3 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Parameters of Transfers in Rapid Transit Network Design

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    The rapid transit network design problem consists of the location of train alignments and stations in an urban traffic context. The originality of our study is to incorporate into the location model the decisions about the transportation mode and the route, to be chosen for urban trips. This paper proposes a new design model which includes transfers between train lines. The objective of the model is to maximize the number of expected users in the transit network taking limited budgets into consideration, in addition to location and allocation constraints. Furthermore, the transfer costs are considered in the generalized public costs when the users change lines. Waiting time to take the metro and walking time to transfer is included in the formulation of the costs. The analysis of transfer parameters is carried out using a test network. Some computational experience is included in the paper.Ministerio de Fomento 2003/1360Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a BFM2003-04062/MAT

    A Rapid Transit Network Design Model . . .

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    In this paper we propose a model for the problem of designing a rapid transit network which includes transfers. Our objective is to maximize the number of expected users in the transit network taking limited budgets into consideration. Additionally, the existing competition between private and public modes is assumed when the generalized cost for the user trips is calculated. Some computational experiment with the model is provided

    Metaheur铆stica GRASP para el dise帽o de redes de tr谩nsito r谩pido

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    En este trabajo se presenta un procedimiento heur铆stico GRASP para el problema del dise帽o de redes r谩pidas de transito (Rapid Transit Network Design Problem, RTNDP). El problema RTNDP consiste en determinar las l铆neas y la localizaci贸n en ella de las estaciones de una red de tr谩nsito r谩pido. Para establecer el dise帽o 贸ptimo se tienen en cuenta algunos criterios relevantes como el coste de la inversi贸n necesaria o el uso futuro de la red. Las alternativas se analizan a partir de la demanda de trayectos, de la distribuci贸n de trayetos, de los modelos de elecci贸n de los usuarios y del equilibrio del tr谩 co. La metaheur铆stica GRASP proporciona las pautas para dise帽ar un proceso constructivo adaptativo para obtener las l铆neas que forman la red. La heur铆stica es contrastada frente a la aplicaci贸n de un optimizador comercial basado en su formulaci贸n como un problema de programaci贸n lineal enteraMinisterio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia BFM2003-04062/MATEMinisterio de Fomento 2003/136