25 research outputs found

    Порівняльна оцінка якості кролятини, отриманої в умовах забійного підприємства і приватного сектору

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    Recently, healthy food products, include rabbit meat, are becoming increasingly popular consumers. Given the large percentage of households producing rabbit meat, as well as the development of relevant enterprises, the issue of quality of rabbit meat obtained under various technological conditions is relevant. The research material was two groups of Californian breed rabbits: the first (I) in the amount of 32 animals from a small rabbit farm city, the second (II) in the amount of 60 animals from a rabbit breeding and processing enterprise in the Dnipro. The experience consisted of determining: technological features of the slaughter and primary processing of rabbits, meat production and quality characteristics of rabbit meat, as well as slaughter veterinary and sanitary examination and histomorphological research. The general patterns of slaughter and primary processing of rabbits of both groups were generally similar and consistent with the requirements. The differences are defined in the methods of stunning, bleeding, toilet carcasses and preparing them for storage. A quick and effective method of bleeding rabbits of group II led to blood contamination of the skins, while in group I the skins remained clean. The dressing out percentage of rabbit backyard slaughter was 6.2 % higher (P < 0.001) than at the enterprise, and, conversely, the loss of carcass meat juice after cooling was 3.24 % less (P < 0.01) in production than in the small farm. The decrease in meat pH at the extreme minimum values per day after slaughter in the 1st group was more intense than in the 2nd group: 5.72 and 5.93 (P <0.001), respectively. The influence of the conditions for the production of rabbit meat on the moisture and protein content in meat was not revealed. The pathological changes common to both groups of rabbits were characterized by the detection of hematomas, subcutaneous abscesses in carcasses (9.4 % and 5.0 % of cases), hepatic coccidiosis (12.5 % and 18.3 %). A significant difference was found in pathological changes in the lungs: the incidence of hemoaspiration of the lungs of rabbit slaughter was 16.5 times higher than that of rabbits slaughtered under production conditions.Останнім часом все більш затребуваними споживачами стають продукти здорового харчування, до яких фахівці зараховують кролятину. Враховуючи великий відсоток господарств населення з виробництва м’яса кролів, а також розвиток відповідних підприємств, актуальним є питання порівняльної характеристики якості кролятини, отриманої за різних технологічних умов. Матеріалом дослідження були дві групи кролів каліфорнійської породи: перша (I) у кількості 32 тварини із кролеферми приватного сектору міста Дніпра, друга (II) – у кількості 60 тварин із підприємства з вирощування і переробки кролів міста Дніпра. Дослід складався з визначення: технологічних особливостей забою і первинної переробки кролів, м’ясних продуктивних та якісних характеристик кролятини, а також післязабійної ветеринарно-санітарної експертизи та гістоморфологічного дослідження. Загальні схеми забою і первинної переробки кролів обох груп загалом були схожі й відповідали вимогам. Відмінності визначені у способах оглушення, знекровлення, туалету тушок та підготовки їх до зберігання. Швидкий та ефективний спосіб знекровлення кролів II групи приводив до забруднення кров’ю шкурок, тимчасом як в I групі шкури залишалися чистими. Забійний вихід тушок кролів подвірного забою був вищим на 6,2 % (Р < 0,001), ніж на підприємстві і, навпаки, втрати м’ясного соку тушки після охолодження були меншими на 3,24 % (Р < 0,01) на виробництві, ніж у господарстві приватного сектору. Зниження рН м’яса до крайніх мінімальних значень через добу після забою в I групі було інтенсивнішим, ніж в II групі: 5,72 і 5,93 (Р < 0,001) відповідно. Не виявлено впливу умов виробництва кролятини на вміст вологи і білка в м’ясі. Спільні для обох груп кролів патологічні зміни характеризувались виявленням гематом, підшкірних абсцесів на тушках (9,4 % і 5,0 % випадків), еймеріозом печінки (12,5 % і 18,3 %). Суттєва різниця виявлена в патологічних змінах легень: частота випадків гемоаспірації легень кролів подвірного забою була в 16,5 разу вищою, ніж у кролів, забитих у виробничих умовах

    Structure and significance of cytogenetic abnormalities in adult patients with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Objective. To evaluate occurrence, variety, structural peculiarities and prognostic meaning of cytogenetic abnormalities in adult patients with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) receiving therapy according to ALL-2009 protocol. Materials and methods. The study included 115 adult patients with firstly diagnosed Ph-negative ALL: 58 male and 57 female aged from 15 to 61 years (mean age 26.5 years), who underwent treatment from September 2009 to September 2015 in National Medical Research Center for Hematology MH RF (n=101) and in hematology departments of regional hospitals (n=14). All patients received therapy of ALL-2009 protocol (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01193933). The median follow-up was 24.5 months (0.2-94.4 months). As a part of the study results of a standard cytogenetic assay (SCA) were analyzed and fluorescence hybridization in situ (FISH) with the use of DNA-probes was performed on archived biological material for structural changes in gene locuses MLL/t(11q23), с-MYC/t(8q24), TP53/ deletion 17p13, CDKN2A/ deletion 9p21, translocation t(1;19)/E2A-PBX1 и t(12;21)/ETV6-RUNX1; iAMP21 identification. Results. Karyotype was defined using SCA in 86% of patients. Normal karyotype was found in 48.5% of them, chromosome aberrations in 51.5% (structural changes were found in 19.2%, hyperploidy in 27.2%, and hypoploidy in 5.1%). In 17.2% of patients complex karyotype abnormalities were found. With the use of FISH technique aberrations were found in 67% of patients: 9p21/CDKN2A deletion in 24.3%, MLL/t(11q23) gene abnormalities in 7.8%, 17p13/TP53 deletion in 5.2%, abnormalities of c-MYC/t(8q24) in 1.7%, t(1;19)/E2A-PBX1 in 0.8%, and iAMP21 in 0.8%, other abnormalities (additional signals/absence of signals from gene locuses) in 26.4%, t(12;21)/ETV6-RUNX1 was not found. FISH technique use in addition to SCA allows to increase aberrant karyotype location from 51.5 to 67%. A statistically significant correlation of 9p21/CDKN2A deletion with high serum lactate dehydrogenase activity (p=0.02); MLL/t(11q23) gene abnormalities - with leucocytosis and high blast cells level in blood (p=0.0016), hyperploidy - with normal leukocyte count (p=0.02) was shown. In groups with different cytogenetic abnormalities no statistically significant differences of treatment with ALL-2009 protocol were found (in terms of complete remission, early mortality and treatment resistance). When connection of cytogenetic abnormalities and their combinations with long-term results were analyzed according to ALL-2009 protocol, only two characteristics - MLL/t(11q23) and c MYC/t(8q24) gene abnormalities had a statistically significant influence on disease-free survival (HR - 176.9;

    Diagnostics and treatment challenges of Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a description of 3 clinical cases

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    B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) is a diverse group of malignant blood disorders both with regard to the biological properties of the tumor and to therapeutic approaches. Immunophenotyping, molecular genetic techniques, whole-genome sequencing characterize B-ALL as a very diverse group for sensitivity to chemotherapy and prognosis. We present three clinical cases of patients with B-ALL and expected good response to standard therapy, in whom standard protocol treatment failured: refractoriness, persistence of minimal residual disease (MRD), and progression (MRD increase). The remission in these patients was achieved after chemotherapy change to immunological targeted therapy. Nowadays a unified therapeutic approach to all primary patients of the B-ALL is considered generally outdated. Great efforts are carrying out to develop molecular genetic classifications. The molecular dissection of subtypes of B-ALL goes on, and new protocols for selective treatment with targeting are clearly outlined for each subtype of B-ALL

    Results of program acute myeloid leukemia therapy use in National Medical Research Center for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

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    Objective. To analyze treatment results of 172 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) aged 18-60 years in National Medical Research Center for Hematology of MHRF. Materials and methods. Inductive and consolidation program for 139 (80%) patients was based on a standardized protocol: 4 courses “7+3” with different anthracycline use (2 courses of daunorubicin, idarubicin, mitoxantrone) and continuous use of cytarabine on the second inductive course. In 20% of patients cytarabine courses at the dose of 1 g/m2 2 times a day for 1-3 days combined with idarubicin and mitoxantrone were used as two consolidation courses. Allogenic bone marrow transplantation was performed in the first complete remission (CR) period in 40% of patients. Results. The frequency of CR achievement in all patients was 78.6%, refractory forms were observed in 13.9% of patients, early mortality - in 7.5% of patients. Seven-year overall survival (OS) rate was 40.7%, relapse free survival (RFS) - 43.2%. When estimating effectiveness depending on cytogenetic risk group it was demonstrated that 5-year OS and RFS in patients with translocation (8; 21) cannot be considered as satisfying, it accounted for 50 and 34%, respectively. At the same time in patients with 16th chromosome inversion (inv16) these characteristics accounted for 68.6 and 63.5%. Acquired results forced reconsidering of the consolidation program in AML patients of this subgroup. The median time to allogenic blood stem cells transplantation (allo-BSCT) in patients with first CR was 6.5 months that was taken as a reference point in landmark analysis of patients in whom allo-BSCT was not performed. Landmark analysis showed that in AML patients of favorable prognosis group allo-BSCT does not significantly reduce the probability of relapse (0 and 36%) and does not influence RFS (33 and 64%). In patients of border-line and poor prognosis allo-BSCT significantly reduces relapse probability (26 and 66%; 20 and 100%) and significantly increases a 7-year RFS (68.7 and 30%; 45.6 and 0%). Allo-BSCT also results in significant RFS increase and reduces the probability of relapse (25 and 78%) in patients in whom CR was achieved only after the second induction course. At the same time allo-BSCT does not influence patients who achieved CR after the first treatment course: 55 and 50%. Conclusion. Multivariate analysis showed that cytogenetic risk group (HR=2.3), time of CR achievement (HR=2.9), and allo-BSCT transplantation (HR=0.16) are independent factors for disease relapse prognosis after achieving CR

    Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila

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    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a recessive hereditary neurodegenerative disease in humans, has been linked to mutations in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. SMA patients display early onset lethality coupled with motor neuron loss and skeletal muscle atrophy. We used Drosophila, which encodes a single SMN ortholog, survival motor neuron (Smn), to model SMA, since reduction of Smn function leads to defects that mimic the SMA pathology in humans. Here we show that a normal neuromuscular junction (NMJ) structure depends on SMN expression and that SMN concentrates in the post-synaptic NMJ regions. We conducted a screen for genetic modifiers of an Smn phenotype using the Exelixis collection of transposon-induced mutations, which affects approximately 50% of the Drosophila genome. This screen resulted in the recovery of 27 modifiers, thereby expanding the genetic circuitry of Smn to include several genes not previously known to be associated with this locus. Among the identified modifiers was wishful thinking (wit), a type II BMP receptor, which was shown to alter the Smn NMJ phenotype. Further characterization of two additional members of the BMP signaling pathway, Mothers against dpp (Mad) and Daughters against dpp (Dad), also modify the Smn NMJ phenotype. The NMJ defects caused by loss of Smn function can be ameliorated by increasing BMP signals, suggesting that increased BMP activity in SMA patients may help to alleviate symptoms of the disease. These results confirm that our genetic approach is likely to identify bona fide modulators of SMN activity, especially regarding its role at the neuromuscular junction, and as a consequence, may identify putative SMA therapeutic targets

    Structural and functional units of parenchyma of lymph nodes of dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius)

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    This article analyzes patterns of structural and functional organization of the parenchyma of different groups of lymph nodes, structural features of their connective tissue frame and lymphatic sinuses. We studied superficial and deep somatic (Limphonodi mandibulares, L. cervicales superficiales, L. axillares proprii, L. poplitei), somatovisceral (L. retropharyngei mediales, L. iliaci mediales), visceral (L. mediastinales caudales, L. jejunales) features of mature male dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius Linnaeus, 1758). We used a complex of traditional macroscopic and histological techniques, and also immunohistochemical staining of lymph node sections for identifying the features of localization of T- and B-lymphocyte populations in the parenchyma of the nodes. We found that the parenchyma of camels’ lymph nodes is characterized by a spongy type structure in the form of a complex of partly concrescent round-oval fragments of lymphoid tissue, surrounded by large lymphatic spaces (sinuses). The connective tissue frame of the lymph nodes is represented by a two-layer (connective tissue-muscular) capsule and two types of trabeculae: two-layered (connective-muscular, type I), which contain blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as lymphatic cysternas, and single-layered, formed only by a smooth muscular system (type II). Intranodal lymphatic sinuses are subdivided into subcapsular, peritrabecular and medullary sinuses. The subcapsular sinuses and sinuses related to trabeculae of type I and their branching is the most developed. At the tissue level, the lymph node parenchyma has a clearly manifested lobular structure. Lymphoid lobules in the lymph node parenchyma are positioned diffusely (mosaically) and consist of four main cellular zones: transit and cell-cell interaction (analogous to the cortical plateau), clonal proliferation of T- and, respectively, B-lymphocytes (deep cortex units, lymphatic nodules), accumulation of plasmocytes and synthesis of antibodies (brain cords). The lymphoid lobes (compartments) of the lymph nodes parenchyma are bipolar, their tops formed by the zones of transit and cell-cell interaction, and also by the zones of proliferation of B lymphocytes, and the bases by a complex of brain cords (zone of accumulation of plasmocytes and synthesis of antibodies). The zone of T-lymphocytes proliferation is in intermediate position and underlies the subunits of the parenchyma. The tops of the lymphoid lobes are located along the sinuses of the trabeculae of type I and the bases along the sinuses of the trabeculae of type II, which form the efferent lymphatic vessels. The maximum relative capacity of all studied lymph nodes was typical for zones of plasmocyte accumulation and synthesis of antibodies (19–27%), the minimum capacity was typical for transit and cell-cell interaction zones (3–8%). The relative capacity of zones of clonal proliferation of T- and B-lymphocytes in most lymph nodes was 1.5–3.0 times less than that of the zone of plasmocyte accumulation and antibody formation and was, respectively, 8–16% and 9–18%. The study showed that the structure of the lymph nodes parenchyma of dromedaries is not absolutely unique. As in other mammal species, it is subdivided into specialized cell zones which are connected in lymphoid lobules. Specific features of parenchyma structure include: diffuse (mosaic) location of lymphoid lobules; absence of signs of regulated localization of lymphoid lobules relative to the capsule and the sinus bordering the nodes

    Prenatal morphogenesis of compartments of the parenchyma of the lymph nodes of domestic cattle (Bos taurus)

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    The article analyzes the regularities of the formation and development of the lymphoid lobules of the parenchyma of the somatic (Limphonodi cervicales superficiales) and visceral (L. jejunales) lymph nodes in domestic cattle in the fetal period of ontogenesis. We used routine histological techniques and author's modification of the impregnation of total median sections with silver nitrate. Visualization of various zones of lymphoid lobules was carried out taking into account the specific for different cell zones architectonics of reticular fibers. It has been established that signs of morphological heterogeneity of parenchyma of lymph nodes are first found in three month-old fetuses, which is associated with the concentration of lymphoid tissue along the marginal sinus. Separation of lymphoid lobules and their structural and functional differentiation are first detected in five month fetuses. In the lymphoid lobules of five month-old fetuses all structural and functional cell zones are observable, among which the regions of clonal proliferation of T and B lymphocytes are the least developed, and regions of the transit corridors for lymphocytes migrating medullary and the cords (zone of potential accumulation of plasmocytes and antibody formation) are the most developed. Structural and functional transformations of compartments in the prenatal period of ontogenesis are accompanied by a predominantly moderate increase of the relative volume of specialized T- and B-dependent zones of lobules, against a background of a gradual decrease of the volume of transit corridors for lymphocytes migrating and zone of potential accumulation of plasmocytes and antibody formation. Due to the small volume and relatively low rates of development of the lymphocytes clonal proliferation zones, the quantitative ratios of the cellular zones in lymphoid lobules of the lymph nodes of domestic cattle in prenatal ontogenesis remain relatively stable, while maintaining the maximum indices of the development of transit corridors for lymphocytes migration and medullary cords. Among the zones of lymphocytes clonal proliferation throughout the fetal period, T-dependent zones predominate, the relative volume of which is 5.0–7.5 times greater than the volume of B-dependent zones. Lymphoid lobules in the lymph nodes of the domestic cattle fetuses of all age groups are arranged along the marginal sinus in one row and have a polar structure due to the formation of lymph nodes at one pole of the lobules in the interfollicular zone. In the visceral lymph nodes (L. jejunum) of 8–9 month-old fetuses, individual lymph nodes can form in paracortical strands, on the border with the interfollicular zone


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    Introduction. CDKN2A deletion is a frequent cytogenetic abnormality in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL),  ranging from 18 to 46 %, associating with Т-cell ALL, high WBC counts, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy. In pediatric group of patient’s CDKN2A deletion was associated with poor event-free survival. The prognostic impact of CDKN2A deletion in adult ALL patients appear controversial.The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic impact of the CDKN2A deletion in adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which were treated by RALL-2009.Materials and methods. We present the results of the CDKN2A deletion in 110 adult patients with newly diagnosed Ph-negative (Ph‒) ALL, which were treated by RALL-2009  (NCT01193933)  since June 2009 till September 2016. Patients characteristics: the median age was 26 years (range 15–54), 65 (59 %) of the 110 patients had a B-precursor phenotype, 42 (38 %) had a T-cell phenotype, 3 (2.7 %) patients – biphenotypical ALL. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)  was performed for detection CDKN2A deletion, MLL, с-MYC rearrangement, TP53 deletion, t (1;19) (q23; p13.3)/TCF3-PBX1, t (12;21) (p13.2; q22.1)/ETV6-RUNX1 and iAMP21. The median follow-up was 31 months (0.5 to 80 months).Results. The prevalence of the CDKN2A deletion in all studied population was 24.3 % (27 cases). Our study demonstrated that CDKN2A deletion had no significant association with age, sex and blast cells immunophenotype. The analysis for T-ALL has detected that CDKN2A deletion was strongly associated with high WBC count (the median is 86 × 109/L;  p = 0.006) and with high lactate dehydrogenase level (the median is 3062 IU; p = 0.0004). But in BCP-ALL cases similar correlation was not found. CDKN2A deletion didn’t have statistically significant impact on outcome of patients. OS for patients with BCP-ALL with and without deletion was 85 and 76 % (p = 0.35); DFS was 92 and 65 % (p = 0.07), respectively. OS for T-ALL patients with and without deletion was 90 and 80 % (p = 0.63); DFS was 100 and 82 % (p = 0.24), respectively.Conclusion: CDKN2A deletion is not adverse prognostic factor in adult ALL patients treated according to protocol RALL-2009


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    A wide range of toxic complications of BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy due to non-targeted inhibition of other protein kinases. This is of particular importance in the treatment of patients with Ph-positive lymphoblastic leukemia, who receive, in addition to tyrosine kinase inhibitors, cytotoxic drugs, enhancing myelotoxicity and, as a consequence, infections and thrombo-hemorrhagic complications. In addition, complex inter-drug interactions lead to the manifestations of combined toxicity. This article presents a case report of patient with relapsed acute Ph-positive lymphoblastic leukemia, treatment of which was accompanied by numerous complications, especially during treatment of II and III generation tyrosine kinases inhibitors