114 research outputs found

    Alain Quillévéré, Bals clandestins pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale

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    Le sujet abordĂ© dans cet ouvrage n’avait guĂšre retenu l’attention des historiens de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, y compris de ceux qui l’abordent sous l’angle de l’histoire culturelle. Or il se rĂ©vĂšle phĂ©nomĂšne de grande ampleur. TirĂ© d’un mĂ©moire de master prĂ©parĂ© Ă  l’universitĂ© Paris I sous la direction de Denis Peschanski, le volume livre sur ces bals clandestins une monographie inscrite dans le territoire relativement modeste du dĂ©partement des CĂŽtes du Nord, ce que son titre ne laisse pas..

    Les enjeux de la danse dans les réseaux « revivalistes » français

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    Les danses traditionnelles du domaine français ont depuis le milieu des annĂ©es 1970 un public fourni de praticiens enthousiastes, qui frĂ©quente assidĂ»ment bals folk, fest noz et festivals dĂ©diĂ©s. Pourtant, les administrateurs de la FĂ©dĂ©ration des associations de musiques traditionnelles ont hĂ©sitĂ© Ă  inclure la danse dans sa raison sociale. L’histoire de sa commission Danse, activĂ©e fin 1989, tĂ©moigne des difficultĂ©s du collectif Ă  construire autour de cet objet un discours homogĂšne, en raison d’approches anthropologiques, historiques et sociologiques qui sont demeurĂ©es inconciliables. En tĂ©moigne l’inaccomplissement de chantiers ambitieux comme le « plan de dĂ©veloppement de la danse traditionnelle » (1990-1998) ou l’élaboration d’une formation validante de formateurs (1999-2007), alternative Ă  un diplĂŽme d’État d’enseignement rĂ©cusĂ© par le milieu comme par la tutelle.Since the middle of the the nineteen-seventies, French traditional dances rely on a vast community of dancers, contributing to the success of events such as bals folks, festoĂč noz and dedicated festivals. However, the board of the French Federation of traditional musics associations had long hesitations about extending its scope to traditional dance. The history of its Dance commission, first gathered in 1989, shows how difficult it is to reach an agreement on a clear definition of the field, due to unreconcilable anthropological, historical and sociological points of view. Among the bigger symptoms of this impass is the non-completion of some major undertakings, such as the “plan for the development of traditional dance” (1990-1998) or the creation of a formal course for trainers in traditional dance (1999-2007) as an alternative to an official degree that both afficionados and public administration refused

    Hootenanny au Centre américain

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    RĂ©union chantĂ©e oĂč chante qui veut et ce qu’il veut, trĂšs en faveur Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1950, aux États-Unis, dans les milieux universitaires et libĂ©raux amateurs de folksongs, le hootenanny est importĂ© Ă  l’American Center de Montparnasse Ă  Paris, en 1963. Il y connaĂźt un succĂšs rapide et durable, sous l’impulsion d’un Français issu de l’émigration juive polonaise, Lionel Rocheman. Le rĂ©pertoire anglo-amĂ©ricain, d’abord hĂ©gĂ©monique, fait droit Ă  d’autres esthĂ©tiques, notamment Ă  la chanson française dans toutes ses dĂ©clinaisons, chanson traditionnelle incluse. Le hootenanny innove surtout en imposant la formule de la scĂšne ouverte qui remet radicalement en cause la frontiĂšre entre artistes et public, l’immense majoritĂ© des performers Ă©tant des amateurs sans ambition de carriĂšre. Le hootenanny fait figure de matrice du mouvement folk français, en sortant, au moins provisoirement, la chanson traditionnelle de l’orniĂšre essentialiste oĂč l’avait enlisĂ© la politique culturelle du gouvernement de Vichy.Hootenanny at the American CenterGathering where anyone could sing, much in favor at the end of the 1950’s in the US, especially among the folksongs enthusiast academic and liberal circles, the hootenanny was imported in 1963 to the Paris American Center in Montparnasse. Its quick and long-lasting success was largely due to Lionel Rocheman, French musician of polish origins.Its repertory, at first mostly English-American, gradually encompassed various influences, particularly French songs of all kinds, including traditional songs. The hootenanny majorinnovation was to promote an open stage, breaking down the boundary between the artists and the audience, most of the performers being amateurs. It also gave birth to the French folk movement by extracting French traditional songs from the essentialist role it had been limited to by the cultural policy of the Vichy regime

    L’inlassable quĂȘte aux chansons des associations de musiques et danses traditionnelles : une Ă©rudition en roue libre et Ă  perdre haleine

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    Depuis le milieu des annĂ©es 1960, des militants culturels, plus souvent issus des mouvements d’éducation populaire qu’ils n’étaient proches des dĂ©fenseurs des « identitĂ©s » rĂ©gionales, sollicitent sans relĂąche – et encore aujourd’hui avec succĂšs – la mĂ©moire musicale et chorĂ©graphique des anciens. Leurs collectes, qu’ils ont d’abord menĂ©es concurremment Ă  celles des ethnomusicologues du musĂ©e des arts et traditions populaires mais qu’ils poursuivent depuis longtemps en position de monopole, ont notablement enrichi le corpus de chants – dans toutes les langues de France – et de danses traditionnels. Ces Ă©rudits-ethnographes de fait, qui se dĂ©signent du terme de « collecteurs », ont crĂ©Ă© pour conserver et valoriser les archives sonores qu’ils ont constituĂ©es des associations actives dans la plupart des rĂ©gions, dotĂ©es de phonothĂšques dont la compĂ©tence est largement reconnue. Leur longĂ©vitĂ© ou leur persĂ©vĂ©rance – la relĂšve gĂ©nĂ©rationnelle est bien assurĂ©e ! –, justifient qu’on les identifie comme un rĂ©seau de la France savante dont les ressorts intellectuels et artistiques propres mĂ©ritent d’ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ©s

    Improved Survival of HIV-1-Infected Patients with Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Receiving Early 5-Drug Combination Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare devastating demyelinating disease caused by the polyomavirus JC (JCV), occurs in severely immunocompromised patients, most of whom have advanced-stage HIV infection. Despite combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), 50% of patients die within 6 months of PML onset. We conducted a multicenter, open-label pilot trial evaluating the survival benefit of a five-drug cART designed to accelerate HIV replication decay and JCV-specific immune recovery.All the patients received an optimized cART with three or more drugs for 12 months, plus the fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide during the first 6 months. The main endpoint was the one-year survival rate. A total of 28 patients were enrolled. At entry, median CD4+ T-cell count was 53 per microliter and 86% of patients had detectable plasma HIV RNA and CSF JCV DNA levels. Seven patients died, all before month 4. The one-year survival estimate was 0.75 (95% confidence interval, 0.61 to 0.93). At month 6, JCV DNA was undetectable in the CSF of 81% of survivors. At month 12, 81% of patients had undetectable plasma HIV RNA, and the median CD4+ T-cell increment was 105 per microliter. In univariate analysis, higher total and naive CD4+ T-cell counts and lower CSF JCV DNA level at baseline were associated with better survival. JCV-specific functional memory CD4+ T-cell responses, based on a proliferation assay, were detected in 4% of patients at baseline and 43% at M12 (P = 0.008).The early use of five-drug cART after PML diagnosis appears to improve survival. This is associated with recovery of anti-JCV T-cell responses and JCV clearance from CSF. A low CD4+ T-cell count (particularly naive subset) and high JCV DNA copies in CSF at PML diagnosis appear to be risk factors for death.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00120367

    Antiretroviral penetration into the CNS and incidence of AIDS-defining neurologic conditions

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    Objective: The link between CNS penetration of antiretrovirals and AIDS-defining neurologic disorders remains largely unknown. Methods: HIV-infected, antiretroviral therapy-naive individuals in the HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration who started an antiretroviral regimen were classified according to the CNS Penetration Effectiveness (CPE) score of their initial regimen into low (,8), medium (8-9), or high (.9) CPE score. We estimated "intention-to-treat" hazard ratios of 4 neuroAIDS conditions for baseline regimens with high and medium CPE scores compared with regimens with a low score. We used inverse probability weighting to adjust for potential bias due to infrequent follow-up. Results: A total of 61,938 individuals were followed for a median (interquartile range) of 37 (18, 70) months. During follow-up, there were 235 cases of HIV dementia, 169 cases of toxoplasmosis, 128 cases of cryptococcal meningitis, and 141 cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) for initiating a combined antiretroviral therapy regimen with a high vs low CPE score was 1.74 (1.15, 2.65) for HIV dementia, 0.90 (0.50, 1.62) for toxoplasmosis, 1.13 (0.61, 2.11) for cryptococcal meningitis, and 1.32 (0.71, 2.47) for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The respective hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) for a medium vs low CPE score were 1.01 (0.73, 1.39), 0.80 (0.56, 1.15), 1.08 (0.73, 1.62), and 1.08 (0.73, 1.58). Conclusions: We estimated that initiation of a combined antiretroviral therapy regimen with a high CPE score increases the risk of HIV dementia, but not of other neuroAIDS conditions

    The SuperCam Remote Sensing Instrument Suite for Mars 2020

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    International audienceThe Mars 2020 rover, essentially a structural twin of MSL, is being built to a) characterize the geology and history of a new landing site on Mars, b) find and characterize ancient habitable environments, c) cache samples for eventual return to Earth, and d) demonstrate in-situ production of oxygen needed for human exploration. Remote-sensing instrumentation is needed to support the first three of these goals [1]. The SuperCam instrument meets these needs with a range of instrumentation including the highest-resolution remote imaging on the rover, two different techniques for determining mineralogy , and one technique to provide elemental compositions. All of these techniques are co-boresighted, providing rapid comprehensive characterization. In addition, for targets within 7 meters of the rover the laser shock waves brush away the dust, providing cleaner surfaces for analysis. SuperCam will use an advanced version of the AEGIS robotic target selection software

    Resting Regulatory CD4 T Cells: A Site of HIV Persistence in Patients on Long-Term Effective Antiretroviral Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: In HIV-infected patients on long-term HAART, virus persistence in resting long-lived CD4 T cells is a major barrier to curing the infection. Cell quiescence, by favouring HIV latency, reduces the risk of recognition and cell destruction by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Several cell-activation-based approaches have been proposed to disrupt cell quiescence and then virus latency, but these approaches have not eradicated the virus. CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a CD4+ T-cell subset with particular activation properties. We investigated the role of these cells in virus persistence in patients on long-term HAART. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found evidence of infection of resting Tregs (HLADR(-)CD69(-)CD25(hi)FoxP3+CD4+ T cells) purified from patients on prolonged HAART. HIV DNA harbouring cells appear more abundant in the Treg subset than in non-Tregs. The half-life of the Treg reservoir was estimated at 20 months. Since Tregs from patients on prolonged HAART showed hyporesponsiveness to cell activation and inhibition of HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte-related functions upon activation, therapeutics targeting cell quiescence to induce virus expression may not be appropriate for purging the Treg reservoir. CONCLUSIONS: Our results identify Tregs as a particular compartment within the latent reservoir that may require a specific approach for its purging


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    Gasnault François. Intervention. In: La Gazette des archives, n°219, 2010-3. Vingt ans d’activitĂ© des services d’archives des RĂ©gions. pp. 109-110

    Francesco de Vivo. L'insegnamento della pedagogia nell' UniversitĂ  di Padova durante il XIX secolo. Trieste : Edizioni Lint, 1983, 111 pages. (Contributi alla storia dell' UniversitĂ  di Padova, 13.)

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    Gasnault François. Francesco de Vivo. L'insegnamento della pedagogia nell' Università di Padova durante il XIX secolo. Trieste : Edizioni Lint, 1983, 111 pages. (Contributi alla storia dell' Università di Padova, 13.). In: BibliothÚque de l'école des chartes. 1984, tome 142, livraison 2. pp. 357-358
