15 research outputs found

    Adhesiolysis During Hysterectomy

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    Hysterectomy sometimes is not as simple as removing the uterus. The most challenging condition before definitive hysterectomy is mostly an adhesion with various grade of severity and need a careful approach to prevent surrounding organ injury. Adhesions can be a significant source of morbidity in patients and provide a thorough overview of the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical consequences. The authors provide a step-by-step approach including preoperative preparation, surgical techniques, and postoperative management. This chapter also explains the prevention of adhesions and the use of adhesion barriers. With contributions from leading experts in the field, it seems to be an essential resource for any surgeon seeking to optimize patient outcomes in laparotomy. This comprehensive guide might be used by surgeons to improve their understanding and technical skills in dealing with adhesions during laparotomy

    The Role of Thrombocytosis as a Prognostic Factor for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Peran Trombositosis sebagai Faktor Prognostik pada Kanker Ovarium Jenis Epitelial

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    Objective: To determine whether thrombocytosis is a prognostic factor for epithelial ovarian cancer and its relationship with 3-year overall survival in epithelial ovarian cancer patients.Methods: This study is a retrospective cohort study using medical record of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer registered in cancer registry of Oncology Division in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital from January 2014 - July 2016. Data were collected when subjects were first until diseases outcomes identified in 3 years.Results: : Out of 220 subjects, 132 (60%) were patients with advanced stage epithelial ovarian cancer (stage II/III/IV). 94 (42.7%) subjects had thrombocytosis. Patients with advanced stage of disease had higher risk of having thrombocytosis than the ones with earlier stage (p=0.005; OR=2.329). Correlation between thrombocytosis and 3-year overall survival was known to be insignificant (p=0.555). There was shorter mean time survival between patients with thrombocytosis and the ones without but the there was no significant difference in hazard ratio between the two groups (p  = 0.399).Conclusion :Thrombocytosis is not a prognostic factor in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. There is also no significant difference of 3-year overall survival between patients with or without thrombocytosis.Keywords: epithelial ovarian carcinoma, prognosis,  thrombocytosis.   Abstrak Tujuan: Membuktikan bahwa trombositosis sebagai faktor prognosis kesintasan pada pasien kanker ovarium jenis epitelial dan hubungannya terhadap kesintasan 3 tahun pasien kanker ovarium  jenis epitelial.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif menggunakan data rekam medis pasien kanker ovarium epitelial yang terdaftar pada cancer registry Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi Divisi Onkologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun Januari 2014-Juli 2016. Pengamatan dilakukan saat subjek pertama kali didiagnosis akhir pengamatan selama 3 tahun.Hasil: Didapatkan 220 subjek penelitian yang merupakan populasi terjangkau dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Dari 220 subjek penelitian, 132 (60%) dari 220 subjek penelitian merupakan pasien dengan kanker ovarium stadium lanjut (Stadium II/III/IV). Trombositosis didapatkan pada 94 orang subjek penelitian (42,7%). Pasien dengan kanker stadium lanjut memiliki risiko trombositosis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan subjek pada stadium awal (p=0,005;OR=2,329). Trombositosis secara statistik tidak bermakna pada kesintasan 3 tahun (p=0,555). Terdapat mean time survival yang lebih rendah pada pasien dengan trombositosis tetapi tidak ada perbedaan hazard ratio yang bermakna antara subjek dengan atau tanpa trombositosis (p=0,399).Kesimpulan : Trombositosis bukan merupakan faktor prognostik pada pasien kanker ovarium jenis epitelial dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara trombositosis dan 3 tahun pada pasien dengan kanker ovarium jenis epithelial.Kata kunci: karsinoma ovarium epithelial,  prognosis, trombositosi

    Efficacy and Safety of Cryotherapy in "See and Treat" Program in Jakarta Primary Health Centre

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of cryotherapy in "See and Treat" program in Jakarta Primary Health Care. Method: Using descriptive cross-sectional design, data from medical records were taken with total sampling method. We took the VIA result, cryotherapy procedure, first-marriage age, number of marriage, parity, smoking habit, and the use of contraception. Data were analyzed univariately. Result: Of 86 data, the percentage of cryotherapy to change from positive to negative of VIA result was 90.70%. We did not find the progressivity to invasive cancer. Conclusion: Cryotherapy is effective to manage the cervical precancerous lesion in "See and Treat" program. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2016; 4-4: 227-233] Keywords: cryotherapy, Indonesia, see and treat, visual inspection of acetic acid (VIA

    Agreement Test of Documentation of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid “DoVIA†and Colposcopy findings as a Screening Tool for Cervical Cancer: Kesesuaian Hasil Tes Dokumentasi Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (DoVIA) dan Kolposkopi sebagai Alat Skrining untuk Kanker Servik

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    Abstract Objective: To find out the suitability of Documentation of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (DoVIA) result compare to colposcopy result as a method of cervical cancer screening.     Method: This is a descriptive study using cross sectional design that took place from April 2017 until March 2019. One hundred eighty two sampels of documentation photographs taken by the researcher were included. The photographs were reviewed by the 3 selected reviewers: oncology and gynecology consultant, obstetry and gynecology resident, and general practitioner that were trained about DoVIA and colposcopy. The review was based on kappa test which assessed the sharpness, squamo-columnar junction and white epitel visualization on the cervix. Results: Kappa score on DoVIA versus colposcopy was 0,717 (good). Inter-rater test was performed to assess consistency and the result was 0,764 (good) between consultant and resident, 0,703 (good) between consultant and general practitioner. Conclusion: Kappa test of IVA documentation â€DoVIA†gives a good kappa value, so that it is expected to be an alternative screening for precancerous lesions. Keyword: cervical cancer screening, VIA, DoVIA, colposcopy, mini colposcopy   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk menemukan kesesuaian antara dokumentasi hasil inspeksi visual dengan asam asetat (DoVIA) dibanding dengan hasil kolposkopi sebagai metode skrining kanker serviks. Metode Penelitian deskripsi ini menggunakan desain cross sectional yang telah dilakukan sejak April 2017 hingga Maret 2019. Seratus delapan puluh dua sampel dokumentasi telah diambil oleh peneliti telah dimasukkan menjadi sampel. Hasil dokumentasi telah dinilai oleh 3 penilai yang terdiri dari konsultan onkologi dan ginekologi, residen obstetri dan ginekologi, dan dokter umum yang telah dilatih untuk DoVIA dan kolposkopi. Hasil penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan kappa untuk menilai ketajaman, sambungan skuamos kolumner dan visualisasi lesi putih di serviks Hasil Skor kappa pada DoVIA dibanding kolposkopi adalah 0,717 (baik). Hasil prbandingan penilaian antar penilai yang ditunjukkan untuk menilai konsistensi dan hasil adalah 0,764 (baik) antara konsultan dan residen, 0,703 (baik) antara konsultan dan dokter umum. Kesimpulan Tes kappa pada dokumentasi IVA (DoVIA) memberikan hasil kappa baik, sehingga DoVIA diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif skrining untuk lesi prakanker.   Kata kunci : skrining kanker serviks, IVA, DoVIA, kolposkopi, minikolposkop

    Postradiotherapy Outcome on Cervical Cancer Stage IIIB Patients with and without Paraaortic Lymph Nodes Enlargement: Hasil Pascadiadioterapi pada Pasien Kanker Serviks Stadium IIIB dengan dan tanpa Pembesaran Nodus Paraaorta

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    Objective : To determine whether there are differences in clinical response after radiotherapy and 1 year survival in patients with advanced cervical cancer with and without enlargement of PALN.Method : An observational analytic study using a retrospective cohort method was done using consecutive sampling. The subjects of this study were all women with a primary diagnosis of stages IIB to IVB cervical cancer who came to the gynecological oncology clinic of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital and underwent MRI examination before undergoing treatment in January 2016 to May 2017Results: Among 76 subjects studied, there were 4 (5.1%) subjects who had enlarged PALN. There were no significant differences between the enlargement status of PALN and age (p = 0.829), age of first sexual intercourse (p = 0.33), parity (p = 0.642), mass diameter (p = 0.777). Patients with PALN enlargement have 2.13 times risk of having negative radiotherapy outcome (p = 0.02, OR 2.13, CI95% 1.12 – 4.07). There was no difference in 1-year survival between patients with and without enlargement of PALN (median 201 vs. 293, p = 0.072).Conclusion: Patients with PALN enlargement have increased risk of having negative radiotherapy outcome (p < 0.05). There were no differences in 1 year survival between patients with advanced cervical cancer with enlargement PALN.Keywords : cervical cancer,  lymph node enlargement, paraaortic, radiotherapy.   Abstrak Tujuan: Mengetahui adakah perbedaan respon klinis pascaradioterapi dan kesintasan 1 tahun pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut dengan pembesaran KGB paraaorta dibandingkan tanpa pembesaran KGB paraaorta.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan menggunakan metode kohort retrospektif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan sampel berturut-turut. Subyek penelitian ini adalah semua perempuan dengan diagnosis primer kanker serviks stadium IIB hingga IVB yang datang ke poliklinik Onkologi Ginekologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan menjalani pemeriksaan MRI sebelum dilakukan terapi pada bulan Januari 2016 hingga Mei 2017.Hasil: Dari 76 subjek yang diteliti, didapatkan sebanyak 4 (5,1%) subyek yang mengalami pembesaran KGB paraaorta. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara status pembesaran KGB paraaorta dan usia (p = 0,829), usia hubungan seksual pertama (p = 0,333), paritas (p = 0,642), dan diameter massa (p = 0,777). Pasien dengan pembesaran KGB paraaorta memiliki risiko 2,13 kali lipat (p = 0,02, OR 2,13, IK95% 1,12-4,07) memiliki risiko respon terapi negatif. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kesintasan 1 tahun antara pembesaran KGB paraaorta dan tidak (median 201 vs. 293, p = 0,072).Kesimpulan Pasien dengan pembesaran KGB paraaorta memiliki risiko lebih tinggi mengalami respon radioterapi negatif. (p < 0,05). Tidak terdapat kesintasan 1 tahun antara pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut dengan dan tanpa pembesaran KGB.Kata kunci: kanker serviks,  paraaorta,  pembesaran KGB, radioterapi

    Papsmear Examination for Diagnosing PreCancer Lesion in Invisible SquamoColumnar Junction

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    Objective: To know the concealed pre-cancer lesion in women with invisible squamo-columnar junction (SCJ) by Papsmear examination. Method: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional design starting from August 2014 to March 2015 at several Public Health Cares in Jakarta. A total of 1,682 subjects were screened by Acetoacetate Visual Inspection (AVI) examination. After the data was collected, the process was continued by verification, editing, and coding. The descriptive analysis showed the percentage of SCJ in age distribution, the percentage of AVI examination based on SCJ, and the percentage of Papsmear examination in invisible SCJ according to negative AVI result. Result: There were 1,484 (88.2%) women with the visible SCJ and 198 (11.8%) women with invisible SCJ. The percentage of invisible SCJ in the menopausal women group was 122 (61,6%); meanwhile, in the non-menopausal women group, it was 76 (38.4%). Almost half of the percentage from visible SCJ was found in menopausal women group 45.8% (103/225 women). The positive AVI result was 4 (7.1%) in the menopausal women group and 52 (92.9%) in non-menopausal women group. The result of Papsmear examination with invisible SCJ were 197 (100%) normal. Conclusion: Almost half of visible SCJ was found in menopausal women group. Most of positive AVI result was found in the nonmenopausal women group. All women with the invisible SCJ have a normal Papsmear result. Keywords: acetoacetate visual inspection, papsmear, pre-cancer lesion, squamo-columnar junctio

    Level of Retinol Deposit and Cervical Cancer

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    Objective: To analyze level of retinol deposit sufficiency in the natural history of cervical cancer. Methods: Serum retinol level was measured by ELISA from peripheral blood of subjects with normal cervix, cleared and persistent high risk human papilloma virus (HR-HPV) subclinical infection, and cervical cancer who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study was held in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta, within 2 years (August 2013- 2015). Blood was taken twice, consisting of post-8-hour fasting blood and 2 hours after 6000 IU retinyl palmitate oral administration. Results: Of 47 total samples, sufficient level of retinol deposit in normal cervix, cleared and persistent HR-HPV subclinical infection, and cervical cancer group was 85.0% (reference), 75.0% (OR 1.89), 33.3% (OR 11.33), and 75% (OR 1.89); respectively. Statistically, there was no significant difference from sufficiency level of retinol deposit between normal cervix and clearance HR-HPV subclinical infection (p=0.628), normal cervix and persistent HR-HPV subclinical infection (p=0.078), normal cervix and cervical cancer (p=0.433), cervical cancer and clearance HR-HPV subclinical infection (p=1.000), cervical cancer and persistent HR-HPV subclinical infection (p=0.430), persistent and clearance HR-HPV subclinical infection group (p=0.740). Conclusion: This study proves that normal cervix group has the highest level of retinol deposit sufficiency; however, it cannot be stated that cervical cancer group has less sufficiency level. Persistent HR-HPV subclinical infection group has the lowest level of retinol deposit (OR 11.33). There is no association between sufficient level of retinol deposit and clearance of HR-HPV. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 5-1: 46-54] Keywords: cervical cancer, HR-HPV clearance, retinol deposi

    Prevalence of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) among Negative Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid (VIA)

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    Objective: Persistence of high-risk HPV infection is known to be the major cause of cervical cancer. It is important to differentiate the genotype of HPV infection, whether it is high, intermediate or low risk. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of high-risk HPV types among Indonesian women with negative VIA. Method: We analyzed cervical swabs from 1,214 patients with negative VIA. By using INNO-Lipa HPV DNA test, we detected the HPV DNA and its genotype. Result: From the 1,214 women with negative VIA, 48 (3.95%) samples were confirmed to have positive HPV DNA by using PCR and electrophoresis. However, hybridization test were not able to detect HPV genotypes in 9 samples. These 9 samples were tested again with PCR and electrophoresis and resulted in negative HPV DNA. Among the remaining 39 samples (3.21%), we detected 19 types of HPV, consisting of 13 types of high-risk HPV, 5 types of low-risk HPV, and 1 type of unknown HPV (type X). Conclusion: Among patients with negative VIA, 3.21% was found to be positive for HPV DNA. From this percentage, the prevalence of high-risk HPV is higher than the low-risk and unknown HPV. Therefore we cannot ignore results of negative VIA, particularly in highrisk group, because there is a slight possibility that presence of HPV can be identified, especially the high risk ones which have a tendency to be persistent. We support the importance of HPV DNA test as cervical cancer screening method. Keywords: cervical cancer, high-risk HPV, negative VI

    The Need for Laparoscopic Ovarian Transposition in Young Patients with Cervical Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy

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    Maintaining the quality of life by preserving ovarian function in premenopausal patients with cervical cancer undergoing radiation is crucial. This can be accomplished with a simple and safe laparoscopic ovarian transposition procedure. This procedure aims to move the ovary out of the irradiation field, protecting it from direct radiation and irreversible damage and preserving its function. However, this procedure is often forgotten and seldom offered to patients. This review aims to lay stress on and reconsider the importance of laparoscopic ovarian transposition as a simple, safe, and extremely useful procedure. The biological effects of radiation are described briefly and several studies are evaluated, which reveal that this procedure has more benefits than risks

    The Need for Laparoscopic Ovarian Transposition in Young Patients with Cervical Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy

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    Maintaining the quality of life by preserving ovarian function in premenopausal patients with cervical cancer undergoing radiation is crucial. This can be accomplished with a simple and safe laparoscopic ovarian transposition procedure. This procedure aims to move the ovary out of the irradiation field, protecting it from direct radiation and irreversible damage and preserving its function. However, this procedure is often forgotten and seldom offered to patients. This review aims to lay stress on and reconsider the importance of laparoscopic ovarian transposition as a simple, safe, and extremely useful procedure. The biological effects of radiation are described briefly and several studies are evaluated, which reveal that this procedure has more benefits than risks