirofilaria immitis is a parasitic disease of dogs and other carnivores. The agent parasitizes the pulmonary arteries and right heart of definitive hosts, and for completion of its lifecycle uses over 60 species of mosquitoes which act as the intermediate host. In addition to the dog, the definitive host can be: the wolf, jackal, coyote, red fox, cat, wild felids and some other animal species, but the dog is considered as the most competent natural definitive host. Since 2004, a high incidence of dirofilariosis has been recorded in necropsied dogs in the Veterinary Specialized Institute "Pančevo", the reason to aim the investigations in wild carnivores. In a period from 2013 to 2018, 100 red foxes, 30 jackals and three wolves were necropsied. The presence of adult forms of D. immitis was examined in the cut-open right heart atrium, ventricle, pulmonary artery and its branches. From some animals, samples were taken for histopathology. Adult forms of the parasite have been revealed in 19 foxes, 5 jackals and one wolf. Macroscopic alterations in the heart and lungs were found only in the wolf in a form of pulmonary embolism, and dilation and hypertrophy of the right heart. Histopathological lesions were observed in the pulmonary artery, at the site of parasitism of adult parasites, in a form of proliferative endarteritis. Studies conducted in south Banat have shown that dirofilariosis is widespread in wild canids: foxes, jackals and wolves, implying the possibility of its maintenance in the sylvatic cycle. Therefore, in designing a strategy for the control of dirofilariosis, wild canids should be considered as potential reservoirs for the parasite.Zbornik kratkih sadržaj

    Investigation of the role of the golden jackals as the definitive hosts for Angiostrongylus vasorum

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    Ангиостронгилоза проузрокована врстом Angiostrongylus vasorum једна је од паразитских болести које се брзо шире у Европи последњих година. Познато је да болест може да буде фатална за псе и да су лисице прави домаћин и главни резервоар узрочника у природи. Висока преваленција ангиостронгилозе лисица у јужном Банату, доказана претходним испитивањима у Ветеринарском специјалистичком институту „Панчево“, била је повод да се истражи могућност улоге шакала као правих домаћина за овог узрочника. Истраживања су спроведена у областима са највећом густином популације шакала на Балкану, на јужнобанатском и браничевском епизоотиолошком подручју. Обдуковано је 63 шакала. Узорци измета испитивани су модификованом Бермановом методом. Срце и плућа са припадајућим крвним судовима након макроскопског испитивања узорковани су за паразитолошко испитивање. Делови промењеног плућног ткива испитивани су хистопатолошки. Код 6 лешева утврђено је присуство различитих стадијума A. vasorum у плућима и доказано је излучивање ларви изметом. Захваћени делови плућа инфицираних животиња били су тамноцрвене до браон боје, чврсте конзистенције, сувог и зрнастог пресека. Хистопатолошким испитивањем утврђено је присуство адулта, ларви и јаја A. vasorum у плућном ткиву. Од хистопатолошких промена установљено је оштећење крвних судова, крварења, хемосидероза, мултифокални грануломи, задебљање алвеоларних септи и задебљање зидова артерија. Истраживања су потврдила да су шакали прави домаћини за A. vasorum. Као врста у експанзији могли би да утичу на пораст инциденције ангиостронгилозе.Angiostrongylosis caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum is one of the parasitic diseases that have spread rapidly in Europe in recent years. It is known that the disease can be fatal for dogs and that foxes are the definitive hosts and the main reservoirs for the agent. The high prevalence of vulpine angiostrongylosis in south Banat, proven by previous studies in the Veterinary Specialised Institute "Pancevo", was the reason to investigate the possibility of the role of the golden jackals as the definitive hosts for this agent. The investigations were carried out in the areas with the highest population density of the golden jackals in the Balkans, in the South Banat and Braničevo epizootiological areas. The necropsy was performed on 63 jackals. Fecal samples were examined by a modified Bermann method. The heart and lungs with associated blood vessels, after macroscopic examination, were sampled for parasitology. Parts of the macroscopically altered lung tissue were examined histopathologically. The presence of different stages of A. vasorum in the lungs was determined and the excretion of larvae in feces was proven in 6 corpses. Affected parts of the lungs of infected animals were dark red to brown in color, firm in consistency and with dry and granular cut surface. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of adults, larvae and eggs of A. vasorum in lung tissue. Histopathological lesions were characterized by damage of blood vessels, haemorrhage, haemosiderosis, multifocal granulomas, thickening of alveolar septa and thickening of artery walls. The investigation confirmed that jackals are the definitive hosts for A. vasorum. As a species in expansion, they could influence the increase in the incidence of angiostrongylosis.Zbornik kratkih sadržaj

    The influence of German settlers on the formation and development of an industrial town in Habsburg Bosnia: Teslić (1878-1918)

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    This paper studies the formation and development of the Bosnian town of Teslić from the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878 to the end of the First World War in 1918. The goal is to emphasize the significant characteristics of the town's development: the spread of capitalism; economic modernization; the arrival of a non-Slavic, predominantly German population; and the town as the leader of industrialization in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The industrial origin of Teslić and its structure demonstrate Austria-Hungary's need to economically integrate Bosnia and Herzegovina into its state area. The aim of this paper is to show to what extent the dynamics of industrial development influenced the town's formation and to see how the colonist population, which was mostly of German origin, influenced the industrial development and social life of the town