183 research outputs found

    OLED microdisplays control cell behavior through optogenetics

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    M.C. Gather acknowledges funding from Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (PCIG45-GA-2012-334407), from the Scottish Funding Council (via SUPA), and from the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust.OLED microdisplays are introduced as a microscopic illumination platform for cell biology. The μm-scale dimensions of each pixel and the μm-thin encapsulation enable controlled light exposure of individual live cells. This breakthrough is facilitated by recent progress in ultrathin metal electrodes and by quality control via high resolution hyperspectral imaging.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Organic lasers: recent developments on materials, device geometries, and fabrication techniques

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    MCG acknowledges financial support through the ERC Starting Grant ABLASE (640012) and the European Union Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (PCIG12-GA-2012-334407). AJCK acknowledges financial support by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research through a NanoMatFutur research group (BMBF grant no. 13N13522).Organic dyes have been used as gain medium for lasers since the 1960s, long before the advent of today’s organic electronic devices. Organic gain materials are highly attractive for lasing due to their chemical tunability and large stimulated emission cross section. While the traditional dye laser has been largely replaced by solid-state lasers, a number of new and miniaturized organic lasers have emerged that hold great potential for lab-on-chip applications, biointegration, low-cost sensing and related areas, which benefit from the unique properties of organic gain materials. On the fundamental level, these include high exciton binding energy, low refractive index (compared to inorganic semiconductors), and ease of spectral and chemical tuning. On a technological level, mechanical flexibility and compatibility with simple processing techniques such as printing, roll-to-roll, self-assembly, and soft-lithography are most relevant. Here, the authors provide a comprehensive review of the developments in the field over the past decade, discussing recent advances in organic gain materials, which are today often based on solid-state organic semiconductors, as well as optical feedback structures, and device fabrication. Recent efforts toward continuous wave operation and electrical pumping of solid-state organic lasers are reviewed, and new device concepts and emerging applications are summarized.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Optimizing the internal electric field distribution of alternating current driven organic light-emitting devices for a reduced operating voltage

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    This work was funded with financial means of the European Social Fund and the Free State of Saxony through the OrthoPhoto project.The influence of the thickness of the insulating layer and the intrinsic organic layer on the driving voltage of p-i-n based alternating current driven organic light-emitting devices (AC-OLEDs) is investigated. A three-capacitor model is employed to predict the basic behavior of the devices, and good agreement with the experimental values is found. The proposed charge regeneration mechanism based on Zener tunneling is studied in terms of field strength across the intrinsic organic layers. A remarkable consistency between the measured field strength at the onset point of light emission (3-3.1 MV/cm) and the theoretically predicted breakdown field strength of around 3 MV/cm is obtained. The latter value represents the field required for Zener tunneling in wide band gap organic materials according to Fowler-Nordheim theory. AC-OLEDs with optimized thickness of the insulating and intrinsic layers show a reduction in the driving voltage required to reach a luminance of 1000 cd/m2 of up to 23% (8.9 V) and a corresponding 20% increase in luminous efficacy.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Integration of spectral coronagraphy within VIPA-based spectrometers for high extinction Brillouin imaging

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    This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (K25EB015885, R33CA204582, U01CA202177); National Science Foundation (CMMI-1537027) and Human Frontier Science Program (Young Investigator Grant RGY0074).VIPA (virtually imaged phase array) spectrometers have enabled rapid Brillouin spectrum measurements and current designs of multi-stage VIPA spectrometers offer enough spectral extinction to probe transparent tissue, cells and biomaterials. However, in highly scattering media or in the presence of strong back-reflections, such as at interfaces between materials of different refractive indices, VIPA-based Brillouin spectral measurements are limited. While several approaches to address this issue have recently been pursued, important challenges remain. Here we have adapted the design of coronagraphs used for exosolar planet imaging to the spectral domain and integrated it in a double-stage VIPA spectrometer. We demonstrate that this yields an increase in extinction up to 20 dB, with nearly no added insertion loss. The power of this improvement is vividly demonstrated by Brillouin imaging close to reflecting interfaces without index matching or sample tilting.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Segment-specific optogenetic stimulation in Drosophila melanogaster with linear arrays of organic light-emitting diodes

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    This research was financially supported by the EPSRC NSF-CBET lead agency agreement (EP/R010595/1, 1706207), the DARPA-NESD programme (N66001-17-C-4012) and the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2017-231). C.M. acknowledges funding from the European Commission through a Marie Skłodowska Curie individual fellowship (703387). S.R.P acknowledges funding from the Biology and Biotechnology Research council (BB/M021793). M.C.G. acknowledges funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Humboldt-Professorship).Optogenetics allows light-driven, non-contact control of neural systems, but light delivery remains challenging, in particular when fine spatial control of light is required to achieve local specificity. Here, we employ organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that are micropatterned into linear arrays to obtain precise optogenetic control in Drosophila melanogaster larvae expressing the light-gated activator CsChrimson and the inhibitor GtACR2 within their peripheral sensory system. Our method allows confinement of light stimuli to within individual abdominal segments, which facilitates the study of larval behaviour in response to local sensory input. We show controlled triggering of specific crawling modes and find that targeted neurostimulation in abdominal segments switches the direction of crawling. More broadly, our work demonstrates how OLEDs can provide tailored patterns of light for photo-stimulation of neuronal networks, with future implications ranging from mapping neuronal connectivity in cultures to targeted photo-stimulation with pixelated OLED implants in vivo.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Investigating the onset of the strong coupling regime by fine-tuning the Rabi splitting in multilayer organic microcavities

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    This research was financially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (FP/2014-2020)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 640012 (ABLASE), the Volkswagen Foundation (93404), and the Scottish Funding Council (through SUPA). L.T. acknowledges the studentship funding through the EPSRC CM-CDT (EP/L015110/1).Given the prevalence of disorder in many organic semiconductors, the applicability of simple models to describe their behavior in the strong coupling regime, like the two-level coupled oscillator, is not evident. Here, the validity of the two-level coupled oscillator model and the simple dependence of the coupling strength on the number of absorbers and the electric field is tested experimentally in metal-clad microcavities containing a disordered film of small molecules. Multi-layer microcavities are produced by combining different thin film deposition techniques. These allow for isolating the relevant parameters and thus to confirm the coupling strength is proportional to (1) the square root of the number of absorbers and (2) the amplitude of the electric field. By changing either of these two parameters, the microcavities are shifted from the weak to the strong coupling regime. Moreover, careful analysis reveals that there is a threshold coupling strength for the onset of the Rabi splitting. Two independent investigations show that this threshold is comparable to the losses in the cavities. These results validate the coupled two-level Hamiltonian for microcavities containing disordered organic semiconductors, even though the assumption of a single exciton level represents a strong simplification for these systems.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Highly efficient polaritonic light-emitting diodes with angle-independent narrowband emission

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    Authors acknowledge funding by the Volkswagen Foundation (no. 93404; M.C.G.), the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2017-213; M.C.G), the European Research Council under the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (FP/2014-2020)/ERC grant agreement no. 640012 (ABLASE; M.C.G) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Humboldt Professorship; M.C.G.). A.M. acknowledges funding through an individual fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (404587082; A.M.) and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101023743 (PolDev; A.M.).Angle-independent narrowband emission is required for many optoelectronic devices, ranging from high-definition displays to sensors. However, emerging materials for electroluminescent devices, such as organics and perovskites, show spectrally broad emission due to intrinsic disorder. Coupling this emission to an optical resonance reduces the linewidth, but at the cost of inheriting the severe angular dispersion of the resonator. Strongly coupling a dispersionless exciton state to a narrowband optical microcavity could overcome this issue; however, electrically pumped emission from the resulting polaritons is typically hampered by poor efficiencies. Here we present a universal concept for polariton-based emission from organic light-emitting diodes by introducing an assistant strong coupling layer, thereby avoiding quenching-induced efficiency losses. We realize red- and green-emitting, narrowband (full-width at half-maximum of less than 20 nm) and spectrally tunable polaritonic organic light-emitting diodes with up to 10% external quantum efficiency and high luminance (>20,000 cd m−2 at 5 V). By optimizing cavity detuning and coupling strength, we achieve emission with ultralow dispersion (<10 nm spectral shift at 60° tilt). These results may have wide-reaching implications for on-demand polariton emission and demonstrate the practical relevance of strong light–matter coupling for next-generation optoelectronics, particularly display technology.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Snapshot hyperspectral imaging of intracellular lasers

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    Intracellular lasers are emerging as powerful biosensors for multiplexed tracking and precision sensing of cells and their microenvironment. This sensing capacity is enabled by quantifying their narrow-linewidth emission spectra, which is presently challenging to do at high speeds. In this work, we demonstrate rapid snapshot hyperspectral imaging of intracellular lasers. Using integral field mapping with a microlens array and a diffraction grating, we obtain images of the spatial and spectral intensity distribution from a single camera acquisition. We demonstrate widefield hyperspectral imaging over a 3×\times3 mm2^2 field of view and volumetric imaging over 250×\times250×\times800 μ\mum3^3 volumes with a spatial resolution of 5 μ\mum and a spectral resolution of less than 0.8 nm. We evaluate the performance and outline the challenges and strengths of snapshot methods in the context of characterising the emission from intracellular lasers. This method offers new opportunities for a diverse range of applications, including high-throughput and long-term biosensing with intracellular lasers.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    An exciplex-based light-emission pathway for solution-state electrochemiluminescent devices

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    This work was financially supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Humboldt-Professorship to M.C.G.). C.K.M. acknowledges funding from the European Commission through a Marie Skłodowska Curie individual fellowship (101029807). J.F.B. acknowledges funding from Beverly and Frank MacInnis via the University of St Andrews.Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) allows the design of unique light-emitting devices that use organic semiconductors in a liquid or gel state, which allows for simpler and more sustainable device fabrication and facilitates unconventional device form-factors. Compared to solid-state organic LEDs, ECL devices (ECLDs) have attracted less attention due to their currently much lower performance. ECLD operation is typically based on an annihilation pathway that involves electron transfer between reduced and oxidized luminophore species; the intermediate radical ions produced during annihilation dramatically reduce device stability. Here, the effects of radical ions are mitigated by an exciplex formation pathway and a remarkable improvement in luminance, luminous efficacy, and operational lifetime is demonstrated. Electron donor and acceptor molecules are dissolved at high concentrations and recombined as an exciplex upon their oxidization/reduction. The exciplex then transfers its energy to a nearby dye, allowing the dye to emit light without undergoing oxidation/reduction. Furthermore, the application of a mesoporous TiO2 electrode increases the contact area and hence the number of molecules participating in ECL , thereby obtaining devices with a very high luminance of 3790 cd m−2 and a 30-fold improved operational lifetime. This study paves the way for the development of ECLDs into highly versatile light sources.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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