30 research outputs found

    Analysis of Effect of Relationship Marketing and Reliance on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Credit Services Products in Rural Banks in Pekanbaru

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    This research held in order to analyze the direct and indirect effect of relationship marketing and trust to loyalty through BPR loan customers’ satisfaction. Population are loan customer of PT. BPR Tuah Negeri Mandiri, PT. BPR Payung Negeri Bestari and PT. BPR Pekanbaru which is totally consist of 810 customers. Sampling determined by Slovin formulation that consists of 268 respondents and selected by using accidental sampling method. Variable used is relationship marketing as exogenous and trust, satisfaction and loyalty as endogenous. Data analyzed by using descriptive and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) assisted by AMOS 20.0. This study reveals that the appropriate relationship marketing program may significantly enhance customers’ trust. Customers’loyalty is both directly or indirectly effected by relationship marketing and trust through customers’ satisfaction. Satisfaction itself give a positive and significant effect to customers’ loyalty. In order to strengthen customers’ loyalty, it is recommended to design and consistently implement a time schedule of loan processing procedure, conducting training and regular-based briefing to employees, create a exit barrier program and periodically conduct a loyalty program to commited customers. Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalt

    Analysis of Effect of Relationship Marketing and Reliance on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Credit Services Products in Rural Banks In Pekanbaru

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    This research held in order to analyze the direct and indirect effect of relationship marketing and trust to loyalty through BPR loan customers’ satisfaction. Population are loan customer of PT. BPR Tuah Negeri Mandiri, PT. BPR Payung Negeri Bestari and PT. BPR Pekanbaru which is totally consist of 810 customers. Sampling determined by Slovin formulation that consists of 268 respondents and selected by using accidental sampling method. Variable used is relationship marketing as exogenous and trust, satisfaction and loyalty as endogenous. Data analyzed by using descriptive and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) assisted by AMOS 20.0. This study reveals that the appropriate relationship marketing program may significantly enhance customers’ trust. Customers’loyalty is both directly or indirectly effected by relationship marketing and trust through customers’ satisfaction. Satisfaction itself give a positive and significant effect to customers’ loyalty. In order to strengthen customers’ loyalty, it is recommended to design and consistently implement a time schedule of loan processing procedure, conducting training and regular-based briefing to employees, create a exit barrier program and periodically conduct a loyalty program to commited customers. Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalt

    Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Cultural Organization on Job Satisfaction and Business Performance (Studies in BUMN and BUMD in Riau Province)

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    This research builds an integrative model which aims to provide an overall interpretation on how the contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), organizational culture, and work satisfaction influence business performance. This study is conducted at BUMN (state owned company) and BUMD (municipally owned company) in the Riau Province by using primary and secondary data. The samples are employees of BUMN (state owned company) and BUMD (municipally owned company) of Riau province consisting of 272 respondents. Sampling technique uses purposive sampling and simple random sampling and using path analysis. The result shows that strong organizational culture, which has a relationship with CSR is able to increase work satisfaction and business performance of BUMN (state owned company) and BUMD (municipally owned company), however, in terms of business performance, BUMN (state owned company) and BUMD (municipally owned company) have not been optimal as expected because of stronger focus on external compared with the internal focus. Similarly, the implementation of CSR is able to increase the performance of BUMN (state owned company) and BUMD (municipally owned company). Organizational culture has a significant role in influencing work satisfaction, and business performance but not for CSR. Since the CSR is the policy of the central BUMN (state owned company) and aimed to contribute for external stakeholders, therefore the branch office of BUMN (state owned company) in Riau Province just implement it without employees’participation the same reason also occurs at BUMD (municipally owned company). Keywords: CSR, Organizational Culture, Work Satisfaction, and Business Performanc

    Pengaruh Family Structure (Intact Family dan Disrupted Family) terhadap Perilaku Compulsive Buying pada Mahasiswa di Universitas Riau dengan Family Stressors sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    This research was conducted at the University of Riau in order to determine the effect of family structure (intact family and disrupted family) toward compulsive buying in students at University of Riau with family stressors as a mediate variable. The populations in this research were 140 students at the University of Riau which consisted of 82 students from intact families (intact family) and 58 students from families who experience problems (disrupted family). To perform the analysis used different test, there are; One Way ANOVA, Path Analysis (Path analysis) and linear regression. From the analysis, we can concludes that students at University of Riau from families with impaired (disrupted family) tend to be compulsive buying behavior than students of University of Riau who come from intact families (intact family). In the University of Riau, female students has a greater tendency to be a compulsive buyer than the male students. There are no difference compulsive buying Riau University students who come from families who experience problems (disrupted family) such as divorce, death and separation. Family stressors mediate the effect of family structure toward compulsive buying on students of University of Riau. Family stressors affect compulsive buying behavior of students at the University of Riau.Keywords : Family Structure, Family Stressors, Compulsive Buyin

    Pengaruh E-Satisfaction dan E-Trust terhadap Repurchase Intention Melalui E-Word of Mouth (E-Wom) sebagai Variabel Intervening E-Commerce Buka Lapak pada Generasi Millenial

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh e-satisfaction dan e-trust terhadap repurchase intention melalui e-word of mouth (E-WOM) sebagai variabel intervening e-commerce Bukalapak pada generasi milenial. Populasi di dalam penelitian adalah kaum milenial (Gen Y) yang telah melakukan transaksi minimal dua kali di e-commerce Bukalapak di smartphone mereka dengan menggunakan aplikasinya. Selanjutnya teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada google form dan sampel diklasifikasi menjadi 185 orang. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan Smart PLS 3.2.9 untuk pengolahan datanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan e-satisfaction berpengaruh terhadap e-word of mouth. E-trust mempengaruhi e-word of mouth. E-satisfaction mempengaruhi e-word of mouth dan repurchase intention.E-Trust mempengaruhi e-word of mouth dan repurchase intention. Setelah itu, e-satisfaction memberikan pengaruh terhadap niat beli ulang melalui e-word of mouth dan antara e-word of mouth dan e-satisfaction memiliki korelasi untuk menciptakan hubungan tersebut. The object of this study is to find out the influence of e-satisfaction and e-trust on repurchase intention through e-word of mouth ( E-WOM ) as variable intervening e-commerce Bukalapak on the millennial generation. The population is millennial (Gen Y) who has done the transaction minimum twice in Bukalapak e-commerce in their smartphone by using its application. Furthermore, the data collection technique is by using questionnaires on google form and the sample was classified to 185 people. Technical data analysis in this study is with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by using Smart PLS 3.2.9 for data processing. The results showed e-satisfaction had an effect on the e-word of mouth. E-trust affects the e-word of mouth. E-satisfaction affects the e-word of mouth and repurchase intention. E-Trust affects the e-word of mouth and repurchase intention. After that, e-satisfaction gives the effects to the repurchase intention through the e-word of mouth, and between the e-word of mouth and e-satisfaction have a correlation to create those become a relation. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Kebijakan Harga terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan pada Jasa Lapangan Internasional Futsal Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to determine how the variables influence service quality, pricing policy towards customer satisfaction and loyalty simultaneously or partially on international futsal field services pekanbaru. This study uses the technique of accidental sampling method sampling conducted by coincidence. To determine the number of samples using Slovin formula, and obtained a sample of 96 people from a total population of 2268 people. This study uses primary data, where the data obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The method used is the analysis of the path (path analysis) with SPSS version 16. Simultaneous regression (F test) showed that the independent variables (quality of service and pricing policies) simultaneously have significant effect on the dependent variable (satisfaction and loyalty. Magnitude of the effect that (R2) by these two independent variables together amounted to 85% of the dependent variable, while the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Results of the testing that has been done, the partial regression test (t test) showed that service quality contributes significantly to customer satisfaction, price contributes significantly to customer satisfaction , quality of service is directly contributed significantly to customer loyalty, price directly contributes significantly to customer loyalty, service quality, price and customer satisfaction simultaneously and significantly contribute to customer loyalty at 84.4%.Keywords: Quality of Service, Price Policy, Satisfaction, Quality of Custome


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    This study aimed to analyze the influence of brand personality and sales promotion on brand equity and its implications for the decision to choose a candidate for governor of Riau province 2013-2018 period either simultaneously or partially. Furthermore, the method of data collection in this study uses empirical studies from the perspective of Political Marketing. The population and sample of this research is the entire population in Riau Province that has the right to vote (17 years and over or married) at the time of the General Election Riau Province First and Second Round in 2013 which amounted to 380 respondents. The method of taking the sample using Multistage Random Sampling (MRS) using questionnaires and interviews, while for data analysis used path analysis using lisrel software version 16 and SPSS version 19. Results of the study explain that in partial brand persanolity significant effect on sales promotion and brand equity and decision choose, in addition to variable sales promotion is also a significant effect on brand equity and implications for the decision to choose. While brand equity as well as having an effect on the decision simultaneously selecting brand personality, sales promotion and brand equity have a significant influence on the decision to choose a candidate for governor of Riau Province period 2013-2018. Keywords: Brand Personality, Sales Promotion, Brand Equity, Decision Selecting, and, Political Marketin


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KUKERTA) merupakan salah satu bentuk pengabdian ke masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Kegiatan KUKERTA ini tidak hanya menjadi proses pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa, namun juga diharapkan memberikan kontribusi positif dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan masyarakat. KUKERTA balek kampung yang dilaksanakan mulai 5 juli 2021 di Nagari Cupak, Kecamatan Gunung Talang, Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat ini mengangkat judul “Meningkatkan Potensi Nagari Cupak Melalui Pengembangan Wisata Dan Penataan Taman Desa”. Adapun program kerja yang dilaksanakan pada kegiatan KUKERTA Balek Kampung 2021, berfokus optimalisasi objek wisata dan taman desa, upaya yang dilakukan oleh tim KUKERTA balek kampung ini adalah meningkatkan Potensi Nagari Cupak Melalui Pengembangan Wisata Dan Penataan Taman Desa, fokus kegiatan untuk program kerja ini adalah melakukan pembaharuan salah satu tempat pemanian air panas di Nagari Cupak, Wisata Angek Garara agar lebih dikenal oleh para wisatawan. Mahasiswa diharapakan mampu memahami setiap permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat dan mengambil keputusan terbaik untuk dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut dengan ide-ide yang kreatif. Tidak hanya berfokus pada pengoptimalan kawasan wisata di Nagari Cupak, Tim KUKERTA Nagari Cupak juga berfokus pada program optimalisasi ketahanan ekonomi masyarakat melalui UMKM, yakni membantu pihak desa mendata ulang UMKM milik masyarakat setempat, serta pembuatan peta UMKM Nagari Cupak, tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah agar UMKM masyarakat yang belum terdata dapat diketahui dan membantu jika ada penyaluran dana UMKM yang mana sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat terutama saat situasi pandemi Covid-19 saat ini

    Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Lokasi terhadap Kepuasan dan Minat Berkunjung Kembali Wisatawan Candi Muara Takus Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh fasilitas dan lokasi terhadap kepuasan pengunjung dan minat berkunjung kembali pada Objek Wisata Candi Muara Takus Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang pengunjung objek wisata. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah path analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa fasilitas dan lokasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan fasilitas dan lokasi terhadap minat berkunjung. Kepuasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berkunjung. Fasilitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berkunjung melalui kepuasan. Lokasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berkunjung melalui kepuasan pada Objek Wisata Candi Muara Takus Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar. This study aims to analyze the effect of facilities and location on visitor satisfaction and interest in revisiting the Muara Takus Temple Tourism Object, District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar Regency. The sample in this study was 100 visitors to the tourist attraction. The data analysis used in this research is path analysis. The results showed that the results of this study showed that the facilities and location had a positive and significant effect on satisfaction. The results of this study show the facilities and location of interest in visiting. Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on interest in visiting. Facilities have a positive and significant effect on interest in visiting through satisfaction. The location has a positive and significant effect on interest in visiting through satisfaction at the Muara Takus Temple Tourism Object, District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar Regency. &nbsp