31 research outputs found

    TaWRKY10 transcription factor is a novel Jasmonic Acid signalling regulator involved in immunity against Septoria tritici blotch disease in wheat

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    Septoria tritici blotch (STB), caused by the fungus Zymoseptoria tritici, is currently the main threat to worldwide wheat production in temperate climates. Understanding the genetic mechanisms that underpin the Z. tritici–wheat interaction will be crucial for generating new control strategies against STB. Plant hormones are essential regulators of growth and immunity. In particular, jasmonic acid (JA) plays a central role in defence against necrotrophic plant pathogens, but its role in mediating immunity against Z. tritici is largely unknown. Here we identify the transcription factor TaWRKY10 that is taxonomically restricted to the grass subfamily Pooideae as a novel regulator of JA responses in wheat. We demonstrate by using virus-induced gene silencing that silencing TaWRKY10 leads to increased resistance against Z. tritici with an earlier onset of necrotic symptoms, but with reduced pathogen sporulation. Wheat plants silenced for TaWRKY10 show an up-regulated JA response. Transcriptional profiling of TaWRKY10 knock-down plants indicates that it is a negative regulator of the JA receptor TaCOI1 gene expression. Our data indicate that TaWRKY10 down-regulates JA responses, contributing to the susceptibility of wheat to Z. tritici. We postulate that manipulating TaWRKY10 may provide a strategy to boost STB resistance in wheat

    The snowdrop lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and a fusion protein ButaIT/GNA have a differential affect on a pest noctuid Lacanobia oleracea and the ectoparasitoid Eulophus pennicornis.

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    Fusion proteins have considerable potential as novel insect control agents because they enable the oral delivery of insecticidal peptides to the haemolymph of pests. Transport is achieved via fusion of the toxin to a carrier protein Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) that, after ingestion, binds to and crosses the insect gut epithelia. A fusion protein comprising a toxin from the South Indian red scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus) that is fused to a GNA polypeptide (ButaIT/GNA) has a detrimental effect on the development of tomato moth Lacanobia oleracea (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. The present study examines the effects of ButaIT/GNA and GNA, delivered orally or by injection, on the development of L. oleracea larvae, and the subsequent effects on the gregarious ectoparasitoid Eulophus pennicornis (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) developing on ButaIT/GNA- and GNA-treated hosts. The fusion protein, but not GNA, reduces the growth of fifth stadium L. oleracea larvae. The development of E. pennicornis is not affected by the presence of ButaIT/GNA in hosts that ingest the protein, although it is affected when hosts are injected with the protein. This difference is considered to be a result of higher levels of fusion protein being present when the fusion protein is injected. Intact ButaIT/GNA is detected by immunoassay in the haemolymph of L. oleracea larvae after ingestion of the fusion protein. More unexpectedly, negative effects are observed for the growth of E. pennicornis larvae developing on hosts that have either ingested, or been injected with GNA

    Impact of oilseed rape expressing the insecticidal cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin on the beneficial predator Harmonia axyridis (multicoloured Asian ladybeetle)

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    Insect-resistant transgenic plants have been suggested to have deleterious effects on beneficial predators through transmission of the transgene product by the pest to the predator. To test this hypothesis, effects of oilseed rape expressing the cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin-1 (OC-1) on the predatory ladybird Harmonia axyridis were investigated using diamondback moth Plutella xylostella as the pest species. As expected, oilseed rape expressing OC-1 had no effects on either development or survival of the pest, which utilizes serine digestive proteases. Immunoassays confirmed accumulation of the transgene product in pest larval tissues at levels of up to 3 ng per gut. Characterization of proteolytic digestive enzymes of H. axyridis demonstrated that larvae and adults utilize cysteine and aspartic proteases; the former activity was completely inhibited by oryzacystatin in vitro. However, when H. axyridis larvae consumed prey reared on OC-1 expressing plants over their entire life cycle, no significant effects upon survival or overall development were observed. The inhibitor initially stimulated development, with a shortening of the developmental period of the second instar by 27% (P < 0.0001) accompanied by a 36% increase in weight of second instar larvae (P = 0.007). OC-1 had no detrimental effects on reproductive fitness of adult H. axyridis. Interestingly there was a significant increase in consumption of OC-1 dosed prey. The results show that prey reared on transgenic plants expressing a protein which inhibited ladybird digestive enzymes in vitro had no effects in vivo; the ladybird was able to up-regulate digestive proteases in response to the inhibitor

    Novel biopesticide based on a spider venom peptide shows no adverse effects on honeybees

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    Evidence is accumulating that commonly used pesticides are linked to decline of pollinator populations; adverse effects of three neonicotinoids on bees have led to bans on their use across the European Union. Developing insecticides that pose negligible risks to beneficial organisms such as honeybees is desirable and timely. One strategy is to use recombinant fusion proteins containing neuroactive peptides/proteins linked to a ‘carrier’ protein that confers oral toxicity. Hv1a/GNA (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin), containing an insect-specific spider venom calcium channel blocker (ω-hexatoxin-Hv1a) linked to snowdrop lectin (GNA) as a ‘carrier’, is an effective oral biopesticide towards various insect pests. Effects of Hv1a/GNA towards a non-target species, Apis mellifera, were assessed through a thorough early-tier risk assessment. Following feeding, honeybees internalized Hv1a/GNA, which reached the brain within 1 h after exposure. However, survival was only slightly affected by ingestion (LD50 > 100 µg bee−1) or injection of fusion protein. Bees fed acute (100 µg bee−1) or chronic (0.35 mg ml−1) doses of Hv1a/GNA and trained in an olfactory learning task had similar rates of learning and memory to no-pesticide controls. Larvae were unaffected, being able to degrade Hv1a/GNA. These tests suggest that Hv1a/GNA is unlikely to cause detrimental effects on honeybees, indicating that atracotoxins targeting calcium channels are potential alternatives to conventional pesticides

    Proteomic analysis shows that stress response proteins are significantly up-regulated in resistant diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum) in response to attack by the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae)

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    The grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) is a major pest of wheat, acting as a virus vector as well as causing direct plant damage. Commonly grown wheat varieties in the UK have only limited resistance to this pest. The present study was carried out to investigate the potential of a diploid wheat line (ACC20 PGR1755), reported as exhibiting resistance to S. avenae, to serve as a source of resistance genes. The diploid wheat line was confirmed as partially resistant, substantially reducing the fecundity, longevity and growth rate of the aphid. Proteomic analysis showed that approximately 200 protein spots were reproducibly detected in leaf extracts from both the resistant line and a comparable susceptible line (ACC5 PGR1735) using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and image comparison software. Twenty-four spots were significantly up-regulated (>2-fold) in the resistant line after 24 h of aphid feeding (13 and 11 involved in local and systemic responses, respectively). Approximately 50 % of all differentially expressed protein spots were identified by a combination of database searching with MS and MS/MS data, revealing that the majority of proteins up-regulated by aphid infestation were involved in metabolic processes (including photosynthesis) and transcriptional regulation. However, in the resistant line only, several stress response proteins (including NBS–LRR-like proteins) and oxidative stress response proteins were identified as up-regulated in response to aphid feeding, as well as proteins involved in DNA synthesis/replication/repair. This study indicates that the resistant diploid line ACC20 PGR1755 may provide a valuable resource in breeding wheat for resistance to aphids

    Toxicity of lectins and processing of ingested proteins in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum

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    Venom of Parasitoid, Pteromalus puparum, Suppresses Host, Pieris rapae, Immune Promotion by Decreasing Host C-Type Lectin Gene Expression

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    Background: Insect hosts have evolved immunity against invasion by parasitoids, and in co-evolutionary response parasitoids have also developed strategies to overcome host immune systems. The mechanisms through which parasitoid venoms disrupt the promotion of host immunity are still unclear. We report here a new mechanism evolved by parasitoid Pteromalus puparum, whose venom inhibited the promotion of immunity in its host Pieris rapae (cabbage white butterfly). Methodology/Principal Findings: A full-length cDNA encoding a C-type lectin (Pr-CTL) was isolated from P. rapae. Quantitative PCR and immunoblotting showed that injection of bacterial and inert beads induced expression of Pr-CTL, with peaks of mRNA and Pr-CTL protein levels at 4 and 8 h post beads challenge, respectively. In contrast, parasitoid venom suppressed Pr-CTL expression when co-injected with beads, in a time and dose-dependent manner. Immunolocalization and immunoblotting results showed that Pr-CTL was first detectable in vesicles present in cytoplasm of granulocytes in host hemolymph, and was then secreted from cells into circulatory fluid. Finally, the secreted Pr-CTL bound to cellular membranes of both granulocytes and plasmatocytes. Injection of double-stranded RNA specific for target gene decreased expression of Pr-CTL, and a few other host immune-related genes. Suppression of Pr-CTL expression also down-regulated antimicrobial and phenoloxidase activities, and reducing phagocytotic and encapsulation rates in host. The inhibitory effect of parasitoid venom on host encapsulation is consistent with its effect in suppressing Pr-CTL expression. Binding assay results showed that recombinant Pr-CTL directly attached to the surface of P. puparum egges. We infer that Pr-CTL may serve as an immune signalling co-effector, first binding to parasitoid eggs, regulating expression of a set of immune-related genes and promoting host immunity. Conclusions/Significance: P. puparum venom inhibits promotion of host immune responses by silencing expression of host C-type lectin gene Pr-CTL, whose expression affected transcription of other host immune-related genes