22 research outputs found

    The Architecture of a CRM System in the Context of Internet Technologies

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    CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is defined as the sum of business processes that anorganization needs to execute in order to identify, choose, buy, develop and retain its clients. The extremelyfast evolution and development of the Internet, as a new channel of communication also as an opportunity toeffective fast dissemination led to the fundamental modification of the relations with clients. The Internetshifted the ability to control the market from seller to buyers. The new client that comed from the Internet islooking mainly for 24x7 access to seller’s information and resources. The Internet client wants right contextand ease of navigation with effective search tools. Ultimately, he is looking for a personalised buyingexperience, defined by ease of opening a personal account, ability to review his shopping cart in real time.The current article is aiming to present the current architecture designed to fulfil all this requirements


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    The article aims to analyze the origins of public diplomacy in the United States and its further development. The main objectives are to identify the main vectors of the US public diplomacy, but also the system of institutions and departments responsible for the development and implementation of public diplomacy programs in the United States. The research is exploratory and its purpose is to trace back the history for a better understanding of the evolution of US public diplomacy. For the preparation of the article, we have used chronological, comparative methods of historical knowledge, classification, and systematization of historical sources and bibliographic material. Results show us that in the first quarter of the 20th century, US public diplomacy was focused on the active involvement in international politics and the rejection of isolationism policy, which was primarily reflected in the departure from the tenets of the Monroe Doctrine and the US’s entry into the First World War, which had a great influence on the development of public diplomacy in the United States as a way of promoting the US interests. After analyzing the system of institutions and departments responsible for the development and implementation of public diplomacy programs, it should be noted that the speeches of the President, Secretary of State, the remarks of the National Security Advisor, and the head of the Pentagon have a great influence on public diplomacy. All government agencies understand the necessity and importance of public diplomacy programs. © 2020 Editura Universitaria Craiova. All rights reserved

    The thessaloniki front: The position of Romania from the perspective of the russian press of autumn 1915 [Le front de thessalonique: La position de la roumanie dans l’éclairage de la presse russe de l’automne 1915] [Frontul din salonic: Poziția româniei în lumina presei ruse din toamna anului 1915]

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    The article discusses the Russian press covering the events on the Thessaloniki (Macedonian) front during the First World War. It is noted that at the beginning of the twentieth century the press became a noticeable phenomenon in the political life of Russia. Massive press campaigns accompanied all major international conflicts of the prewar period. During the First World War, the press played an extremely important role; it was not only the main source of information but also turned into a powerful means of ideological and political influence. For example, by analysing the perspective of the Russian press on the position of Romania during the First World War and taking into account both the domestic political situation and its relationship with Entente and the Central Powers, the authors demonstrate that the Russian press was an independent and multifaceted source, perfectly capable to accurately portray important events of the international life. For this article, the authors have made use of materials from famous and influential Russian newspapers, such as “Русское Слово” (Russian word), “Новое Время” (New Time), “Речь” (Speech) and the social-political journal “Вестник Европы” (Bulletin of Europe). © 2019 “Codrul Cosminului”

    The problem of a theoretical understanding of political realism in the foreign policy of Russia

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    The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the political realism theory in the foreign policy of Russia. The aim of the research is to compare the main trends observed in theories close to political realism with the actions of Russia in the world political arena. The preamble of the work presents the systematization of the main types of political realism (classical realism, defensive and offensive realism, neo-realism), in addition, the parameters of a new, non-research constructive realism. The results of research of many scientists developing the theory of political realism are presented in the form of a table. In the main part of the study, using the method of structural and functional analysis, each part is considered within the framework of a system of stable foreign policy views of Russia. As a result, it is concluded what type of theory of political realism correspond to certain steps in the foreign policy of the country. © 2019 Editura Universitaria Craiova. All rights reserved


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    Introduction. Approaching of patients with general and, mainly, auditive disabilities requires specific methods of behavioural and therapeutical management, on short-, medium- and long-term period. Scope. Quantification of the psycho-emotional reactions of childern suffering from auditive disabilities in the stomatological office, compara‑ tively with those with normal keenness of hearing. Mate‑ rials and method. The experiments were performed on a group of 207 children, with the limit of chronological age between 6 - 11 years, 120 of them registered with auditive disabilities and 87 – with normal keeness of hearing. The Raven Test of Progressive Matrices and the questionnaire were employed as investigation methods. Results. The mean age of the subjects considered in the study was of 9 years, with a standard deviation of 1.4. A statistically sig‑ nificant association was established between the moment of their addressing the stomatologist and the presence of the auditive-type disability (r=0.87, p=0.00321, 95%CI). Most of the children (69%) with normal keenness of hea‑ ring come to the stomatological office alone, only rarely being accompanied by friends or parents, whereas those with sensorial auditive disabilities are usually accompa‑ nied by parents, professors or educators (67.5%). Discus‑ sion. Explanations on the stomatological treatment to be applied, details on its stages may prepare an adequate reaction from the part of the child-patient. The statistically significant differences observed, as a function of their audi‑ tive disabilities, among the accompanied children may be explained exactly by this situation, causing in itself a higher dependence and need of support from the part of the others, especially for exceeding the barriers that may prevent a normal communication. Conclusions. An adequate approaching of the child – affected or not with auditive disabilities – may model his attitudes and beha‑ viour during the visit to the stomatological office

    Performance of Dye Removal from Single and Binary Component Systems by Adsorption on Composite Hydrogel Beads Derived from Fruits Wastes Entrapped in Natural Polymeric Matrix

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    International audienceThe treatment of contaminated water is currently a major concern worldwide. This work was directed towards the preparation of a composite hydrogel by entrapping cherry stones powder on chitosan, which is known as one of the most abundant natural polymers. The synthesized material was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and by the point of zero charge determination. Its ability to remove two azo dyes models (Acid Red 66 and Reactive Black 5) existing in single form and in binary mixture was evaluated. Response Surface Methodology-Central Composite Design was used to optimize three parameters affecting the process while targeting the lowest final contaminant concentrations. The best results were obtained at pH 2, an adsorbent dose of 100 g/L, and a temperature of 30 °C, when more than 90% of the pollutants from the single component systems and more than 70% of those of the binary mixtures were removed from their aqueous solutions. The adsorption process was in accordance with Elovich and pseudo-second-order kinetic models, and closely followed the Freundlich and Temkin equilibrium isotherms. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the prepared hydrogel composite possesses the ability to successfully retain the target molecules and that it can be considered as a viable adsorbent material