335 research outputs found

    Circadian Clocks and UPR: New Twists as the Story Unfolds.

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    Circadian clocks help control the unfolded protein response (UPR). In a recent issue of Nature Cell Biology, Bu et al. (2017) show that the interaction is reciprocal, with miRNA-211 providing a signal from the UPR to the clock component BMAL1, affecting circadian timing, global translational control, and cancer cell survival

    MicroRNAs shape circadian hepatic gene expression on a transcriptome-wide scale.

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    A considerable proportion of mammalian gene expression undergoes circadian oscillations. Post-transcriptional mechanisms likely make important contributions to mRNA abundance rhythms. We have investigated how microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to core clock and clock-controlled gene expression using mice in which miRNA biogenesis can be inactivated in the liver. While the hepatic core clock was surprisingly resilient to miRNA loss, whole transcriptome sequencing uncovered widespread effects on clock output gene expression. Cyclic transcription paired with miRNA-mediated regulation was thus identified as a frequent phenomenon that affected up to 30% of the rhythmic transcriptome and served to post-transcriptionally adjust the phases and amplitudes of rhythmic mRNA accumulation. However, only few mRNA rhythms were actually generated by miRNAs. Overall, our study suggests that miRNAs function to adapt clock-driven gene expression to tissue-specific requirements. Finally, we pinpoint several miRNAs predicted to act as modulators of rhythmic transcripts, and identify rhythmic pathways particularly prone to miRNA regulation.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02510.001

    Translational contributions to tissue specificity in rhythmic and constitutive gene expression.

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    The daily gene expression oscillations that underlie mammalian circadian rhythms show striking differences between tissues and involve post-transcriptional regulation. Both aspects remain poorly understood. We have used ribosome profiling to explore the contribution of translation efficiency to temporal gene expression in kidney and contrasted our findings with liver data available from the same mice. Rhythmic translation of constantly abundant messenger RNAs (mRNAs) affects largely non-overlapping transcript sets with distinct phase clustering in the two organs. Moreover, tissue differences in translation efficiency modulate the timing and amount of protein biosynthesis from rhythmic mRNAs, consistent with organ specificity in clock output gene repertoires and rhythmicity parameters. Our comprehensive datasets provided insights into translational control beyond temporal regulation. Between tissues, many transcripts show differences in translation efficiency, which are, however, of markedly smaller scale than mRNA abundance differences. Tissue-specific changes in translation efficiency are associated with specific transcript features and, intriguingly, globally counteracted and compensated transcript abundance variations, leading to higher similarity at the level of protein biosynthesis between both tissues. We show that tissue specificity in rhythmic gene expression extends to the translatome and contributes to define the identities, the phases and the expression levels of rhythmic protein biosynthesis. Moreover, translational compensation of transcript abundance divergence leads to overall higher similarity at the level of protein production across organs. The unique resources provided through our study will serve to address fundamental questions of post-transcriptional control and differential gene expression in vivo

    Ribosome profiling reveals the rhythmic liver translatome and circadian clock regulation by upstream open reading frames.

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    Mammalian gene expression displays widespread circadian oscillations. Rhythmic transcription underlies the core clock mechanism, but it cannot explain numerous observations made at the level of protein rhythmicity. We have used ribosome profiling in mouse liver to measure the translation of mRNAs into protein around the clock and at high temporal and nucleotide resolution. We discovered, transcriptome-wide, extensive rhythms in ribosome occupancy and identified a core set of approximately 150 mRNAs subject to particularly robust daily changes in translation efficiency. Cycling proteins produced from nonoscillating transcripts revealed thus-far-unknown rhythmic regulation associated with specific pathways (notably in iron metabolism, through the rhythmic translation of transcripts containing iron responsive elements), and indicated feedback to the rhythmic transcriptome through novel rhythmic transcription factors. Moreover, estimates of relative levels of core clock protein biosynthesis that we deduced from the data explained known features of the circadian clock better than did mRNA expression alone. Finally, we identified uORF translation as a novel regulatory mechanism within the clock circuitry. Consistent with the occurrence of translated uORFs in several core clock transcripts, loss-of-function of Denr, a known regulator of reinitiation after uORF usage and of ribosome recycling, led to circadian period shortening in cells. In summary, our data offer a framework for understanding the dynamics of translational regulation, circadian gene expression, and metabolic control in a solid mammalian organ

    A conditional Smg6 mutant mouse model reveals circadian clock regulation through the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway.

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    Nonsense-mediated messenger RNA (mRNA) decay (NMD) has been intensively studied as a surveillance pathway that degrades erroneous transcripts arising from mutations or RNA processing errors. While additional roles in physiological control of mRNA stability have emerged, possible functions in mammalian physiology in vivo remain unclear. Here, we created a conditional mouse allele that allows converting the NMD effector nuclease SMG6 from wild-type to nuclease domain-mutant protein. We find that NMD down-regulation affects the function of the circadian clock, a system known to require rapid mRNA turnover. Specifically, we uncover strong lengthening of free-running circadian periods for liver and fibroblast clocks and direct NMD regulation of Cry2 mRNA, encoding a key transcriptional repressor within the rhythm-generating feedback loop. Transcriptome-wide changes in daily mRNA accumulation patterns in the entrained liver, as well as an altered response to food entrainment, expand the known scope of NMD regulation in mammalian gene expression and physiology

    A novel Smg6 mouse model reveals regulation of circadian period and daily CRY2 accumulation through the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway

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    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) has been intensively studied as a surveillance pathway that degrades erroneous transcripts arising from mutations or RNA processing errors. While additional roles in controlling regular mRNA stability have emerged, possible functions in mammalian physiology in vivo have remained unclear. Here, we report a novel conditional mouse allele that allows converting the NMD effector nuclease SMG6 from wild-type to nuclease domain-mutant protein. We analyzed how NMD downregulation affects the function of the circadian clock, a system known to require rapid mRNA turnover. We uncover strong lengthening of free-running circadian periods for liver and fibroblast clocks, and direct NMD regulation of Cry2 mRNA, encoding a key transcriptional repressor within the rhythm-generating feedback loop. In the entrained livers of Smg6 mutant animals we reveal transcriptome-wide alterations in daily mRNA accumulation patterns, altogether expanding the known scope of NMD regulation in mammalian gene expression and physiology

    Transcriptome-wide sites of collided ribosomes reveal principles of translational pausing.

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    Translation initiation is the major regulatory step defining the rate of protein production from an mRNA. Meanwhile, the impact of nonuniform ribosomal elongation rates is largely unknown. Using a modified ribosome profiling protocol based on footprints from two closely packed ribosomes (disomes), we have mapped ribosomal collisions transcriptome-wide in mouse liver. We uncover that the stacking of an elongating onto a paused ribosome occurs frequently and scales with translation rate, trapping ∼10% of translating ribosomes in the disome state. A distinct class of pause sites is indicative of deterministic pausing signals. Pause site association with specific amino acids, peptide motifs, and nascent polypeptide structure is suggestive of programmed pausing as a widespread mechanism associated with protein folding. Evolutionary conservation at disome sites indicates functional relevance of translational pausing. Collectively, our disome profiling approach allows unique insights into gene regulation occurring at the step of translation elongation

    Charting DENR-dependent translation reinitiation uncovers predictive uORF features and links to circadian timekeeping via Clock.

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    The non-canonical initiation factor DENR promotes translation reinitiation on mRNAs harbouring upstream open reading frames (uORFs). Moreover, DENR depletion shortens circadian period in mouse fibroblasts, suggesting involvement of uORF usage and reinitiation in clock regulation. To identify DENR-regulated translation events transcriptome-wide and, in particular, specific core clock transcripts affected by this mechanism, we have used ribosome profiling in DENR-deficient NIH3T3 cells. We uncovered 240 transcripts with altered translation rate, and used linear regression analysis to extract 5' UTR features predictive of DENR dependence. Among core clock genes, we identified Clock as a DENR target. Using Clock 5' UTR mutants, we mapped the specific uORF through which DENR acts to regulate CLOCK protein biosynthesis. Notably, these experiments revealed an alternative downstream start codon, likely representing the bona fide CLOCK N-terminus. Our findings provide insights into uORF-mediated translational regulation that can regulate the mammalian circadian clock and gene expression at large