10 research outputs found

    Identification of toxic and other matters in wines by the method of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS)

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    Quality wines are produced in our country. The main objective of this paper was identification of toxic matter, heavy metals and minerals in wines as final produce, with a view of improving nutritional quality of our wines, produced in 2008-2009.Another important fact for this research was the determination of the presence of remnants from protective solutions containing toxic elements (Cu and Pb)[1].[1] Evgjini Papazisi Tonin Rjolli Dr. Abdul Sinani "Food Technology and Environ-mental Protection (Teknologji ushqimore dhe mbrojtje mjedisi1)"

    Quality of life in cancer patients – A systematic review

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    Background. Cancer is a significant health problem worldwide. Globally, cancer is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality and this is predicted to increase by at least 70% by 2030. The aim of this systematic review was to identify the state of the scientific evidence regarding the quality of life in patients. with cancer. Methods. The literature was searched in the Scopus, Web of Science and Pub Med databases, the literature related to the quality of life in cancer patients. Keywords are combined with Boolean operators (AND/OR). There are sixty studies were included in the current review. Results. The social and physical domains were the most endangered, while the environment was the most preserved. Comparison between scores showed a significant difference only in terms of self-rated health. The highest scores were found in the group with the best assessment of their health. The results suggest that self-rated health can be a reliable predictor of quality of life in these patients, being important for further studies on this topic. Discussion. The findings of this review indicate low QoL among cancer patients on anticancer therapy. Functional well-being was most affected among cancer patients, followed by emotional well-being among cancer patients on cancer therapy. From our study, it was found that the overall quality of life of the patients was influenced by the education and professional status of the patient. Unemployed and illiterate patients have worse QoL than employed and educated patients

    Research and Lab Test of Some Wheat Varieties from Hungary of Peja Region

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    The object of study is investigation of suitability of certain cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) of Hungary. In research have been 5 cultivars of wheat: Subo, Kolo, Marshall, Beres, meanwhile as comparative cultivar Europe 90. Investigations were conducted in Dukagjin Plain (in Arbnesh in agricultural institute research farm of Kosova, Peje-Dukagjini Plain, Research, have been tested yield (kg/ha), weight, (of 1000 seeds in gram), hectoliter weight (kg), protein content (%), humidity (%), gluten and sedimentation. Agro-climatic and pedological data in Kosova, compared with yields obtained in culture wheat show no use of genetic potential of cultivars that are cultivate in. For this reason should be applied a contemporary agro-technics to be use genetic potential, and got higher yields. The results had indicated that there were significant statistical differences of different levels for researched features to all cultivars in plots compared with the standard (Europe 90) and between localities.Keywords: winter wheat, weight of 1000 seeds in gram, hectoliter weight kg, yield kg/ha

    Research of Several Wheat Varieties (Tritikum Aestivum L.) From Hungry, Croatia and Slovenia in Agro-Ecological Conditions of Kosova

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    The object of study is investigation of suitability of certain cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) of Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. In research have been only 5 cultivars of wheat: Kolo, Marshall, Illyria, Super Zhitarka and Lara meanwhile as comparative cultivars was Europe 90. Investigations were conducted in two agro-climatic regions of Kosova (in Arbnesh the research farm of the Agricultural Institute of Kosova, Peja - Dukagjini Plain, and in Pestova - Kosova Plain, Research "Pestova" private property company, have been tested yield (kg / ha), weight (1000 seeds in gram), hectolitar weight (kg), protein content (%), humidity (%), gluten and sedimentation. Agro-climatic and pedological data in Kosova, compared with obtained yields in culture wheat shows no use of genetic potential of cultivars that are cultivated in. For this reason should be applied a contemporary agrotechnics to be used genetical potential, and reached higher yields. The obtained results indicat that have been significant statistical differences of diverse levels for investigated features of all cultivars included in plots compared with the standard (Europe 90) and between localities.Keywords: small-scale trials, winter wheat, yield, 1000 seeds weight in gram, hectoliter weight kg, yield kg/ha

    6. Urban Development of University Campus and Quality Aspects of Artistic Education: A Case Study of Peja

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    Kosovo after the 1999 conflict was in a social, economic and environmental disadvantage. The creation of peace and stability depended on many actors such as UNMIK, whose mission was to achieve the overall goal of providing security and the normal living of all peoples in Kosovo and to achieve stability in South East Europe and the Balkans respectively. The research conducted in this paper reflects quality aspects in urban development of university campus and quality aspects of artistic education, especially in art, architecture, creativity, and regular meetings with focus groups, especially with residents of all settlements in Peja. The research methods consist of empirical observation in academia, observation of teaching methods, and promoting healthy academic campuses. Research concludes paper indicate that through urban development of university campus in Peja and quality aspects of artistic education in teaching methods as contemporary learning strategies strengthened with informal meeting places for education, can effectively present a urban plan methodology, hence, which can bring more clarity to the academia campuses and contemporary labor market. Furthermore, new academia campuses must involve a new closeness, a brand-new teaching method, as a response to the future contemporary academic objectives strengthened with a quality aspect of artistic education, for which Peja municipality are very well known. Peja has had and actually has the two artistic branches with legacy in education, such are the school of Fine Arts and the school of Music. The two schools in which has attended the dozen renowned Kosovar artists, who now live and work across Europe

    9. Digital Technologies - The Future Way of Learning in Higher Education

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    Digitalization trends have moved forward with accelerated steps, surrounding all spheres of our lives with the provision of light services, faster and less expensive communications, more functions, and a great influence on increasing quality of life. In developed countries, digitization of education is seen as one of the priority goals for achieving sustainable development. Higher education is an essential pillar in developing new knowledge economies for the twenty-first century, and Kosovo national authorities are strategically oriented toward the digitalization of higher education. Digitization includes a wide range of activities ranging from lecturers, group work lectures, and inclusion in individual or group study, and exams as an integral part of the revolutionization of higher education. The period of COVID19 has pushed forward the digitization of education in many countries of the world. In Kosovo, this was the period that established the dividing boundaries between the traditional multi-century teaching eras with the new digital era. This period is also characterized by the challenges faced by teaching and learning in the use of efficient digitized methods. This paper explores the impact of digitization on teaching and learning, specifically in medicine and architecture. Also, this work is intended to offer a model of how digital transformation can be used to build competitive advantages for universities. Based on the condition of the accreditation agency and the standards of the International Society for Technology in Education, we can say that the use of software and artistic methods in teaching processes affects the development and advancement of young people

    Intravenous lidocaine suppresses fentanyl-induced cough in Children

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    OBJECTIVE: Fentanyl-induced cough is usually mild and transitory, but it can be undesirable in patients with increased intracranial pressure, open wounds of the eye, dissecting aortic aneurism, pneumothorax, and reactive airway disease. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of lidocaine in suppressing fentanyl-induced cough in children during induction in general anesthesia. METHODS: One hundred and eighty-six children of both sexes, aged between 4–10 years, ASA physical status I and II, and scheduled for elective surgery, were recruited for the study. Patients with a history of bronchial asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, or infections of the respiratory tract were excluded. Patients were randomly allocated to three equal groups (n = 62) to receive 1.0 mg/kg lidocaine (Group I), 0.5 mg/kg lidocaine (Group II), or placebo (equal volume of 0.9% saline; Group III). Each was administered over 5 s one minute before intravenous (IV) administration of fentanyl 2−3 μg/kg during induction in general anesthesia. The severity of coughing was graded by counting the number of episodes of cough: mild (1−2), moderate (3−4) or severe (5 or more). RESULTS: Demographic information was comparable between groups. The most frequent coughing was observed in the placebo group (Group III; 43.5%), of whom 4.8% (three patients) were graded with severe cough. In Group II, 22.6% patients had cough, of which 1.6% (one patient) was graded as severe. In Group I, 16.1% patients had cough, none of whom were graded as severe. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that IV lidocaine can markedly suppress fentanyl-induced cough in children, even in doses as low as 0.5 mg/kg

    Seroprevalence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies among Municipal Staff in the Municipality of Prishtina

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    Background: Some studies have assessed the seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in different populations. Very few studies have explored seroprevalence in municipal workers, an important and potentially high-risk population. This study aims to determine the prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in municipal workers, with the additional examination of the association of prevalence with various demographic, health-related, and epidemiological factors. Methods: We surveyed and tested for seroprevalence 418 public servants from the municipality of Prishtina, the capital of Kosovo. The primary prespecified outcome was the seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, IgG, and IgM. Additional outcomes were crude and adjusted odds ratios of seroprevalence by different factors. Results: 21.1% of municipal workers tested positive for either IgM or IgG. Of these, 9.6% were positive for IgM and 19.4% for IgG. Data showed high levels of adherence to protective measures, e.g., social distancing in the office, but calculation of ORs did not show a significant difference between those reporting adherence to such measures and those reporting nonadherence. Of other examined factors, significantly lower odds were observed for smokers (0.52, 95% CI 0.28, 0.97), while municipal workers with infected family members had elevated odds of seropositivity according to both crude (2.19, 95% CI 1.34, 3.59) and adjusted (2.00, 95% CI 1.17, 3.41) ORs. Conclusions: Most answers from public servants demonstrated compliance to social-distancing policies in the workplace, but analysis of crude and adjusted odds ratios did not suggest a significant effect between municipal workers who followed these guidelines and those who did not. Results from this study help Kosovo policy makers in understanding the level of prevalence of COVID-19 in municipal workers and the effect of different factors on such prevalence. Results from the study could inform future decisions on the design and application of protective measures for municipal workers. Our findings should encourage further research to assess the extent of the spread of COVID-19 to other essential workers in Kosovo, including retail workers