50 research outputs found

    Innovation et contenus numĂ©riques : un arrĂȘt sur image sur dix ans de projets d’incubation TIC

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    Fin 2009, l’incubateur multimĂ©dia Belle De Mai Ă  Marseille fĂȘtait ses dix ans d’existence – « 10 ans de Mutations numĂ©riques », – soit une centaine de projets d’entreprises du domaine des industries de contenus numĂ©riques accompagnĂ©s sur le territoire national. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement anniversaire donnait l’occasion Ă  l’incubateur et ses partenaires de revenir sur dix annĂ©es de soutien Ă  la crĂ©ation d’entreprises innovantes. Pour les chercheurs que nous sommes, impliquĂ©s dans l’aventure en tant qu’expe..

    Développer le travail gratuit auprÚs des aßnés

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    Les serments de Strasbourg

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    Communication Ă©thique et enseignement Ă  distance

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    Les Ă©tudes centrĂ©es sur l'enseignement Ă  distance et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur les projets collaboratifs Ă  distance, ne font pas explicitement rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la notion de confiance, qui, selon nous, semble occuper une position importante dans la gestion des interactions. L'utilisation mĂȘme des TIC dans ce domaine permet de bĂ©nĂ©ficier d'une multitude de ressources et induit des questions de crĂ©dibilitĂ© informationnelle et humaine et donc de confiance dans les situations Ă  forte complexitĂ©, comme l'enseignement Ă  distance. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de cet article est de repositionner le travail collaboratif Ă  distance dans le champ de la confiance , de recentrer le dĂ©bat sur l'exploration des relations entre les membres d'Ă©quipes virtuelles et d'ouvrir celui-ci Ă  l'idĂ©e d'Ă©thique

    Les Petites Soeurs des pauvres, par EugÚne Gasté

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    Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : PaysLoir1Avec mode text

    Exploring the added value of portable devices such as near infrared spectrometer in the field of illicit drugs analyses.

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    Facing the problem of backlogs in the forensic laboratories, the field of illicit drugs analyses has recently seen the development of different types of portable devices. Their main purpose is to be used directly by the police in order to reduce the number of specimens that are sent to the laboratories. Several portable devices have shown promising results. To avoid misuses, the added value of these devices should be explored, in order to establish "good practices" and keep the communication channels open between the police and the laboratories. Adapting sampling procedures around the use of portable devices allows for real-time qualitative and quantitative data. Forensic scientists can therefore rapidly assess whether every specimen in a seizure contain illicit drugs and if the seizure is composed of specimens showing different composition. Based on these information, forensic scientists can proceed to an intelligence-led sampling and prioritise specimens that would require further analyses. Additionally, the availability of more analysis data can strengthen the confidence in the reporting of the sampling process and the analyses results. Various scenarios have been tested in an operational context at the Geneva Cantonal Police Force using an ultraportable NIR device. The focus was oriented on sampling issues and the intelligence produced. Results indicate a great potential to detect the different classes within a seizure and therefore to ensure a representative sampling for further analyses

    Le défi des « cadres du travail » dans les services de répit

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    International audienceToday in France, following the ASV law assertion of a “right to respite”, we are witnessing the development of multiple services of “carers support” and “relational support”. Using the results of a survey conducted within several french dĂ©partements under the ANR Profam Program, the article focuses on the people invested in this offer of services, peripheral to the established home care services, as well as the legal and social frameworks of their work. It shows first the extreme variety of these frameworks, the normative tinkering imposed by the specificities of care work usually carried out in the private sphere, and whose transposition to employment raises major issues of temporality. He then describes the conditions of this work, paradoxically, both attractive and precarious. The tasks carried out, with a strong relational aspect, attract workers, in search of a reorientation and a meaningful job. Finally, the article enlightens the risk of denial of work, induced by its low materiality and the naturalization of the related skills, particularly in the frameworks closest to the private sphere.Aujourd’hui en France, Ă  la suite de l’affirmation par la loi d’Adaptation de la SociĂ©tĂ© au Vieillissement (ASV) d’un « droit au rĂ©pit », on assiste au dĂ©veloppement de multiples services d’« aide aux aidants » et d’« accompagnement relationnel ». En utilisant les rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte menĂ©e au sein de plusieurs dĂ©partements français dans le cadre du programme Entre profession et famille, les « cadres du travail » d’aide aux personnes ĂągĂ©es (Profam) soutenu par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), l’article s’intĂ©resse aux personnes investies dans cette offre de services, pĂ©riphĂ©riques Ă  l’aide Ă  domicile instituĂ©e, ainsi qu’aux cadres juridiques et sociaux de leur travail. Il montre d’abord l’extrĂȘme variĂ©tĂ© de ces cadres, les bricolages normatifs imposĂ©s par les spĂ©cificitĂ©s du care habituellement effectuĂ© dans la sphĂšre privĂ©e, et dont la transposition vers l’emploi soulĂšve des enjeux majeurs de temporalitĂ©. Il dĂ©crit ensuite les conditions de ce travail, paradoxalement, Ă  la fois attrayantes et prĂ©caires. Les tĂąches rĂ©alisĂ©es, Ă  la composante relationnelle marquĂ©e, attirent en effet des travailleuses, en quĂȘte d’une rĂ©orientation et de sens au travail. Il pointe enfin le risque de dĂ©ni du travail, induit par sa faible matĂ©rialitĂ© et la naturalisation des compĂ©tences affĂ©rentes, notamment dans les cadres les plus proches de la sphĂšre privĂ©e. -Texte disponible en ligne : https://www.cairn.info/revue-gerontologie-et-societe-2023-3-page-23.ht

    Illicit drug profiling, reflection on statistical comparisons

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    This paper presents reflexions about statistical considerations on illicit drug profiling and more specifically about the calculation of threshold for determining of the seizure are linked or not. The specific case of heroin and cocaine profiling is presented with the necessary details on the target profiling variables (major alkaloids) selected and the analytical method used. Statistical approach to compare illicit drug seizures is also presented with the introduction of different scenarios dealing with different data pre-treatment or transformation of variables.The main aim consists to demonstrate the influence of data pre-treatment on the statistical outputs. A thorough study of the evolution of the true positive rate (TP) and the false positive rate (FP) in heroin and cocaine comparison is then proposed to investigate this specific topic and to demonstrate that there is no universal approach available and that the calculations have to be revaluate for each new specific application

    Philippe, Gustave et Ferdinand de La RenaudiÚre, 1781-1886. (Août 1887.)

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