2,423 research outputs found

    Traffic Network Optimum Principle - Minimum Probability of Congestion Occurrence

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    We introduce an optimum principle for a vehicular traffic network with road bottlenecks. This network breakdown minimization (BM) principle states that the network optimum is reached, when link flow rates are assigned in the network in such a way that the probability for spontaneous occurrence of traffic breakdown at one of the network bottlenecks during a given observation time reaches the minimum possible value. Based on numerical simulations with a stochastic three-phase traffic flow model, we show that in comparison to the well-known Wardrop's principles the application of the BM principle permits considerably greater network inflow rates at which no traffic breakdown occurs and, therefore, free flow remains in the whole network.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Correlated Photon-Pair Emission from a Charged Single Quantum Dot

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    The optical creation and recombination of charged biexciton and trion complexes in an (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot is investigated by micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy. Photon cross-correlation measurements demonstrate the temporally correlated decay of charged biexciton and trion states. Our calculations provide strong evidence for radiative decay from the excited trion state which allows for a deeper insight into the spin configurations and their dynamics in these systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Physics of traffic gridlock in a city

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    Based of simulations of a stochastic three-phase traffic flow model, we reveal that at a signalized city intersection under small link inflow rates at which a vehicle queue developed during the red phase of light signal dissolves fully during the green phase, i.e., no traffic gridlock should be expected, nevertheless, traffic breakdown with the subsequent city gridlock occurs with some probability after a random time delay. This traffic breakdown is initiated by a first-order phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow occurring upstream of the vehicle queue at light signal. The probability of traffic breakdown at light signal is an increasing function of the link inflow rate and duration of the red phase of light signal

    Influence of symmetry and Coulomb-correlation effects on the optical properties of nitride quantum dots

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    The electronic and optical properties of self-assembled InN/GaN quantum dots (QDs) are investigated by means of a tight-binding model combined with configuration interaction calculations. Tight-binding single particle wave functions are used as a basis for computing Coulomb and dipole matrix elements. Within this framework, we analyze multi-exciton emission spectra for two different sizes of a lens-shaped InN/GaN QD with wurtzite crystal structure. The impact of the symmetry of the involved electron and hole one-particle states on the optical spectra is discussed in detail. Furthermore we show how the characteristic features of the spectra can be interpreted using a simplified Hamiltonian which provides analytical results for the interacting multi-exciton complexes. We predict a vanishing exciton and biexciton ground state emission for small lens-shaped InN/GaN QDs. For larger systems we report a bright ground state emission but with drastically reduced oscillator strengths caused by the quantum confined Stark effect.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Challenging the negative images of Haiti at a pre-visit stage using visual online learning materials

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    Post-conflict destinations can struggle to attract visitors because of their negative image. Research addressing this remains limited. The same can be said about the education of tourists. This research paper contributes to the literature in both areas as it examines the proposition that the education of tourists at a pre-visit stage using online, game-based material could be effective in challenging the negative perception of these destinations. From a destination management point of view, this paper offers an alternative to existing promotional material as there is little evidence at the moment that existing strategies are effective. From a conceptual point of view, this paper contributes to the very limited academic research in Gamification by adding the fact that Gamification can be a very efficient tryvertising tool if using subtle and implicit marketing elements

    Dispersion force for materials relevant for micro and nanodevices fabrication

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    The dispersion (van der Waals and Casimir) force between two semi-spaces are calculated using the Lifshitz theory for different materials relevant for micro and nanodevices fabrication, namely, gold, silicon, gallium arsenide, diamond and two types of diamond-like carbon (DLC), silicon carbide, silicon nitride and silicon dioxide. The calculations were performed using recent experimental optical data available in the literature, usually ranging from the far infrared up to the extreme ultraviolet bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. The results are presented in the form of a correction factor to the Casimir force predicted between perfect conductors, for the separation between the semi-spaces varying from 1 nanometre up to 1 micrometre. The relative importance of the contributions to the dispersion force of the optical properties in different spectral ranges is analyzed. The role of the temperature for semiconductors and insulators is also addressed. The results are meant to be useful for the estimation of the impact of the Casimir and van der Waals forces on the operational parameters of micro and nanodevices

    How to Educate Entrepreneurs?

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    Entrepreneurship education has two purposes: To improve students’ entrepreneurial skills and to provide impetus to those suited to entrepreneurship while discouraging the rest. While entrepreneurship education helps students to make a vocational decision its effects may conflict for those not suited to entrepreneurship. This study shows that vocational and the skill formation effects of entrepreneurship education can be identified empirically by drawing on the Theory of Planned Behavior. This is embedded in a structural equation model which we estimate and test using a robust 2SLS estimator. We find that the attitudinal factors posited by the Theory of Planned Behavior are positively correlated with students’ entrepreneurial intentions. While conflicting effects of vocational and skill directed course content are observed in some individuals, overall these types of content are complements. This finding contradicts previous results in the literature. We reconcile the conflicting findings and discuss implications for the design of entrepreneurship courses

    Intelligent Controlling Simulation of Traffic Flow in a Small City Network

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    We propose a two dimensional probabilistic cellular automata for the description of traffic flow in a small city network composed of two intersections. The traffic in the network is controlled by a set of traffic lights which can be operated both in fixed-time and a traffic responsive manner. Vehicular dynamics is simulated and the total delay experienced by the traffic is evaluated within specified time intervals. We investigate both decentralized and centralized traffic responsive schemes and in particular discuss the implementation of the {\it green-wave} strategy. Our investigations prove that the network delay strongly depends on the signalisation strategy. We show that in some traffic conditions, the application of the green-wave scheme may destructively lead to the increment of the global delay.Comment: 8 pages, 10 eps figures, Revte

    Optical Phonon Lasing in Semiconductor Double Quantum Dots

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    We propose optical phonon lasing for a double quantum dot (DQD) fabricated in a semiconductor substrate. We show that the DQD is weakly coupled to only two LO phonon modes that act as a natural cavity. The lasing occurs for pumping the DQD via electronic tunneling at rates much higher than the phonon decay rate, whereas an antibunching of phonon emission is observed in the opposite regime of slow tunneling. Both effects disappear with an effective thermalization induced by the Franck-Condon effect in a DQD fabricated in a carbon nanotube with a strong electron-phonon coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure