13 research outputs found

    A multi-disciplinary approach to the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases:An EAACI Task Force

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    Background: Guidelines for management of patients with allergic conditions are available, but the added value of nurses, allied healthcare professionals (AHPs), and general practitioners (GPs), in the management of allergic disease, has not been fully clarified. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) appointed a task force to explore this issue. Aim To investigate the added value of nurses, AHPs, and GPs in management of allergic diseases, in an integrated model of care. Methods: A search was made of peer-reviewed literature published between 2010 and December 2020 (Cochrane Library, PubMed, and CINAHL) on the involvement of the various specific healthcare providers (HCPs) in the management of allergic diseases. Results: Facilitative models of care for patients with allergies can be achieved if HCP collaborates in the diagnosis and management. Working in multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) can increase patients' understanding of the disease, adherence to treatment, self-care capabilities, and ultimately improve quality of life. The MDT competencies and procedures can be improved and enhanced in a climate of mutual respect and shared values, and with inclusion of patients in the planning of care. Patient-centered communication among HCPs and emphasis on the added value of each profession can create an effective integrated model of care for patients with allergic diseases. Conclusion: Nurses, AHPs, and GPs, both individually and in collaboration, can contribute to the improvement of the management of patients with allergic disease. The interaction between the HCPs and the patients themselves can ensure maximum support for people with allergies

    Dietary Factors May Delay Tolerance Acquisition in Food Protein-Induced Allergic Proctocolitis

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    Background: Dietary and environmental factors may influence tolerance acquisition in food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP). This retrospective observational study explored the role of maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding in tolerance acquisition in infantile FPIAP. Methods: Breastfed infants with FPIAP from six diverse regions in Greece were divided into two groups, based on development of tolerance to the trigger food: Group A (n = 43), before, and Group B (n = 53), after, the 6th month of age. Maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding was elicited using the Mediterranean Diet Score Questionnaire and the Mediterranean Oriented Culture Specific Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. Results: Mean age at diagnosis of FPIAP (1.5 months) and weaning (5.5 months) were the same in both groups. The main trigger was cow’s milk. Group A received infant milk formula earlier than Group B. Group B had a higher incidence of asthma/wheeze, siblings with milk allergy, maternal smoking and rural residence. On multivariate analysis, earlier resolution of FPIAP was associated with higher maternal education and with salt intake and consumption of goat/sheep cheese during pregnancy and olive oil during breastfeeding. Consumption of multivitamins during pregnancy and meat, winter fruits, green vegetables, butter, salt, “ready-to-eat” meals and pastries during breastfeeding were correlated with longer duration of symptoms. Conclusions: Mothers of children with FPIAP to cow’s milk protein can be advised to eat more yogurt, cheese and olive oil during subsequent pregnancies, and avoid multivitamins, grilled food, “ready-to-eat” meals, pastries, meat and alcohol during breastfeeding, to reduce the duration of FPIAP presenting in future infants

    Vitamin D and Omega-3 (Fatty Acid) Supplementation in Pregnancy for the Primary Prevention of Food Allergy in Children-Literature Review

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    During the last decades the prevalence of food allergy (FA), an adverse immune response to a specific food antigen, has risen, with negative effects on the quality of life (QoL) of many children and their families. The pathogenesis of FA is complex, involving both genetic and environmental factors. SPINK5, STAT6, HLA and FOXP3 are some of the genes that are reported to be implicated in FA development. Regarding environmental factors, particular interest has been focused on modification of the dietary habits of pregnant women for the primary prevention of FA. Specifically, Vitamin D and omega-3 (Ω-3) fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy may influence the development of FA in the offspring. Vitamin D is a hormone with various actions, including mediation of the immune system, reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines and promoting tolerance. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy suppresses T-regulatory cells in the fetus, and Vitamin D supplementation might protect against FA development. Dietary Ω-3 fatty acids are found mainly in fish and vegetable oils. They are beneficial for human health, playing a role in the immune system as anti-inflammatory agents, and providing cell membrane stabilization with inhibition of antigen presentation. It is documented that maternal supplementation with Ω-3 during pregnancy may protect from allergic sensitization in the children. The aim of this literature review was to explore the potential preventive role of maternal supplementation during pregnancy with Vitamin D and Ω-3 in the development of FA in the offspring. With the prevalence of FA rising, all the possible protective mechanisms and measures for FA prevention need to be explored, starting with those that can be modified

    The Prevalence of Orthorexia Nervosa among Greek Professional Dancers

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of orthorexia nervosa (ON) among professional dancers in Greece, as well as its relationship with nutrition, body mass index (BMI), body image flexibility, and parental bonding. The participants were 96 professional dancers, with a mean age of 23.41 ± 5.13 years, who completed a battery of questionnaires recording sociodemographic, clinical, and anthropometric characteristics; adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet); indications of ON, as determined by the ORTHO-15 questionnaire; body image flexibility, using the body image-acceptance and action questionnaire (BI-AAQ-5); and their recollection of their parents’ attitudes towards them during the first 16 years of life, with the parental bonding instrument (PBI). The study population was classified into two groups, based on BMI: normal weight, and underweight. ON was shown to be significantly correlated with BMI (p = 0.006)-present in normal weight subjects- and body image inflexibility (p < 0.001). Parental body image inflexibility was significantly correlated with a low bonding relationship as perceived in childhood. In conclusion, disordered eating attitudes and body shape concerns are prevalent among professional dancers and appear to be associated with their parental relationship during childhood. Identification of potential ON and development of preventive mechanisms could help to eliminate such concerns and improve the nutrition of professional dancers

    Subcutaneous and Sublingual Immunotherapy in Allergic Asthma in Children

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    This review presents up-to-date understanding of immunotherapy in the treatment of children with allergic asthma. The principal types of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) are subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). Both of them are indicated for patients with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma, who have evidence of clinically relevant allergen-specific IgE, and significant symptoms despite reasonable avoidance measures and/or maximal medical therapy. Studies have shown a significant decrease in asthma symptom scores and in the use of rescue medication, and a preventive effect on asthma onset. Although the safety profile of SLIT appears to be better than SCIT, the results of some studies and meta-analyses suggest that the efficacy of SCIT is better and that SCIT has an earlier onset than SLIT in children with allergic asthma. Severe, not controlled asthma, and medical error were the most frequent causes of SCIT-induced adverse events

    Alternative Fish Species for Nutritional Management of Children with Fish-FPIES&mdash;A Clinical Approach

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    In the Mediterranean region, fish is a common cause of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) in children. No laboratory tests specific to FPIES are available, and oral food challenge (OFC) is the gold standard for its diagnosis and testing for achievement of tolerance. Children with FPIES to fish are usually advised to avoid all fish, regardless of the species. Fish are typically classified into bony and cartilaginous, which are phylogenetically distant species and therefore contain less cross-reacting allergens. The protein &beta;-parvalbumin, considered a pan-allergenic, is found in bony fish, while the non-allergenic &alpha;-parvalbumin is commonly found in cartilaginous fish. Based on this difference, as a first step in the therapeutic process of children with FPIES caused by a certain fish in the bony fish category (i.e., hake, cod, perch, sardine, gilthead sea bream, red mullet, sole, megrim, sea bass, anchovy, tuna, swordfish, trout, etc.), an OFC to an alternative from the category of cartilaginous fish is suggested (i.e., blue shark, tope shark, dogfish, monkfish, skate, and ray) and vice versa. Regarding the increased mercury content in some sharks and other large species, the maximum limit imposed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for weekly mercury intake must be considered. An algorithm for the management of fish-FPIES, including alternative fish species, is proposed

    Vitamin D Level and Immune Modulation in Children with Recurrent Wheezing

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    Introduction and aim: A direct causal relationship between vitamin D (vit D) deficiency and recurrent wheezing has not been proven. The present study investigated the role of vit D in enhancing the risk of asthma or recurrent wheezing by modifying the intensity of the inflammatory process. Material and method: Forty children with wheezing presenting at the emergency service and sixteen healthy control subjects were included in the study. Children with wheezing were either in the first episode (20) or with recurrent wheezing (20). Children with chronic diseases, and other conditions that present with acute wheezing or that might influence the vit D level, were excluded. Blood samples were taken at presentation and 3–6 months later, to evaluate the serum levels of total IgE, vit D, IL-10 and IL-31. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 25 program, with a significance level of p < 0.05. Results and conclusion. The vit D level was lower in patients with recurrent wheezing compared with those with a single episode and with the control group, and this increased with time. IL-10 was significantly higher in children with wheezing than in the control group, with the highest values in those with an acute episode of wheezing. IL-31 was higher in children with recurrent wheezing than in those with a first episode only at the initial point, while at the final time point it was lower. Low levels of vit D appear to be detected more frequently in recurrent wheezing than in simple wheezing. Immune modulation, as measured by Th2 status reflected by IL-10 and IL-31 levels, appears to depend on the wheezing phenotype and on the general health status