651 research outputs found

    Method for fiberizing ceramic materials Patent

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    Process for fiberizing ceramic materials with high fusion temperatures and tensile strengt

    A Note on Embedding of M-Theory Corrections into Eleven-Dimensional Superspace

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    By analyzing eleven-dimensional superspace fourth-rank superfield strength F-Bianchi identities, we show that M-theory corrections to eleven-dimensional supergravity can not be embedded into the mass dimension zero constraints, such as the (\g^{a b})_{\a\b} X_{a b}{}^c or i (\g^{a_1... a_5})_{\a\b} X_{a_1... a_5}{}^c -terms in the supertorsion constraint T_{\a\b}{}^c. The only possible modification of superspace constraint at dimension zero is found to be the scaling of F_{\a\b c d} like F_{\a\b c d} = (1/2) \big(\g_{c d}\big)_{\a\b} e^\Phi for some real scalar superfield \Phi, which alone is further shown not enough to embed general M-theory corrections. This conclusion is based on the dimension zero F-Bianchi identity under the two assumptions: (i) There are no negative dimensional constraints on the F-superfield strength: F_{\a\b\g\d} = F_{\a\b\g d} =0; (ii) The supertorsion T-Bianchi identities and F-Bianchi identities are not modified by Chern-Simons terms. Our result can serve as a powerful tool for future exploration of M-theory corrections embedded into eleven-dimensional superspace supergravity.Comment: 14 pages, latex, some minor typos corrected, as well as old section 5 deleted, due to the subtlety about Chern-Simons term in F-Bianchi identitie

    Cosmological Supergravity from a Massive Superparticle and Super Cosmological Black Holes

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    We describe in superspace a classical theory of two dimensional (1,1)(1,1) dilaton supergravity with a cosmological constant, both with and without coupling to a massive superparticle. We give general exact non-trivial superspace solutions for the compensator superfield that describes the supergravity in both cases. We then use these compensator solutions to construct models of two-dimensional supersymmetric cosmological black holes.Comment: 20 pages, Late

    Walls in supersymmetric massive nonlinear sigma model on complex quadric surface

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    The Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) multiwall solutions are constructed in a massive Kahler nonlinear sigma model on the complex quadric surface, Q^N=SO(N+2)/[SO(N)\times SO(2)] in 3-dimensional space-time. The theory has a non-trivial scalar potential generated by the Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction from the massless nonlinear sigma model on Q^N in 4-dimensional space-time and it gives rise to 2[N/2+1] discrete vacua. The BPS wall solutions connecting these vacua are obtained based on the moduli matrix approach. It is also shown that the moduli space of the BPS wall solutions is the complex quadric surface Q^N.Comment: 42 pages, 30 figures, typos corrected, version to appear in PR

    Embedding (R+R^2)-Inflation into Supergravity

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    We find the natural embedding of the (R+R^2)-inflationary model into the recently constructed N=1 F(\cal R)-supergravity. It gives a simple and viable realization of chaotic inflation in supergravity. The only requirement for a slow-roll inflation is the existence of the (\cal R)^3-term with an anomalously large coefficient in Taylor expansion of the F(\cal R) function, where \cal R is the covariantly-chiral scalar supercurvature superfield.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figures (very minor additions, a reference added

    N=2 Conformal Superspace in Four Dimensions

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    We develop the geometry of four dimensional N=2 superspace where the entire conformal algebra of SU(2,2|2) is realized linearly in the structure group rather than just the SL(2,C) x U(2)_R subgroup of Lorentz and R-symmetries, extending to N=2 our prior result for N=1 superspace. This formulation explicitly lifts to superspace the existing methods of the N=2 superconformal tensor calculus; at the same time the geometry, when degauged to SL(2,C) x U(2)_R, reproduces the existing formulation of N=2 conformal supergravity constructed by Howe.Comment: 43 pages; v2 references added, acknowledgments update

    Parity Conservation in Supersymmetric Vector-Like Theories

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    We show that parity is conserved in vector-like supersymmetric theories, such as supersymmetric QCD with massive quarks with no cubic couplings among chiral multiplets, based on fermionic path-integrals, originally developed by Vafa and Witten. We also look into the effect of supersymmetric breaking through gluino masses, and see that the parity-conservation is intact also in this case. Our conclusion is valid, when only bosonic parity-breaking observable terms are considered in path-integrals like the original Vafa-Witten formulation.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figures; replaced with corrections of exponent in old eq.(2.8), misleading expressions in (3.19), comments on fermionic parity-breaking terms, and some references adde

    (4,4) superfield supergravity

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    We present the N=4 superspace constraints for the two-dimensional (2d) off-shell (4,4) supergravity with the superfield strengths expressed in terms of a (4,4) twisted (scalar) multiplet TM-I, as well as the corresponding component results, in a form suitable for applications. The constraints are shown to be invariant under the N=4 super-Weyl transformations, whose N=4 superfield parameters form another twisted (scalar) multiplet TM-II. To solve the constraints, we propose the Ansatz which makes the N=4 superconformal flatness of the N=4 supergravity curved superspace manifest. The locally (4,4) supersymmetric TM-I matter couplings, with the potential terms resulting from spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, are constructed. We also find the full (4,4) superconformally invariant (improved) TM-II matter action. The latter can be extended to the (4,4) locally supersymmetric Liouville action which is suitable for describing (4,4) supersymmetric non-critical strings.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, revised version (one reference added, and one Appendix is reduced

    No N=4 Strings on Wolf Spaces

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    We generalize the standard N=2N=2 supersymmetric Kazama-Suzuki coset construction to the N=4N=4 case by requiring the {\it non-linear} (Goddard-Schwimmer) N=4 N=4~ quasi-superconformal algebra to be realized on cosets. The constraints that we find allow very simple geometrical interpretation and have the Wolf spaces as their natural solutions. Our results obtained by using components-level superconformal field theory methods are fully consistent with standard results about N=4N=4 supersymmetric two-dimensional non-linear sigma-models and N=4N=4 WZNW models on Wolf spaces. We construct the actions for the latter and express the quaternionic structure, appearing in the N=4N=4 coset solution, in terms of the symplectic structure associated with the underlying Freudenthal triple system. Next, we gauge the N=4 N=4~ QSCA and build a quantum BRST charge for the N=4N=4 string propagating on a Wolf space. Surprisingly, the BRST charge nilpotency conditions rule out the non-trivial Wolf spaces as consistent string backgrounds.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, special macros are include

    Extended supersymmetric sigma models in AdS_4 from projective superspace

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    There exist two superspace approaches to describe N=2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models in four-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS_4) space: (i) in terms of N=1 AdS chiral superfields, as developed in arXiv:1105.3111 and arXiv:1108.5290; and (ii) in terms of N=2 polar supermultiplets using the AdS projective-superspace techniques developed in arXiv:0807.3368. The virtue of the approach (i) is that it makes manifest the geometric properties of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma-models in AdS_4. The target space must be a non-compact hyperkahler manifold endowed with a Killing vector field which generates an SO(2) group of rotations on the two-sphere of complex structures. The power of the approach (ii) is that it allows us, in principle, to generate hyperkahler metrics as well as to address the problem of deformations of such metrics. Here we show how to relate the formulation (ii) to (i) by integrating out an infinite number of N=1 AdS auxiliary superfields and performing a superfield duality transformation. We also develop a novel description of the most general N=2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-model in AdS_4 in terms of chiral superfields on three-dimensional N=2 flat superspace without central charge. This superspace naturally originates from a conformally flat realization for the four-dimensional N=2 AdS superspace that makes use of Poincare coordinates for AdS_4. This novel formulation allows us to uncover several interesting geometric results.Comment: 88 pages; v3: typos corrected, version published in JHE
