9 research outputs found

    Optical microcavities as platforms for entangled photon spectroscopy

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    Optical microcavities are often proposed as platforms for spectroscopy in the single- and few-photon regime due to strong light-matter coupling. For classical-light spectroscopies, an empty microcavity simply acts as an optical filter. However, we find that in the single- or few-photon regime treating the empty microcavity as an optical filter does not capture the full effect on the quantum state of the transmitted photons. Focusing on the case of entangled photon-pair spectroscopy, we consider how the propagation of one photon through an optical microcavity changes the joint spectrum of a frequency-entangled photon pair. Using the input-output treatment of a Dicke model, we find that propagation through a strongly coupled microcavity above a certain coupling threshold enhances the entanglement entropy between the signal and idler photons. These results show that optical microcavities are not neutral platforms for quantum-light spectroscopies and their effects must be carefully considered when using change in entanglement entropy as an observable

    Many-Exciton Quantum Dynamics in a Ruddlesden-Popper Tin Iodide

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    We present a study on the many-body exciton interactions in a prototype Ruddlesden-Popper metal halide (RPMH), namely \ce{(PEA)2SnI4} (PEA = phenylethylammine), using coherent two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. The optical dephasing times of the third-order polarization observed in these systems are determined by exciton many-body interactions and lattice fluctuations. We investigate the excitation-induced dephasing (EID) and observe a significant reduction of the contribution to the dephasing time with increasing excitation density as compared to its lead counterpart \ce{(PEA)2PbI4}, which we have previously reported [A.~R.~Srimath~Kandada~\textit{et~al.}, J.\ Chem.\ Phys.\ \textbf{153}, 164706 (2020)]. Surprisingly, we find that the EID interaction parameter is four orders of magnitude higher in \ce{(PEA)2SnI4} than that in \ce{(PEA)2PbI4}. This increase in the EID rate may be due to exciton localization arising from a more strongly statically disordered lattice in the tin derivative. This is supported by the observation of multiple closely spaced exciton states and the broadening of the linewidth with increasing population time (spectral diffusion), which suggests a static disordered structure relative to the highly dynamic lead-halide. Additionally, we find that the exciton nonlinear coherent lineshape shows evidence of a biexcitonic state with low binding energy (<10<10\,meV) not observed in the lead system. We model the lineshapes based on a stochastic scattering theory that accounts for the interaction with a non-stationary population of dark background excitations. Our study provides evidence of differences in the exciton quantum dynamics between tin- and lead-based RPMHs and links them to the exciton-exciton interaction strength and the static disorder aspect of the crystalline structure.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Exciton-carrier coupling in a metal halide perovskite nanocrystal assembly probed by two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy

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    The surface chemistry and inter-connectivity within perovskite nanocrystals play a critical role in determining the electronic interactions. They manifest in the Coulomb screening of electron-hole correlations and the carrier relaxation dynamics, among other many-body processes. Here, we characterize the coupling between the exciton and free carrier states close to the band-edge in a ligand-free formamidinium lead bromide nanocrystal assembly via two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy. The optical signatures observed in this work show: (i) a nonlinear spectral lineshape reminiscent of Fano-like interference that evidences the coupling between discrete electronic states and a continuum, (ii) symmetric excited state absorption cross-peaks that suggest the existence of a coupled exciton-carrier excited state, and (iii) ultrafast carrier thermalization and exciton formation. Our results highlight the presence of coherent coupling between exciton and free carriers, particularly in the sub-100 femtosecond timescales

    (3-Aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane Surface Passivation Improves Perovskite Solar Cell Performance by Reducing Surface Recombination Velocity

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    We demonstrate reduced surface recombination velocity (SRV) and enhanced power-conversion efficiency (PCE) in mixed-cation mixed-halide perovskite solar cells by using (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS) as a surface passivator. We show the APTMS serves to passivate defects at the perovskite surface, while also decoupling the perovskite from detrimental interactions at the C60 interface. We measure a SRV of ~125 + 14 cm/s, and a concomitant increase of ~100 meV in quasi-Fermi level splitting in passivated devices compared to the controls. We use time-resolved photoluminescence and excitation-correlation photoluminescence spectroscopy to show that APTMS passivation effectively suppresses non-radiative recombination. We show that APTMS improves both the fill factor and open-circuit voltage (VOC), increasing VOC from 1.03 V for control devices to 1.09 V for APTMS-passivated devices, which leads to PCE increasing from 15.90% to 18.03%. We attribute enhanced performance to reduced defect density or suppressed nonradiative recombination and low SRV at the perovskite/transporting layers interface.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Resolving Nonlinear Recombination Dynamics in Semiconductors via Ultrafast Excitation Correlation Spectroscopy: Photoluminescence versus Photocurrent Detection.

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    We explore the application of excitation correlation spectroscopy to detect nonlinear photophysical dynamics in two distinct semiconductor classes through time-integrated photoluminescence and photocurrent measurements. In this experiment, two variably delayed femtosecond pulses excite the semiconductor, and the time-integrated photoluminescence or photocurrent component arising from the nonlinear dynamics of the populations induced by each pulse is measured as a function of inter-pulse delay by phase-sensitive detection with a lock-in amplifier. We focus on two limiting materials systems with contrasting optical properties: a prototypical lead-halide perovskite (LHP) solar cell, in which primary photoexcitations are charge photocarriers, and a single-component organic-semiconductor diode, which features Frenkel excitons as primary photoexcitations. The photoexcitation dynamics perceived by the two detection schemes in these contrasting systems are distinct. Nonlinear-dynamic contributions in the photoluminescence detection scheme arise from contributions to radiative recombination in both materials systems, while photocurrent arises directly in the LHP but indirectly following exciton dissociation in the organic system. Consequently, the basic photophysics of the two systems are reflected differently when comparing measurements with the two detection schemes. Our results indicate that photoluminescence detection in the LHP system provides valuable information about trap-assisted and Auger recombination processes, but that these processes are convoluted in a nontrivial way in the photocurrent response and are therefore difficult to differentiate. In contrast, the organic-semiconductor system exhibits more directly correlated responses in the nonlinear photoluminescence and photocurrent measurements, as charge carriers are secondary excitations only generated through exciton dissociation processes. We propose that bimolecular annihilation pathways mainly contribute to the generation of charge carriers in single-component organic semiconductor devices. Overall, our work highlights the utility of excitation correlation spectroscopy in modern semiconductor materials research, particularly in the analysis of nonlinear photophysical processes, which are deterministic for their electronic and optical properties

    Peculiar anharmonicity of Ruddlesden Popper metal halides: Temperature-dependent phonon dephasing

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    The anharmonicity of the Ruddlesden Popper metal-halide lattice, and its consequences on their electronic and optical properties, is paramount in their basic semiconductor physics. It is thus critical to identify specific anharmonic optical phonons that govern their photophysics . Here, we address the nature of phonon-phono scattering probabilities of the resonantly excited optical phonons that dress the electronic transitions in these materials by means of variable-temperature resonant impulsive stimulated Raman measurements. Based on the temperature dependence of the coherent phonon lifetimes, we isolate the dominant anharmonic phonon and quantify its phonon-phonon interaction strength. Intriguingly, we also observe that the anharmonicity is distinct for different phonons, with a few select modes exhibiting temperature-independent coherence lifetimes, indicating their predominantly harmonic nature. However, the population and dephasing dynamics of excitons are dominated by the anharmonic phonon

    Nonlinear Photocarrier Dynamics and the Role of Shallow Traps in Mixed-Halide Mixed-Cation Hybrid Perovskites

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    We examine the role of surface passivation on carrier trapping and nonlinear recombination dynamics in hybrid metal-halide perovskites by means of excitation correlation photoluminescence (ECPL) spectroscopy. We find that carrier trapping occurs on subnanosecond timescales in both control (unpassivated) and passivated samples, which is consistent within a shallow-trap model. However, the impact of passivation has a direct effect on both shallow and deep traps. Our results reveal that the effect of passivation of deep traps is responsible for the increase of the carrier lifetimes, while the passivation of shallow traps reduces the excitation density required for shallow-trap saturation. Our work demonstrates how ECPL provides details about the passivation of shallow traps beyond those available via conventional time-resolved photoluminescence techniques.</p

    Preventing bulky cation diffusion in lead halide perovskite solar cells

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    The impact on device stability of the bulky cation-modified interfaces in halide perovskite solar cells is not well-understood. We demonstrate the thermal instability of the bulky cation interface layers used in some of the highest performing solar cells to date. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and synchrotron-based grazing incidence X-ray scattering measurements reveal significant changes under thermal stress in the chemical composition and structure at the surface of these films. The changes impact charge carrier dynamics and device operation, as shown in transient photoluminescence, excitation correlation spectroscopy, and solar cells. The type of cation used for passivation affects the extent of these changes, where long carbon chains provide more stable interfaces and thus longer durability (more than 1000 hrs at 55ÂşC). Such findings highlight that annealing the treated interfaces before characterization is critical to enable reliable reporting of performances and to drive the selection between different cations

    Measurement principles for quantum spectroscopy of molecular materials with entangled photons

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    Nonlinear spectroscopy with quantum entangled photons is an emerging field of research that holds the promise to achieve superior signal-to-noise ratio and effectively isolate many-body interactions. Photon sources used for this purpose, however, lack the frequency tunability and spectral bandwidth demanded by contemporary molecular materials. Here, we present design strategies for efficient spontaneous parametric downconversion to generate biphoton states with adequate spectral bandwidth and at visible wavelengths. Importantly, we demonstrate, by suitable design of the nonlinear optical interaction, the scope to engineer the degree of spectral correlations between the photons of the pair. We also present an experimental methodology to effectively characterize such spectral correlations. Importantly, we believe that such a characterization tool can be effectively adapted as a spectroscopy platform to optically probe system-bath interactions in materials.A.R.S.K. acknowledges the start-up funds provided by Wake Forest University and funding from the Center for Functional Materials and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at WFU. We also thank Nick Bertone from Optoelectronic Components for supplying the photon-counting units in the initial stages of this project. The authors thank Professor Carlos Silva and Professor Eric Bittner for enlightening discussions and support and Professor Daniele Faccio and Professor Matteo Clerici for providing us the Type I BBO crystal and many useful discussions on the experimental scheme. C.T. acknowledges support by European Union’s Horizon Europe (HORIZON) research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action PIONEER (Grant Agreement 101066108). C.T. also acknowledges the Optica Foundation and Coherent Inc. for support through the Bernard J. Couillaud prize. D.O.T is supported by the PERSEPHONE project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956270.Peer reviewe