213 research outputs found

    Mantle formation, coagulation and the origin of cloud/core-shine: II. Comparison with observations

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    Many dense interstellar clouds are observable in emission in the near-IR, commonly referred to as "Cloudshine", and in the mid-IR, the so-called "Coreshine". These C-shine observations have usually been explained with grain growth but no model has yet been able to self-consistently explain the dust spectral energy distribution from the near-IR to the submm. We want to demonstrate the ability of our new core/mantle evolutionary dust model THEMIS (The Heterogeneous dust Evolution Model at the IaS), which has been shown to be valid in the far-IR and submm, to reproduce the C-shine observations. Our starting point is a physically motivated core/mantle dust model. It consists of 3 dust populations: small aromatic-rich carbon grains; bigger core/mantle grains with mantles of aromatic-rich carbon and cores either made of amorphous aliphatic-rich carbon or amorphous silicate. We assume an evolutionary path where these grains, when entering denser regions, may first form a second aliphatic-rich carbon mantle (coagulation of small grains, accretion of carbon from the gas phase), second coagulate together to form large aggregates, and third accrete gas phase molecules coating them with an ice mantle. To compute the corresponding dust emission and scattering, we use a 3D Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code. We show that our global evolutionary dust modelling approach THEMIS allows us to reproduce C-shine observations towards dense starless clouds. Dust scattering and emission is most sensitive to the cloud central density and to the steepness of the cloud density profile. Varying these two parameters leads to changes, which are stronger in the near-IR, in both the C-shine intensity and profile. With a combination of aliphatic-rich mantle formation and low-level coagulation into aggregates, we can self-consistently explain the observed C-shine and far-IR/submm emission towards dense starless clouds.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in A&A with companion paper "Mantle formation, coagulation and the origin of cloud/core-shine: I. Dust scattering and absorption in the IR", A.P Jones, M. Koehler, N. Ysard, E. Dartois, M. Godard, L. Gavila

    Uncertainties in gas kinematics arising from stellar continuum modelling in integral field spectroscopy data: the case of NGC2906 observed with MUSE/VLT

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    We study how the use of several stellar subtraction methods and line fitting approaches can affect the derivation of the main kinematic parameters (velocity and velocity dispersion fields) of the ionized gas component. The target of this work is the nearby galaxy NGC 2906, observed with the MUSE instrument at Very Large Telescope. A sample of twelve spectra is selected from the inner (nucleus) and outer (spiral arms) regions, characterized by different ionization mechanisms. We compare three different methods to subtract the stellar continuum (FIT3D, STARLIGHT and pPXF), combined with one of the following stellar libraries: MILES, STELIB and GRANADA+MILES. The choice of the stellar subtraction method is the most important ingredient affecting the derivation of the gas kinematics, followed by the choice of the stellar library and by the line fitting approach. In our data, typical uncertainties in the observed wavelength and width of the H\alpha and [NII] lines are of the order of _rms \sim 0.1\AA\ and _rms \sim 0.2\AA\ (\sim 5 and 10km/s, respectively). The results obtained from the [NII] line seem to be slightly more robust, as it is less affected by stellar absorption than H\alpha. All methods considered yield statistically consistent measurements once a mean systemic contribution \Delta\bar\lambda=\Delta\bar\sigma=0.2xDelta_{MUSE} is added in quadrature to the line fitting errors, where \Delta_{MUSE} = 1.1\AA\ \sim 50 km/s denotes the instrumental resolution of the MUSE spectra. Although the subtraction of the stellar continuum is critical in order to recover line fluxes, any method (including none) can be used in order to measure the gas kinematics, as long as an additional component of 0.2 x Delta_MUSE is added to the error budget.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Mantle formation, coagulation and the origin of cloud/core shine: I. Modelling dust scattering and absorption in the infra-red

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    Context. The observed cloudshine and coreshine (C-shine) have been explained in terms of grain growth leading to enhanced scatter- ing from clouds in the J, H and K photometric bands and the Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m bands. Aims. Using our global dust modelling approach THEMIS (The Heterogeneous dust Evolution Model at the IaS) we explore the effects of dust evolution in dense clouds, through aliphatic-rich carbonaceous mantle formation and grain-grain coagulation. Methods. We model the effects of wide band gap a-C:H mantle formation and the low-level aggregation of diffuse interstellar medium dust in the moderately-extinguished outer regions of molecular clouds. Results. The formation of wide band gap a-C:H mantles on amorphous silicate and amorphous carbon (a-C) grains leads to a decrease in their absorption cross-sections but no change in their scattering cross-sections at near-IR wavelengths, resulting in higher albedos. Conclusions. The evolution of dust, with increasing density and extinction in the diffuse to dense molecular cloud transition, through mantle formation and grain aggregation, appears to be a likely explanation for the observed C-shine.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&A along with the companion paper entitled, Mantle formation, coagulation and the origin of cloud/core shine: II Comparison with observations, by Ysard et al. (also accepted for publication in A&A

    Observation of a new electronic state of CO perturbing W¹Π1(v=1)

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    We observe photoabsorption of the W(1) ← X(0) band in five carbon monoxide isotopologues with a vacuum-ultraviolet Fourier-transform spectrometer and a synchrotron radiation source. We deduce transition energies, integrated cross sections, and natural linewidths of the observed rotational transitions and find a perturbation affecting these. Following a deperturbation analysis of all five isotopologues, the perturbing state is assigned to the v = 0 level of a previously unobserved (1)Π state predicted by ab initio calculations to occur with the correct symmetry and equilibrium internuclear distance. We label this new state E″ (1)Π. Both of the interacting levels W(1) and E″(0) are predissociated, leading to dramatic interference effects in their corresponding linewidths.A.H. was supported by Grant No. 648.000.002 from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) via the Dutch Astrochemistry Network. This research was supported by funds from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (Grant Nos. NNX09AC5GG to Wellesley College and NNG 06- GG70G and NNX10AD80G to the University of Toledo), CNRS (France), and Programme National Physico-Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (PCMI). L.G. and J.L.L. acknowledge the financial support of the European Community 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) Marie Curie ITN under Grant Agreement # 238258

    High-Resolution Oscillator Strength Measurements of the v\u27 = 0,1 Bands of the B-X, C-X, and E-X Systems in Five Isotopologues of Carbon Monoxide

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    We report oscillator strengths for six strong vibrational bands between 105.0 and 115.2 nm, associated with transitions from the v = 0 level of the X 1Σ+ ground state to the v = 0 and 1 levels of the B 1Σ+, C 1Σ+, and E 1Π states, in 12C16O, 12C17O, 12C18O, 13C16O, and 13C18O. These measurements extend the development of a comprehensive database of line positions, oscillator strengths, and linewidths of photodissociating transitions for all astrophysically relevant CO isotopologues. The E–X bands, in particular, play central roles in CO photodissociation and fractionationmodels of interstellar clouds and circumstellar disks including the early solar nebula. The resolving powers of the room-temperature measurements, R = 300,000–400,000, allow for the analysis of individual line strengths within bands; the measurements reveal J-dependences in the branch intensities of the C(v = 0,1)–X(0) and E(v = 0,1)–X(0) bands in all isotopologues. Minimal or no isotopologue dependence was found in the f-values of the C(v = 0,1)–X(0) and E(v = 0,1)–X(0) bands at a ∼5% uncertainty level. Revised dissociation branching ratios for the C(v = 0,1) and E(v = 0,1) levels are computed based on these f-values. The weak isotopologue dependence of the f-values presented here eliminates this mechanism as an explanation for the large 17O enrichments seen in recent laboratory photolysis experiments on CO at wavelengths from 105 to 108 nm

    Effect of intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis on the bifidobacterial establishment within the neonatal gut

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    Antibiotics are important disruptors of the intestinal microbiota establishment, linked to immune and metabolic alterations. The intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis (IAP) is a common clinical practice that is present in more than 30% of labours, and is known to negatively affect the gut microbiota composition. However, little is known about how it affects to Bifidobacterium (sub)species level, which is one of the most important intestinal microbial genera early in life. This study presents qualitative and quantitative analyses of the bifidobacterial (sub)species populations in faecal sam-ples, collected at 2, 10, 30 and 90 days of life, from 43 healthy full-term babies, sixteen of them delivered after IAP use. This study uses both 16S rRNA–23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequencing and q-PCR techniques for the analyses of the relative proportions and absolute levels, respectively, of the bifidobacterial populations. Our results show that the bifidobacterial populations establishment is affected by the IAP at both quantitative and qualitative levels. This practice can promote higher bifidobacterial diversity and several changes at a compositional level. This study underlines specific targets for developing gut microbiota-based products for favouring a proper bifidobacterial microbiota development when IAP is required

    Donated human milk as a determinant factor for the gut bifidobacterial ecology in premature babies

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    Correct establishment of the gut microbiome is compromised in premature babies, with Bifidobacterium being one of the most affected genera. Prematurity often entails the inability to successfully breastfeed, therefore requiring the implementation of other feeding modes; breast milk expression from a donor mother is the recommended option when their own mother’s milk is not available. Some studies showed different gut microbial profiles in premature infants fed with breast milk and donor human milk, however, it is not known how this affects the species composition of the genus Bifidobacterium. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of donated human milk on shaping the gut bifidobacterial populations of premature babies during the first three months of life. We analyzed the gut bifidobacterial communities of 42 premature babies fed with human donor milk or own-mother milk by the 16S rRNA-23S rRNA internal transcriber spaces (ITS) region sequencing and q-PCR. Moreover, metabolic activity was assessed by gas chromatography. We observed a specific bifidobacterial profile based on feeding type, with higher bifidobacterial diversity in the human donor milk group. Differences in specific Bifidobacterium species composition may contribute to the development of specific new strategies or treatments aimed at mimicking the impact of own-mother milk feeding in neonatal units

    Impact of Extreme Obesity and Diet-Induced Weight Loss on the Fecal Metabolome and Gut Microbiota

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    Scope: A limited number of human studies have characterized fecal microbiota and metabolome in extreme obesity and after diet-induced weight loss. Methods and results: Fecal samples from normal-weight and extremely obese adults and from obese participants before and after moderate diet-induced weight loss are evaluated for their interaction with the intestinal adenocarcinoma cell line HT29 using an impedance-based in vitro model, which reveals variations in the interaction between the gut microbiota and host linked to obesity status. Microbiota composition, short chain fatty acids, and other intestinal metabolites are further analyzed to assess the interplay among diet, gut microbiota, and host in extreme obesity. Microbiota profiles are distinct between normal-weight and obese participants and are accompanied by fecal signatures in the metabolism of biliary compounds and catecholamines. Moderate diet-induced weight loss promotes shifts in the gut microbiota, and the primary fecal metabolomics features are associated with diet and the gut–liver and gut–brain axes. Conclusions: Analyses of the fecal microbiota and metabolome enable assessment of the impact of diet on gut microbiota composition and activity, supporting the potential use of certain fecal metabolites or members of the gut microbiota as biomarkers for the efficacy of weight loss in extreme obesity

    In vitro evaluation of different prebiotics on the modulation of gut microbiota composition and function in morbid obese and normal-weight subjects

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    The gut microbiota remains relatively stable during adulthood; however, certain intrinsic and environmental factors can lead to microbiota dysbiosis. Its restoration towards a healthy condition using best-suited prebiotics requires previous development of in vitro models for evaluating their functionality. Herein, we carried out fecal cultures with microbiota from healthy normal-weight and morbid obese adults. Cultures were supplemented with different inulin-type fructans (1-kestose, Actilight, P95, Synergy1 and Inulin) and a galactooligosaccharide. Their impact on the gut microbiota was assessed by monitoring gas production and evaluating changes in the microbiota composition (qPCR and 16S rRNA gene profiling) and metabolic activity (gas chromatography). Additionally, the effect on the bifidobacterial species was assessed (ITS-sequencing). Moreover, the functionality of the microbiota before and after prebiotic-modulation was determined in an in vitro model of interaction with an intestinal cell line. In general, 1-kestose was the compound showing the largest effects. The modulation with prebiotics led to significant increases in the Bacteroides group and Faecalibacterium in obese subjects, whereas in normal-weight individuals, substantial rises in Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium were appreciated. Notably, the results obtained showed differences in the responses among the tested compounds but also among the studied human populations, indicating the need for developing population-specific products