9 research outputs found

    Correction of dysfunctional urination in children

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    A treatment of 58 children 7-12 years (36 girls and 22 boys) with dysfunctional urination was performed. The 1st group was treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT), the 2nd group with biofeedback (BFB) therapy, 3rd group with two treatment methods. The treatment result in 1st group was increasing of bladder effective volume for 15% of the original. In the 2nd group parameters of urine evacuation improved. After 1 month after treatment monitoring with uroflowmetry method showed, that urination rate increased to 18,7±3,2 ml/s by increasing the effective urination volume by 23% (180±15 ml). The 3rd group had an increase of bladder effective volume for 32,5% with a corresponding decrease in the residual volume. Number of sensory urinations increased by 20% per day, without increasing of urination total number. According to uroflowmetry, urine flow rate increased to 18,7±15,7 ml/s with average urination volume 180±25 ml. So both reservoir and evacuation bladder functions improved. As a result of complex therapy with BFB and LLLT of 3rd group, independent volitional control and urination reflexes activated. More effective of dysfunctional urination correction in children is achieved with a combination of these treatment methods. © 2016, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved

    Correction of dysfunctional urination in children

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    A treatment of 58 children 7-12 years (36 girls and 22 boys) with dysfunctional urination was performed. The 1st group was treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT), the 2nd group with biofeedback (BFB) therapy, 3rd group with two treatment methods. The treatment result in 1st group was increasing of bladder effective volume for 15% of the original. In the 2nd group parameters of urine evacuation improved. After 1 month after treatment monitoring with uroflowmetry method showed, that urination rate increased to 18,7±3,2 ml/s by increasing the effective urination volume by 23% (180±15 ml). The 3rd group had an increase of bladder effective volume for 32,5% with a corresponding decrease in the residual volume. Number of sensory urinations increased by 20% per day, without increasing of urination total number. According to uroflowmetry, urine flow rate increased to 18,7±15,7 ml/s with average urination volume 180±25 ml. So both reservoir and evacuation bladder functions improved. As a result of complex therapy with BFB and LLLT of 3rd group, independent volitional control and urination reflexes activated. More effective of dysfunctional urination correction in children is achieved with a combination of these treatment methods. © 2016, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved

    Interintestinal anastomoses formation using permanent magnet in surgical treatment of children with intestinal stomas

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    It was analyzed the results of treatment of 48 children aged from 1 month to 14 years. In these observations by the 6th - 7th days after doubleintestinalstoma formation magnetic dies with inductance from 300 to 360 mTl and energy force at least 255 kJ/m3 were introduced into lumen of afferent and efferent intestinal loops. Attractive or compression force between dies was 600 g, i.e. force per 1 cm2 was 200 g according to dies' surface cm. Magnets are not only surgical instruments but also physiotherapeutic devices improving microcirculation and stimulating regeneration in the area of anastomosis. Interintestinal anastomosis has been completely formed for 5-7 days. Thereafter magnetic dies have been removed. Stool was normalized in 45 of 48 observations after surgery (1-3 times daily). Intestinal discharge from ileostomy reduced to minimal amount. In 2 patients irregular bowel movements was observed due to adhesive stenosis of interintestinal anastomosis. Magnetic dies can't be established in 1 case due to adhesive process. Hospital stay was from 10 to 25 days in 41 children. 7 patients were discharged for outpatient treatment later. All children were under observation for the period 2-4 months after discharge. Signs of hypotrophy including body weight deficit within 10% of age norm were diagnosed only in 3 children with prematurity degree I-II. Hereafter children were repeatedly hospitalized; intestinal stomas were surgically removed using conventional technique. Thus complete convalescence was obtained