300 research outputs found


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    The knowledge of interaction between a supervisor and doctoral students brings important consequences for research purposes, for supervisor´s evaluation, and for a feedback to a supervisor. In this paper we introduce a descriptive instrument, Inventory of Supervisor Activities, which makes it possible to rate the supervisor´s activities. The instrument concentrates on supervisor´s activities during interaction with a student in three phases of the doctoral studies: before enrolment of the student, during the study and after completion of the study. The system covers 100 activities, which are hierarchically organized, and which make it possible to obtain a rather complex portrayal of the interaction of the supervisor with the doctoral student

    Construction of the system to judge suprevisor-doctoral student interaction

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    The knowledge of interaction between a supervisor and doctoral students brings important consequences for research purposes, for supervisor's evaluation, and for a feedback to a supervisor. In this paper we introduce a descriptive instrument, Inventory of Supervisor Activities, which makes it possible to rate the supervisor's activities. The instrument concentrates on supervisor's activities during interaction with a student in three phases of the doctoral studies: before enrolment of the student, during the study and after completion of the study. The system covers 100 activities, which are hierarchically organized, and which make it possible to obtain a rather complex portrayal of the interaction of the supervisor with the doctoral student. This paper is based on the author's oral presentation at the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation in Seville, 2014

    Understanding pre-service teachers' approaches to preschool education. Findings in the Czech Republic

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    This qualitative study aimed to answer two broad questions: (1) How do pre-service teachers at the beginning of their pre-graduate university programme conceptualise the purposes and aims of preschool? (2) How do they view the essence of a teacher's work with children in preschool? In-depth interviews were conducted to gather data about the participants' conceptualisations. Open coding and thematic analysis were performed to process the interview data. The participants were 34 students in the first semester of the bachelor of preschool pedagogy programme at a university in the Czech Republic, and had no direct teaching experience in preschool education. The participants indicated that the primary function of preschool is to provide space for a child's socialisation into the peer group and preparation for entry into primary school. The core task of the preschool teacher was conceptualised as the establishing safe environment, the exercising of (mild) authority, the expression of emotions to children, and the development of professionalism. These findings offer challenges for university educators to elaborate the students ' professional knowledge and skills. (C) 2016 Published by Future Academy www.FutureAcademy.org.u

    Self-efficacy of students in a preschool education programme: The construction of a research instrument

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    The primary aim of this article is to present the validation process of the SEPRES questionnaire to measure the self-efficacy of students in a preschool education programme. After the generation of the questionnaire items for the item pool, the items were content validated, and then they underwent an exploratory factor analysis with data from 154 respondents to determine the construct validity of the questionnaire. Four factors were extracted after using Principal axis factoring with Oblimin rotation. The factors are Children involvement, Behaviour elimination, Professional collaboration and Credibility building, and they have Alphas ranging from 0.769 to 0.903. Inter-correlation among dimensions ranged from 0.419 to 0.681, indicating that SEPRES is a consistent research instrument. © 2017, Adam Marszalek Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Comparison of self-regulation in children and adolescents in children's home and protective educational facility

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    We focus on the process of self-regulation in children and adolescents living in institutional care. Based on a content analysis of transcripts of two focus groups carried out in a children's home and a protective educational facility, we attempted to detect, describe and explain the mechanisms of self-regulation in children and adolescents aged 11-18 years. The purpose of the study was to reveal how the participants describe their performance in tour components of self-regulation processes, i.e., in setting personal goals, in self-regulation of behaviour, in self-regulation of conflicts and in self-regulation of learning. Within the aforementioned content analysis we compared the previous areas in two types of institutional facilities for provision of institutional and protective care. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Development of an instrument to measure preschool teachers' beliefs in inquiry-based activities

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    Professional beliefs is an important factor that influences activities that preschool teachers organize and manage in the classroom. In order to determine how strong these beliefs are, valid and reliable instruments must be at disposal. This research aimed to develop and validate DPBA, an instrument designed to measure teachers' beliefs toward the use of inquiry-based activities in preschool classes. A sample of 1,004 Czech preschool teachers was used to obtain the validation data. From the initial set of 40 items, a final version of DPBA with 22 items was created in a series of analyses. Principal component and maximum likelihood methods with Varimax rotation were used to extract an appropriate scale structure. DPBA is composed of three subscales, Benefits (12 items), Teacher competence (6 items) and Concerns (4 items), which have reliabilities of .906; .847 and .729, respectively. The overall reliability of the instrument is .883. Consistently high reliability coefficients were obtained in subsamples of respondents of varied years of practice and education, thus verifying a solid internal consistency of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis proved a theoretical model with the three subscales with adequate model fit indices. Overall, DPBA possesses sound psychometric properties when used with Czech preschool teachers. © 2019, Scientia Socialis Ltd. All rights reserved.Development of Organisation's Research Excellence (RVO), Tomas Bata Universit

    Preschool attendance of very young children: Parents' choice and outcome satisfaction

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    This empirical study focused on parents who enrolled their two-year old children in preschools in the Czech Republic. Recent provision of the Ministry of Education recommended that preschools accept children who are as young as two years, in response to increased demands of mothers who want to re-enter the employment after maternity leave. The purpose of the study was to examine the reasons of parents to place their children in preschools as well as their satisfaction of the developmental progress of their children in this institution. A representative sample of parents who enrolled their children in preschool from age two was surveyed (N=520). Surprisingly, caring for the child while at work was not the most important reason. They rated it 3.66 on a five-point scale. Other reasons were rated higher: getting the child accustomed to interaction within groups of same-age children (M=4.01), acquiring cognitive skills and knowledge (M=3.89), and getting accustomed to a routine other than that found at home (M=3.75). When asked to assess the developmental progress of their children due to preschool attendance on a 3-point scale, the parents noted progress in communication ability (M=2.35), social skills (M=2.37) as well as overall progress (M=2.62). Concerning demographic characteristics, the estimate of the child's overall progress in preschool was significantly related to the mother's level of education and her marital status

    Auto-regulación de la Conducta: Estudiantes versus Otros Adultos

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    The objective of this research is to compare self-regulation of behaviour of two Czech samples. The first one was the representative sample of Czech adults that consisted of 1060 respondents. The second sample was university students and consisted of 1244 respondents. The measuring tool was an adapted Self-Regulation Questionnaire of which two dimensions were used: Goal Orientation and Impulsivity. The findings showed no statistically significant differences between the two samples in either of the dimensions. Goal Orientation scores were higher than Impulsivity scores, which was in line with our assumptions. There were no statistically significant differences in Goal Orientation scores between genders, with the exception of prevalence of females in the student sample. Age appeared to be an important factor that affects scores in Goal Orientation in both samples, while in Impulsivity it only differentiated among the students. The level of education proved to be an important factor that differentiates among those with high and low impulsivity rather than in goal orientation.El objetivo de esta investigación es comparar la autorregulación del comportamiento de dos muestras checas. La primera fue representativa de adultos Checos, de 1060 encuestados y, la segunda, fue de estudiantes universitarios y constaba de 1244 encuestados. La herramienta de medición fue un cuestionario adaptado de Autorregulación del que se utilizaron dos dimensiones: Orientación de Meta e Impulsividad. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las dos muestras en ninguna de las dimensiones. Los resultados de Orientación de Meta fueron mayores que los de Impulsividad, en consonancia con nuestra hipótesis. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las puntuaciones en Orientación de Meta entre géneros, con la excepción de prevalencia de estudiantes de sexo femenino en la muestra de estudiantes. La edad apareció como factor importante que afecta las puntuaciones en la Orientación de Meta en ambas muestras, mientras que para la Impulsividad sólo diferenció entre los estudiantes. El nivel de educación resultó ser un factor importante que distingue a personas con alta y baja impulsividad en vez de en orientación de meta