517 research outputs found

    Two parameter Deformed Multimode Oscillators and q-Symmetric States

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    Two types of the coherent states for two parameter deformed multimode oscillator system are investigated. Moreover, two parameter deformed gl(n)gl(n) algebra and deformed symmetric states are constructed.Comment: LaTeX v1.2, 14 pages with no figure

    Exact Solution of Semi-Flexible and Super-Flexible Interacting Partially Directed Walks

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    We provide the exact generating function for semi-flexible and super-flexible interacting partially directed walks and also analyse the solution in detail. We demonstrate that while fully flexible walks have a collapse transition that is second order and obeys tricritical scaling, once positive stiffness is introduced the collapse transition becomes first order. This confirms a recent conjecture based on numerical results. We note that the addition of an horizontal force in either case does not affect the order of the transition. In the opposite case where stiffness is discouraged by the energy potential introduced, which we denote the super-flexible case, the transition also changes, though more subtly, with the crossover exponent remaining unmoved from the neutral case but the entropic exponents changing

    Q-power function over Q-commuting variables and deformed XXX, XXZ chains

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    We find certain functional identities for the Gauss q-power function of a sum of q-commuting variables. Then we use these identities to obtain two-parameter twists of the quantum affine algebra U_q (\hat{sl}_2) and of the Yangian Y(sl_2). We determine the corresponding deformed trigonometric and rational quantum R-matrices, which then are used in the computation of deformed XXX and XXZ Hamiltonians.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page

    Quantum W-algebras and Elliptic Algebras

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    We define quantum W-algebras generalizing the results of Reshetikhin and the second author, and Shiraishi-Kubo-Awata-Odake. The quantum W-algebra associated to sl_N is an associative algebra depending on two parameters. For special values of parameters it becomes the ordinary W-algebra of sl_N, or the q-deformed classical W-algebra of sl_N. We construct free field realizations of the quantum W-algebras and the screening currents. We also point out some interesting elliptic structures arising in these algebras. In particular, we show that the screening currents satisfy elliptic analogues of the Drinfeld relations in U_q(n^).Comment: 26 pages, AMSLATE

    dS-AdS structures in the non-commutative Minkowski spaces

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    We consider a family of non-commutative 4d Minkowski spaces with the signature (1,3) and two types of spaces with the signature (2,2). The Minkowski spaces are defined by the common reflection equation and differ in anti-involutions. There exist two Casimir elements and the fixing of one of them leads to non-commutative "homogeneous" spaces H3H_3, dS3dS_3, AdS3AdS_3 and light-cones. We present the quasi-classical description of the Minkowski spaces. There are three compatible Poisson structures - quadratic, linear and canonical. The quantization of the former leads to the considered Minkowski spaces. We introduce the horospheric generators of the Minkowski spaces. They lead to the horospheric description of H3H_3, dS3dS_3 and AdS3AdS_3. The irreducible representations of Minkowski spaces H3H_3 and dS3dS_3 are constructed. We find the eigen-functions of the Klein-Gordon equation in the terms of the horospheric generators of the Minkowski spaces. They give rise to eigen-functions on the H3H_3, dS3dS_3, AdS3AdS_3 and light-cones.Comment: 31 pages, LateX, typos corrected, references adde

    (p,q)-Deformations and (p,q)-Vector Coherent States of the Jaynes-Cummings Model in the Rotating Wave Approximation

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    Classes of (p,q)-deformations of the Jaynes-Cummings model in the rotating wave approximation are considered. Diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is performed exactly, leading to useful spectral decompositions of a series of relevant operators. The latter include ladder operators acting between adjacent energy eigenstates within two separate infinite discrete towers, except for a singleton state. These ladder operators allow for the construction of (p,q)-deformed vector coherent states. Using (p,q)-arithmetics, explicit and exact solutions to the associated moment problem are displayed, providing new classes of coherent states for such models. Finally, in the limit of decoupled spin sectors, our analysis translates into (p,q)-deformations of the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator, such that the two supersymmetric sectors get intertwined through the action of the ladder operators as well as in the associated coherent states.Comment: 1+25 pages, no figure

    Basic Hypergeometric Functions and Covariant Spaces for Even Dimensional Representations of U_q[osp(1/2)]

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    Representations of the quantum superalgebra U_q[osp(1/2)] and their relations to the basic hypergeometric functions are investigated. We first establish Clebsch-Gordan decomposition for the superalgebra U_q[osp(1/2)] in which the representations having no classical counterparts are incorporated. Formulae for these Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are derived, and it is observed that they may be expressed in terms of the QQ-Hahn polynomials. We next investigate representations of the quantum supergroup OSp_q(1/2) which are not well-defined in the classical limit. Employing the universal T-matrix, the representation matrices are obtained explicitly, and found to be related to the little Q-Jacobi polynomials. Characteristically, the relation Q = -q is satisfied in all cases. Using the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients derived here, we construct new noncommutative spaces that are covariant under the coaction of the even dimensional representations of the quantum supergroup OSp_q(1/2).Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Harmonic oscillator with nonzero minimal uncertainties in both position and momentum in a SUSYQM framework

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    In the context of a two-parameter (α,β)(\alpha, \beta) deformation of the canonical commutation relation leading to nonzero minimal uncertainties in both position and momentum, the harmonic oscillator spectrum and eigenvectors are determined by using techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics combined with shape invariance under parameter scaling. The resulting supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians correspond to different masses and frequencies. The exponential spectrum is proved to reduce to a previously found quadratic spectrum whenever one of the parameters α\alpha, β\beta vanishes, in which case shape invariance under parameter translation occurs. In the special case where α=β0\alpha = \beta \ne 0, the oscillator Hamiltonian is shown to coincide with that of the q-deformed oscillator with q>1q > 1 and its eigenvectors are therefore nn-qq-boson states. In the general case where 0αβ00 \ne \alpha \ne \beta \ne 0, the eigenvectors are constructed as linear combinations of nn-qq-boson states by resorting to a Bargmann representation of the latter and to qq-differential calculus. They are finally expressed in terms of a qq-exponential and little qq-Jacobi polynomials.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, no figure, minor changes, additional references, final version to be published in JP

    Exact Solution of the Discrete (1+1)-dimensional RSOS Model with Field and Surface Interactions

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    We present the solution of a linear Restricted Solid--on--Solid (RSOS) model in a field. Aside from the origins of this model in the context of describing the phase boundary in a magnet, interest also comes from more recent work on the steady state of non-equilibrium models of molecular motors. While similar to a previously solved (non-restricted) SOS model in its physical behaviour, mathematically the solution is more complex. Involving basic hypergeometric functions 3ϕ2{}_3\phi_2, it introduces a new form of solution to the lexicon of directed lattice path generating functions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The interrelation between the electronic parameters of nitrogen atom and intramolecular interactions in ammonia derivatives

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    The electronic parameters and intramolecular interactions in the ground and transition states of inversion of the amines H₂NXHn (XHn=CH₃, NH₂, OH, F, SiH₃, PH₂, SH, Cl) were calculated using DFT (PBE96/def2-tzvpp) method. It was established that the electronacceptor properties of the XHn substituents has a prevailing influence on the change of the electronic parameters of nitrogen atom. Its increase leads to both a decrease of the charge on the nitrogen atom and an increase of the s-character and population of nitrogen lone pair (LP). All parameters under consideration correlate with the χ- and σᵢ-constants of the XHn substituents. The correlation coefficients increase when amines that contain X atoms only from one period are considered separately. It was found that the ρ values for amines containing X atoms from the second or third period are substantially different. The changes of the donor-acceptor interaction energies, s-character and LP population cannot be probable causes for different sensitivity of the electronic parameters of amines containing X atoms from different periods to the change of electron-acceptor properties of the XHn substituents. It was established that the mentioned parameters has only a subordinated influence in comparison with the influence of electron-acceptor ability of the XHn substituents. The negative charge on the nitrogen atom decreases with the increase of s-character and LP population and also with the decrease of energies of donor-acceptor interactions which lead to the withdrawal of electron density from the nitrogen atom. The s-character and LP population increase with the decrease of energies of donor-acceptor interactions which result in the reduction of electron density on the nitrogen atom. The total positive charges of the XHn groups and hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom decrease with increasing the electron-acceptor ability of the XHn substituents. The representation of the electron-acceptor properties of the substituents was shown to be more valid by using the χ-constants than by using the σᵢ-constants. The chlorine atom is a weak electron acceptor in comparison with an amino group