3 research outputs found

    Comer en tiempos de confinamiento: gestión de la alimentación, disciplina y placer

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    [spa] El análisis de los fenómenos alimentarios en una sociedad en un periodo determinado aporta evidencias sobre su funcionamiento y sus relaciones sociales. Este estudio analiza la experiencia del confinamiento provocado por el estado de alarma en España a través de las prácticas y representaciones alimentarias de mujeres adultas, residentes en zonas urbanas de Cataluña. Los análisis muestran la importancia de la alimentación en la cotidianidad del confinamiento, que fue experimentado bajo discursos y normas distintos (de organización social, de salud, de cuerpo, de género), que provocaron prácticas dicotómicas y dinámicas que se (re)configuraron a lo largo de la pandemia[eng] The analysis of food phenomena in a society at any given period provides evidence of its functioning and its social relations. This study aims to analyze the confinement experience caused by the state of alarm in Spain through food practices and representations of adult women, residents of urban areas of Catalonia. The analysis shows the social importance of food in the daily life experience during this period that has been experienced under different discourses and norms (of social organization, health, body, gender) that provoked dichotomous and dynamic practices that were (re)configured throughout the pandemic

    Knowledge and perceptions of food sustainability in a Spanish university population

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    In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core. Besides tackling climate change and the fight to reduce inequality, the SDG number 12 is specifically focused to develop strategies toward food sustainability. The aim of this study, aligned with SDG number 12, was to analyze the level of knowledge and perceptions of food sustainability in a university community from Spain. A descriptive cross-sectional study, based on an online questionnaire, was carried out between July and November 2021 with convenience sampling. The survey included 28 items and was distributed among students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff from a Spanish university. A total of 1,220 participants completed the survey. 70.4% of the respondents heard about the environmental impact of food and more than 50% were aware of the existence of the SDGs. The different aspects related to diet that concerned them the most were food waste, plastic usage, and environmental impact. They reported that a sustainable diet should be mainly based on local and seasonal products and with a low environmental impact as well as no or the minimum food waste. When asked if they were following a sustainable diet, 77% answered affirmatively. Moreover, the food groups more involved in a sustainable diet should be vegetables and fruits, olive oil, legumes, and whole grains. Regarding food waste, 60% of the surveyed population claimed to generate it at home, with the use of leftovers and planning shopping and meals being some of the most important domestic actions to avoid it. Further initiatives must be implemented to increase the level of knowledge as well as to raise the awareness on the importance to translate it into individual and collective actions that allow a shift toward more sustainable practices

    Perceptions of Food among College Students in the Field of Food Science: A Food Sustainability Approach

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    The complex concept of food sustainability has become crucial in all spheres of life. Dietitians, food scientists, and technologists are in a unique position to promote sustainability in food systems. However, the perceptions of food sustainability among food science professionals and college students are under-researched, particularly in Spain. The aim of this study was therefore to analyze perceptions related to food and to food sustainability in a sample of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HND) and Food Science and Technology (FST) students in Barcelona (Spain). An exploratory and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out using qualitative and quantitative methodology and convenience sampling. Two focus groups and an online questionnaire were conducted (300 participants completed the survey, 151 from HND and 149 from FST). Although the students expressed concern about food sustainability, their dietary choices were primarily associated with or influenced by taste/pleasure and health/nutrition. The issue of sustainability seemed more internalized by women than men, whereas the generalized conception of a sustainable diet was essentially based on environmental aspects, with socioeconomic dimensions largely overlooked. The concept of sustainability should be promoted among food science students in all its multidimensionality, and actions need to be implemented that bring sustainability closer to students' social practices, which should be incorporated into all university education and that is taught by professors duly trained in the subject