10 research outputs found

    A hydrogen tethered inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases

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    During wound repair, the balance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their natural inhibitors (the TIMPs) is crucial for the normal extra cellular matrix turnover. However, the over expression of several MMPs including MMP-1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and MMP-10, combined with abnormally high levels of activation or low expression of TIMPs, may contribute to excessive degradation of connective tissue and formation of chronic ulcers. There are many groups exploring strategies for promoting wound healing involving delivery of growth factors, cells, ECM components and small molecules. Our approach for improving the balance of MMPs is not to add anything more to the wound, but instead to neutralise the over-expressed MMPs using inhibitors tethered to a bandage-like hydrogel. Our in vitro experiments using designed synthetic pseudo peptide inhibitors have been demonstrated to inhibit MMP activity in standard solutions. These inhibitors have also been tethered to polyethylene glycol hydrogels using a facile reaction between the linker unit on the inhibitor and the gel. After tethering the inhibition of MMPs diminishes to some extent and we postulate that this arises due to poor diffusion of the MMPs into the gels. When the tethered inhibitors were tested against chronic wound fluid obtained against patients we observed over 40% inhibition in proteolytic activity suggesting our approach may prove useful in rebalancing MMPs within chronic wounds

    Development of an enhanced proteomic method to detect prognostic and diagnostic markers of healing in chronic wound fluid

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    Background \ud \ud Chronic venous leg ulcers are a significant cause of pain, immobility and decreased quality of life for patients with these wounds. In view of this, research efforts are focused on multiple factors in the wound environment to obtain information regarding the healing of ulcers.\ud \ud Objectives \ud \ud Chronic wound fluid (CWF), containing a complex mixture of proteins, is an important modulator of the wound environment, and therefore we hypothesized that these proteins may be indicators of the status of wounds and their potential to heal or otherwise. To explore this we developed and validated a proteomic approach to analyse CWF.\ud \ud Methods \ud \ud In this study, pooled CWF was depleted of high abundant proteins using immunoaffinity chromatography. The flow-through and bound fractions were collected, concentrated, desalted and analysed using a range of techniques. Each fraction was further separated using two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis and 2D liquid chromatography and analysed using mass spectrometry (MS).\ud \ud Results \ud \ud Western blot analysis against three high abundant proteins confirmed the selective removal of these proteins from CWF. Critically, one-dimensional and 2D gel electrophoresis indicated that subsequent removal of these proteins enhanced the ability to detect proteins in low abundance in CWF. Further, MS demonstrated that depletion of these abundant proteins increased the detection of other proteins in these samples.\ud \ud Conclusions \ud \ud Results obtained indicate that this approach significantly improves separation of proteins present in low concentrations in CWF. This will facilitate the identification of biomarkers in samples collected from patients with ulcers and lead to improved patient therapies and wound care approaches

    Elevated uric acid correlates with wound severity

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    Chronic venous leg ulcers are a major health issue and represent an often overlooked area of biomedical research.\ud Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly evident that new approaches to enhance healing outcomes may arise\ud through better understanding the processes involved in the formation of chronic wounds. We have for the first\ud time shown that the terminal purine catabolite uric acid (UA) is elevated in wound fluid (WF) from chronic venous\ud leg ulcers with relative concentrations correlating with wound chronicity. We have also shown a corresponding\ud depletion in UA precursors, including adenosine, with increased wound severity. Further, we have shown that\ud xanthine oxidase, the only enzyme in humans that catalyses the production of UA in conjunction with a burst of\ud free radicals, is active in chronic WF. Taken together, this provides compelling evidence that xanthine oxidase may\ud play a critical role in the formation of chronic wounds by prolonging the inflammatory process

    Attenuation of protease activity in chronic wound fluid with bisphosphonate-functionalised hydrogels

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    Chronic ulcers are an important and costly medical issue, imposing considerable pain, reduced mobility and decreased quality of life. The common pathology in these chronic wounds is excessive proteolytic activity, resulting in degradation of key factors critical to the ulcer's ability to heal. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a large family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases, have been shown to have increased activity in chronic wound fluid (CWF), with many authors suggesting that they need to be inhibited for the ulcer to heal. The studies we report here show that the excessive MMP activity in CWF can be inhibited with the bisphosphonate alendronate, in the form of a sodium salt, a functionalised analogue, and tethered to a poly(2-hydroxy methacrylate) (PHEMA) hydrogel. Furthermore, these functionalised alendronate hydrogels appear to be biologically inert as assessed in a three-dimensional ex vivo human skin equivalent model. Together, these results highlight the potential use of a tethered MMP inhibitor to inhibit protease activity in wound fluid. This approach may improve wound healing as it still allows MMPs to remain active in the upper cellular layers of the ulcer bed where they perform vital roles in wound healing; thus may offer an attractive new device-orientated wound therapy

    Antagonists of IGF:Vitronectin Interactions Inhibit IGF-I-Induced Breast Cancer Cell Functions

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    Free to read\ud \ud We provide proof-of-concept evidence for a new class of therapeutics that target growth factor:extracellular matrix (GF:ECM) interactions for the management of breast cancer. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) forms multiprotein complexes with IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP) and the ECM protein vitronectin (VN), and stimulates the survival, migration and invasion of breast cancer cells. For the first time we provide physical evidence for IGFBP-3:VN interactions in breast cancer patient tissues; these interactions were predominantly localized to tumor cell clusters and in stroma surrounding tumor cells. We show that disruption of IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes with L27-IGF-II inhibits IGF-I:IGFBP:VN-stimulated breast cancer cell migration and proliferation in two- and three-dimensional assay systems. Peptide arrays screened to identify regions critical for the IGFBP-3/-5:VN and IGF-II:VN interactions demonstrated IGFBP-3/-5 and IGF-II binds VN through the hemopexin-2 domain, and VN binds IGFBP-3 at residues not involved in the binding of IGF-I to IGFBP-3. IGFBP-interacting VN peptides identified from these peptide arrays disrupted the IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complex, impeded the growth of primary tumor-like spheroids and, more importantly, inhibited the invasion of metastatic breast cancer cells in 3D assay systems. These studies provide first-in-field evidence for the utility of small peptides in antagonizing GF:ECM-mediated biologic functions and present data demonstrating the potential of these peptide antagonists as novel therapeutics

    Chimeric Vitronectin : Insulin-like Growth Factor Proteins Enhance Cell Growth and Migration through Co-Activation of Receptors

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    Complexes comprised of IGF-I, IGF-binding proteins and the ECM protein vitronectin (VN) stimulate cell migration and growth and can replace the requirement for serum for the ex vivo expansion of cells, as well as promote wound healing in vivo. Moreover, the activity of the complexes is dependent on co-activation of the IGF-I receptor and VN-binding integrins. In view of this we sought to develop chimeric proteins able to recapitulate the action of the multiprotein complex within a single molecular species. We report here the production of two recombinant chimeric proteins, incorporating domains of VN linked to IGF-I, which mimic the functions of the complex. Further, the activity of the chimeric proteins is dependent on co-activation of the IGF-I- and VN-binding cell surface receptors. Clearly the use of chimeras that mimic the activity of growth factor:ECM complexes, such as these, offer manufacturing advantages that ultimately will facilitate translation to cost-effective therapies

    Uric acid and xanthine oxidoreductase in wound healing

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    Chronic wounds are an important health problem because they are difficult to heal and treatment is often complicated, lengthy and expensive. For a majority of sufferers the most common outcomes are long-term immobility, infection and prolonged hospitalisation. There is therefore an urgent need for effective therapeutics that will enhance ulcer healing and patient quality of life, and will reduce healthcare costs. Studies in our laboratory have revealed elevated levels of purine catabolites in wound fluid from patients with venous leg ulcers. In particular, we have discovered that uric acid is elevated in wound fluid, with higher concentrations correlating with increased wound severity. We have also revealed a corresponding depletion in uric acid precursors, including adenosine. Further, we have revealed that xanthine oxidoreductase, the enzyme that catalyses the production of uric acid, is present at elevated levels in wound fluid. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that xanthine oxidoreductase may have a function in the formation or persistence of chronic wounds. Here we describe the potential function of xanthine oxidoreductase and uric acid accumulation in the wound site, and the effect of xanthine oxidoreductase in potentiating the inflammatory response