8,510 research outputs found

    Energy-momentum tensor in thermal strong-field QED with unstable vacuum

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    The mean value of the one-loop energy-momentum tensor in thermal QED with electric-like background that creates particles from vacuum is calculated. The problem differes essentially from calculations of effective actions (similar to that of Heisenberg--Euler) in backgrounds that do not violate the stability of vacuum. The role of a constant electric background in the violation of both the stability of vacuum and the thermal character of particle distribution is investigated. Restrictions on the electric field and its duration under which one can neglect the back-reaction of created particles are established.Comment: 7 pages, Talk presented at Workshop "Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions", Leipzig, September 17-21, 2007; introduction extended, version accepted for publication in J.Phys.

    Arbitrarily slow, non-quasistatic, isothermal transformations

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    For an overdamped colloidal particle diffusing in a fluid in a controllable, virtual potential, we show that arbitrarily slow transformations, produced by smooth deformations of a double-well potential, need not be reversible. The arbitrarily slow transformations do need to be fast compared to the barrier crossing time, but that time can be extremely long. We consider two types of cyclic, isothermal transformations of a double-well potential. Both start and end in the same equilibrium state, and both use the same basic operations---but in different order. By measuring the work for finite cycle times and extrapolating to infinite times, we found that one transformation required no work, while the other required a finite amount of work, no matter how slowly it was carried out. The difference traces back to the observation that when time is reversed, the two protocols have different outcomes, when carried out arbitrarily slowly. A recently derived formula relating work production to the relative entropy of forward and backward path probabilities predicts the observed work average.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Multiple testing of local maxima for detection of peaks in 1D

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    A topological multiple testing scheme for one-dimensional domains is proposed where, rather than testing every spatial or temporal location for the presence of a signal, tests are performed only at the local maxima of the smoothed observed sequence. Assuming unimodal true peaks with finite support and Gaussian stationary ergodic noise, it is shown that the algorithm with Bonferroni or Benjamini--Hochberg correction provides asymptotic strong control of the family wise error rate and false discovery rate, and is power consistent, as the search space and the signal strength get large, where the search space may grow exponentially faster than the signal strength. Simulations show that error levels are maintained for nonasymptotic conditions, and that power is maximized when the smoothing kernel is close in shape and bandwidth to the signal peaks, akin to the matched filter theorem in signal processing. The methods are illustrated in an analysis of electrical recordings of neuronal cell activity.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS943 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Peak Detection as Multiple Testing

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    This paper considers the problem of detecting equal-shaped non-overlapping unimodal peaks in the presence of Gaussian ergodic stationary noise, where the number, location and heights of the peaks are unknown. A multiple testing approach is proposed in which, after kernel smoothing, the presence of a peak is tested at each observed local maximum. The procedure provides strong control of the family wise error rate and the false discovery rate asymptotically as both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the search space get large, where the search space may grow exponentially as a function of SNR. Simulations assuming a Gaussian peak shape and a Gaussian autocorrelation function show that desired error levels are achieved for relatively low SNR and are robust to partial peak overlap. Simulations also show that detection power is maximized when the smoothing bandwidth is close to the bandwidth of the signal peaks, akin to the well-known matched filter theorem in signal processing. The procedure is illustrated in an analysis of electrical recordings of neuronal cell activity.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure

    Optimal fast single pulse readout of qubits

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    The computer simulations of the process of single pulse readout from the flux-biased phase qubit is performed in the frame of one-dimensional Schroedinger equation. It has been demonstrated that the readout error can be minimized by choosing the optimal pulse duration and the depth of a potential well, leading to the fidelity of 0.94 for 2ns and 0.965 for 12ns sinusoidal pulses.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    On "Schwinger Mechanism for Gluon Pair Production in the Presence of Arbitrary Time Dependent Chromo-Electric Field"

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    Recently the paper "Schwinger Mechanism for Gluon Pair Production in the Presence of Arbitrary Time Dependent Chromo-Electric Field" by G. C. Nayak was published [Eur. Phys. J. C 59, 715 (2009); arXiv:0708.2430]. Its aim is to obtain an exact expression for the probability of non-perturbative gluon pair production per unit time per unit volume and per unit transverse momentum in an arbitrary time-dependent chromo-electric background field. We believe that the obtained expression is open to question. We demonstrate its inconsistency on some well-known examples. We think that this is a consequence of using the so-called "shift theorem" [arXiv:hep-th/0609192] in deriving the expression for the probability. We make some critical comments on the theorem and its applicability to the problem in question.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum scalar field in FRW Universe with constant electromagnetic background

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    We discuss massive scalar field with conformal coupling in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) Universe of special type with constant electromagnetic field. Treating an external gravitational-electromagnetic background exactly, at first time the proper-time representations for out-in, in-in, and out-out scalar Green functions are explicitly constructed as proper-time integrals over the corresponding (complex) contours. The vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitudes and number of created particles are found and vacuum instability is discussed. The mean values of the current and energy-momentum tensor are evaluated, and different approximations for them are investigated. The back reaction of the particles created to the electromagnetic field is estimated in different regimes. The connection between proper-time method and effective action is outlined. The effective action in scalar QED in weakly-curved FRW Universe (De Sitter space) with weak constant electromagnetic field is found as derivative expansion over curvature and electromagnetic field strength. Possible further applications of the results are briefly mentioned.Comment: 38 pages, LaTe

    One-loop energy-momentum tensor in QED with electric-like background

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    We have obtained nonperturbative one-loop expressions for the mean energy-momentum tensor and current density of Dirac's field on a constant electric-like background. One of the goals of this calculation is to give a consistent description of back-reaction in such a theory. Two cases of initial states are considered: the vacuum state and the thermal equilibrium state. First, we perform calculations for the vacuum initial state. In the obtained expressions, we separate the contributions due to particle creation and vacuum polarization. The latter contributions are related to the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian. Then, we study the case of the thermal initial state. Here, we separate the contributions due to particle creation, vacuum polarization, and the contributions due to the work of the external field on the particles at the initial state. All these contributions are studied in detail, in different regimes of weak and strong fields and low and high temperatures. The obtained results allow us to establish restrictions on the electric field and its duration under which QED with a strong constant electric field is consistent. Under such restrictions, one can neglect the back-reaction of particles created by the electric field. Some of the obtained results generalize the calculations of Heisenberg-Euler for energy density to the case of arbitrary strong electric fields.Comment: 35 pages; misprints in the sign in definitions (40)-(43), and (68) corrected, results unchange

    Comments on spin operators and spin-polarization states of 2+1 fermions

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    In this brief article we discuss spin polarization operators and spin polarization states of 2+1 massive Dirac fermions and find a convenient representation by the help of 4-spinors for their description. We stress that in particular the use of such a representation allows us to introduce the conserved covariant spin operator in the 2+1 field theory. Another advantage of this representation is related to the pseudoclassical limit of the theory. Indeed, quantization of the pseudoclassical model of a spinning particle in 2+1 dimensions leads to the 4-spinor representation as the adequate realization of the operator algebra, where the corresponding operator of a first-class constraint, which cannot be gauged out by imposing the gauge condition, is just the covariant operator previously introduced in the quantum theory.Comment: 6 page