21 research outputs found

    Lattice Diagram Polynomials and Extended Pieri Rules

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    The lattice cell in the i+1st{i+1}^{st} row and j+1st{j+1}^{st} column of the positive quadrant of the plane is denoted (i,j)(i,j). If μ\mu is a partition of n+1n+1, we denote by μ/ij\mu/ij the diagram obtained by removing the cell (i,j)(i,j) from the (French) Ferrers diagram of μ\mu. We set Δμ/ij=detxipjyiqji,j=1n\Delta_{\mu/ij}=\det \| x_i^{p_j}y_i^{q_j} \|_{i,j=1}^n, where (p1,q1),...,(pn,qn)(p_1,q_1),... ,(p_n,q_n) are the cells of μ/ij\mu/ij, and let Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} be the linear span of the partial derivatives of Δμ/ij\Delta_{\mu/ij}. The bihomogeneity of Δμ/ij\Delta_{\mu/ij} and its alternating nature under the diagonal action of SnS_n gives Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} the structure of a bigraded SnS_n-module. We conjecture that Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} is always a direct sum of kk left regular representations of SnS_n, where kk is the number of cells that are weakly north and east of (i,j)(i,j) in μ\mu. We also make a number of conjectures describing the precise nature of the bivariate Frobenius characteristic of Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} in terms of the theory of Macdonald polynomials. On the validity of these conjectures, we derive a number of surprising identities. In particular, we obtain a representation theoretical interpretation of the coefficients appearing in some Macdonald Pieri Rules.Comment: 77 pages, Te

    Combinatorial decompositions of a class of rings

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    Permutation q-enumeration with the Schur row adder

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    Abstract. We q-enumerate here, by the i-major index, the class of permutations of Sn with largest increasing subsequence of size n − k and increasing rst n − k entries. The result is obtained by a surprisingly straightforward use of the Schur row adder. Some closely related open problems are also included. Mathematics Subject Classi cation(2000). 05A15