440 research outputs found

    Donald Trump’s flawed plan to strong-arm other countries into “one-on-one” trade deals.

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    In late January, President Trump stated that he would be pushing for new “one-on-one” trade deals with specific countries to replace multilateral agreements; exploiting US economic clout to negotiate deals which benefit the US the most. Markus Gastinger has created an index of trade and economic power in order to determine which countries Trump might try to target. He finds that countries and blocs with which the US has a large trade deficit, such as China and the European Union are too powerful to make good targets. On the other hand, less powerful countries, such as Vietnam and Japan could simply refuse to negotiate. Either way, Trump’s trade policy may well end up being a continuation of the status quo

    Will another country follow the UK out of the EU? This is why it's unlikely

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    The UK's decision to leave the European Union raised the prospect that other member states could follow suit. But are any other states likely to give up their membership? Markus Gastinger (University of Salzburg) presents an 'exit index' that captures how likely EU members are to leave, and finds it unlikely

    The 'exit index': how likely are other countries to follow in the UK's footsteps?

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    Ever since the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union in June 2016, one question has been on the minds of many Europeans: which other member states could leave the EU in the years ahead? In fact, one argument among Brexiteers in the run-up to the referendum was that the UK needs to break free from the EU as a ’failing political project’, a mantra repeated by Leave supporters to this day. But how likely is it that the EU will fail

    Alien Registration- Gastinger, Anthony T. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Understanding the role of joint bodies in EU external relations

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    Many international agreements made by the European Union establish new institutional mechanisms such as committees and working groups. Drawing on new research, Andreas DĂŒr and Markus Gastinger explain how these ‘joint bodies’ help facilitate cooperation between the EU and third countries, and what they mean for the balance of power between the EU’s institutions

    Success Factors for Crisis Management of Major Municipalities

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    The number of crises is increasing and being prepared for one is crucial. The aim of the study was to find critical success factors for municipalities in dealing with crises. The inspiration for writing this thesis is taken from one of the more recent global unpredictable events, COVID-19. Given its significant consequences, an interest arose in exploring ways to enhance crisis preparedness to limit potential damages. Due to the limited research on bigger organizations during times of crises, the choice became to focus on major municipalities. Coombs’ three-stage model of crisis management is used as the theoretical foundation for the study. With a qualitative case study, the thesis attempts to fill the gap in the literature about municipalities in times of crises. The thesis examines various crisis-related elements to determine what is most important at the different stages in the three phases of a crisis. This study has found critical success factors in dealing with a crisis, as well as factors that are seen as important. The success factors are being adaptable, having a crisis management plan, effective communication, as well as documenting everything clearly. The critical success factors are influenced and enhanced by several other factors looked at throughout the thesis

    Success Factors for Crisis Management of Major Municipalities

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    The number of crises is increasing and being prepared for one is crucial. The aim of the study was to find critical success factors for municipalities in dealing with crises. The inspiration for writing this thesis is taken from one of the more recent global unpredictable events, COVID-19. Given its significant consequences, an interest arose in exploring ways to enhance crisis preparedness to limit potential damages. Due to the limited research on bigger organizations during times of crises, the choice became to focus on major municipalities. Coombs' three-stage model of crisis management is used as the theoretical foundation for the study. With a qualitative case study, the thesis attempts to fill the gap in the literature about municipalities in times of crises. The thesis examines various crisis-related elements to determine what is most important at the different stages in the three phases of a crisis. This study has found critical success factors in dealing with a crisis, as well as factors that are seen as important. The success factors are being adaptable, having a crisis management plan, effective communication, as well as documenting everything clearly. The critical success factors are influenced and enhanced by several other factors looked at throughout the thesis

    The Library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and its work with Open Science

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    The article describes the library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and its work with Open Science. It gives a brief overview over the university and the library and presents the new organisational structure of the library. Afterwards, important strategy documents and guidelines for Open Science, Open Access, and Research Data Management at NTNU are introduced and the practical work with it is described. In the end, a selection of other projects and focus areas are mentioned
