3 research outputs found

    Natural resource management in an institutional disorder : the development of adaptive co-management systems of moose in Sweden

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    The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the development of adaptive co-management systems and of the role the State plays in promoting or hampering such a development. Natural resource issues are often characterised by conflicting interests and in general implemented by conventional, top-down management systems. Therefore this thesis also investigates the effect conflicting interests and institutional path dependencies have on the development of adaptive co-management systems. The Swedish moose management system was established in the beginning of the 20th century as the State was trying to rectify a "tragedy of the commons" situation since moose at the time was almost extinct. The administrative system erected can be characterised as a conventional, top-down, single- species management system, and had features of both corporate arrangements and legal-rational bureaucratic administrative models. Due to high administrative costs and the explosion of the moose population in the late 1970's which resulted in significant grazing damages on commercial tree species, the State changed its policies. One change in formal rules allowed for hunting rights owners to establish so called Moose Management Units (MMU) which entailed that they gained management rights, and thereby could decide on their own the number of moose to be shot in a hunting season. This is a critical right since approximately 1/3 of the moose populations are decimated during a hunting season and this right is therefore an efficient tool for controlling the size of the moose populations. The State also made alterations in the corporate arrangement, from primarily only including the hunting interest organisation SAHWM to increase landowner interests' influence in the public administration. A quantitative study of the MMUs revealed that these can not be characterised as adaptive co-management systems to a high degree due to inadequate monitoring, inability to meet management goals, and failure to apply ecosystem management. Part of the reason for this is that there is an ecological and social misfit since MMUs are too small to contain its own moose populations. Another reason is inadequate knowledge regarding population dynamics on behalf of the local resource users. However, there were variations not only among MMUs but also on the regional level as to the extent of adaptive co-management characteristics. Two counties were selected for further study due to the fact that the MMUs in one county had more characteristics of adaptive co-management systems than in the other one. The case studies revealed that high levels of conflicts in a corporate arrangement hampered the development of adaptive co- management systems. In the county with low conflict levels regarding the moose question, a key steward holding a key position in the moose administrative system was a critical actor in promoting the development of adaptive co-management systems. It is concluded that devolution of management rights does not automatically foster adaptive co-management. Nor is a centralized system easily converted to a bottom-up system. The study shows that institutional change is path dependent but also that the State has an important role to play in developing adaptive co-management systems. This is particularly decisive if an ecological and social misfit is likely to arise since the State then can provide linkages both on an organisational level but also on a geographical level and thereby mitigate potential negative effects of local resource systems. However, this role differs significantly from that in conventional resource management and therefore it is also important that the organisation and tasks of the State is ensured legitimacy among both the public and affected resource users.Godkänd; 2008; 20081120 (ysko)</p

    Already adaptive? : an investigation of the performance of Swedish moose management organizations

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    The primary aim of this thesis has been to explore the significance of institutions, specifically property rights, on the establishment of adaptive management systems for natural resources. Another goal has been to contribute to how institutional theory and, in particular, theories of institutional change can be utilized to explain the presence or absence of adaptive management systems. In addition, the importance of conflicting interests regarding management of natural resources, and the effects of these conflicts on establishing adaptive management systems is examined. In Sweden, conflicting interests exist between hunting and the forestry industry. This is because moose cause grazing damage which results in economic losses to the forestry industry, whereas hunters prefer large moose populations to optimize hunting opportunities. Changes in the Swedish official policy have stipulated that formal institutional prerequisites for local adaptive management systems are in place regarding moose management, because landowners have gained increased management rights, including the right to decide moose population size. A quantitative study of Swedish Moose Management Units has revealed that these units are not particularly adaptive. A few hypotheses were stipulated relating to issues such as conflicting interests. The first hypothesis was that the devolution of management rights of moose took place without accompanying restructuring of the public administrative moose management system, and that this has led to isolated MMUs, a hypothesis data support. The second hypothesis was that conflicting interests between hunters and the forestry industry would result in the extent of adaptive management aspects being less when the ownership structure predominantly consists of forestry companies. Empirical analysis showed that there were small statistically- significant differences that could be explained by ownership structure. However, the hypothesis that private ownership would entail more aspects of adaptive management was rejected. The final hypothesis was that neither the forestry industry nor the hunter would achieve the size of moose population desired, and data findings supported this. If the Swedish state is going to implement adaptive management of natural resources, the role of the public administration has to be examined. This study indicates that the "traditional role" of the CABs does not seem conducive to implementing adaptive management. In addition, the study also indicates the importance of changed legislation to promote adaptive management and achieve a balance between flexibility and predictability. Further research concerning the effects of conflicting interests on establishing adaptive management is warranted.Godkänd; 2006; 20070109 (haneit)</p

    Already adaptive? : a quantitative study of the presence of adaptive management aspects in local moose management systems

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    The Swedish authorities have, in several official reports, proposed an adaptive management approach, in order to ensure sustainable resource use in terms of oceans, terrestrial waters and wildlife. Adaptive management emphasizes that ecosystems are complex non-linear systems, in which the only certainty is uncertainty, and that management strategies must accept this as an integral part of the ecological system. Conversely, conventional resource management is characterized by the concept of command and control over resources, with the goal to maximize sustainable yield. Conventional resource management is associated with a top-down management structure, and it is reasonable to assume that fundamental institutional changes are required in order to replace conventional resource management with adaptive management. Changes in Swedish official policy have entailed increased management rights of property owners regarding moose management. In other words, due to the conversion of the top-down management system to a bottom-up system, the formal institutional prerequisites for local adaptive management systems presumably are in place regarding moose management. This is a quantitative study that assesses the extent of adaptive management currently in place within local moose management systems in an industrialized country. It can be assumed that one would be less likely to find adaptive management systems here, due to the fact that resource users are not dependent upon the resource for their livelihood, as opposed to the situation often existing in third world countries. A Moose Management Units (MMU) database has been established that contains variables, such as monitoring methods, goals regarding the size of the moose population, and so on, which can be operationalized as aspects of adaptive management. Since most research within the adaptive management literature consists of case studies, this study provides a complement to the research field. Results show that there are few aspects of adaptive management currently present in Swedish MMUs. Even though private landowners have extensive management rights, to date, they have not implemented central aspects of adaptive management, such as ecosystem management. The conversion of a top-down system characterized by single species management will not automatically turn into an adaptive management system, even though resource users have gained management rights. The public administration has a paramount role in implementing adaptive management, because it can provide knowledge, share information and advice, and promote learning. The traditional role of the public administration regarding moose management is that of enforcing and monitoring rules. However, since the potential of establishing MMUs has existed, this role has been undermined. It seems that the public administration is inflexible, and that the current organizational structure inhibits the establishment of adaptive management. Therefore, it is critical, prior to decentralization and deregulation, to ensure that the organizational structure of the public administration will promote and not inhibit the implementation of new management systems.Godkänd; 2006; 20070920 (ysko)</p