23 research outputs found

    Estimating the costs and benefits of providing free public transit passes to students in Los Angeles County: lessons learned in applying a health lens to decision-making.

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    In spite of increased focus by public health to engage and work with non-health sector partners to improve the health of the general as well as special populations, only a paucity of studies have described and disseminated emerging lessons and promising practices that can be used to undertake this work. This article describes the process used to conduct a Health Impact Assessment of a proposal to provide free public transportation passes to students in Los Angeles County. This illustrative case example describes opportunities and challenges encountered in working with an array of cross-sector partners and highlights four important lessons learned: (1) the benefits and challenges associated with broad conceptualization of public issues; (2) the need for more comprehensive, longitudinal data systems and dynamic simulation models to inform decision-making; (3) the importance of having a comprehensive policy assessment strategy that considers health impacts as well as costs and feasibility; and (4) the need for additional efforts to delineate the interconnectivity between health and other agency priorities. As public health advances cross-sector work in the community, further development of these priorities will help advance meaningful collaboration among all partners

    Evaluating Streetscape Modifications in Los Angeles, California with a Health Lens

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    Background and Purpose: Despite growing evidence linking health and the built environment, local health departments are often not involved in the evaluation of a streetscape modification project. This paper describes an assessment conducted by a local health department to address this gap by using a health lens to evaluate the installation of painted curb extensions on a commercial corridor in Los Angeles. Methods: The local health department conducted an observational pre-post study of pedestrian and motorist data at both an intersection receiving the painted curb extension and a comparison intersection along the same corridor that had already received the extension. The study also analyzed streetscape features along the corridor related to walkability, to understand the painted curb extension in the context of the broader built environment. Results: The painted curb extension did not appear to significantly impact pedestrian and motorist behavior, though some slight changes were observed. Pedestrians along the corridor generally exhibited safe behavior at intersections, but encountered dangerous driver behavior and built environment barriers, which can discourage walking. Conclusion: This case study demonstrates how health considerations can be integrated into an evaluation of a streetscape modification project, and can provide guidance for other health practitioners developing such evaluation projects in their own jurisdictions

    Consumer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Sodium Intake and Reduction Strategies in Los Angeles County: Results of an Internet Panel Survey (2014-2015)

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    Background and Purpose: In Los Angeles County, over 27% of the population has been diagnosed with hypertension and over 60% is considered overweight or obese. To help address the burden of hypertension and other diet-associated diseases, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health launched its sodium reduction initiative to scale sodium reduction approaches and, ultimately, reduce sodium intake in the region. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of consumer knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to sodium consumption and reduction to inform ongoing program efforts. Methods: A cross-sectional Internet panel survey was administered from December 2014 to January 2015 to a panel of Los Angeles County adult residents (n=848). Results: Results suggest low levels of consumer knowledge of recommended daily sodium intake limits (5.9%), high levels of support for reduction of sodium in the food supply (>70%), and moderate levels of healthy behavior change (e.g., 48.1% reported determining their food purchases based on the sodium content, 56.3% reported watching their sodium intake). Conclusions: These findings support the continued need to work at multiple levels (consumer, food supplier/manufacturer, retail) to reduce sodium intake in Los Angeles County