14 research outputs found

    Multi-band Microwave Sensor based on Hilbert`s Fractal for Dielectric Solid Material Characterization

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    A planar sensor designed using the fourth Hilbert fractal curve iteration for solid material characterization at multiple frequencies is reported in this paper. The fractal curve is self-similar with space filling properties. The Hilbert fractal geometry is used to form a compact resonator, with a multiband frequency response where miniaturization is achieved, since a large transmission line length is effectively confined in a limited area. The sensor provides five resonances in the frequency range from 0 to 5 GHz. The resonant frequencies are 0.56, 1.68, 2.72, 3.69 and 4.72 GHz, all used to measure the real permittivity of known samples with a sensitivity of 7, 20, 27, 43 and 50 MHz/permittivity, respectively. The sensor is used to measure dielectric samples with 20 x 20 mm2 areas with several thicknesses. Simulations and measurements demonstrate that the Hilbert fractal geometry can be used to design a multiband planar sensor for solid dielectric material characterization.Grant numbers : 5G-TRIDENT - 5G Technologies for ReconfIgurable and efficient raDio accEss iNfrastrucTure and mobile devices (RTI2018-099841-B-I00)

    Tropical headwater streams and the role of non-native species on fish assemblage’s diversity

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    Non-native species cause several impacts on freshwater biodiversity, but studies focusing on the Neotropical stream’s biota are still incipient. We used a data set of 586 headwater stream’s fish assemblages from the Brazilian Upper Paraná ecoregion to test whether the presence/absence of non-native species affect: species richness (S), functional diversity (MPD) and taxonomic diversity (Δ+). We compared diversity patterns of fish assemblages formed only by native species against those of assemblages formed by native and non-native species (Scenario 1); then, we removed non-native species from their original assemblages and recalculated their diversity values to compare them with those of fish assemblages formed only by native species again (Scenario 2). We also investigated: (1) whether non-native’s fish assemblages are associated with land use, topographic and watercourse connectivity variables; (2) fish ecological traits-environment relationship. In Scenario 1, S was higher in assemblages with the presence of non-native species, while in Scenario 2, both S and MPD were higher in assemblages where non-native species were removed. Non-native species were not directly related to land use, topographic or connectivity variables and most of them had a similar response to the environment when compared with native species. Findings show that non-native fish species are related to high-rich assemblages in headwaters, and they increase species richness and the functional redundancy of assemblages, decreasing functional diversity. Moreover, in most cases, native and non-native species seem to respond similarly to the environmental influence on their occurrence

    Gli scenari della paternit\ue0 nella psicologia contemporanea. Sfide, fragilit\ue0, orizzonti

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    La famiglia contemporanea si fonda su una diversa idea di genitorialit\ue0, le cui funzioni sono condivise all\u2019interno della coppia parentale, che co-costruisce la propria rappresentazione e il proprio significato dell\u2019essere genitori. La figura paterna e i suoi codici sono interessati, conseguentemente, da un continuo processo di rielaborazione, che ridefinisce, essendone a sua volta influenzato, le relazioni familiari orizzontali e intergenerazionali. I padri di oggi, tuttavia, nonostante siano sempre pi\uf9 attenti agli aspetti espressivi nel relazionarsi con i figli, possono apparire smarriti di fronte ad una trasformazione che li trova spesso impreparati e che tende ad essere svalutata socialmente e culturalmente. Nella famiglia attuale, inoltre, sono presenti diverse declinazioni del ruolo paterno, le quali, iscrivendosi all\u2019interno di differenti assetti familiari, chiamano in causa aspetti peculiari dell\u2019identit\ue0 genitoriale. Attraverso riflessioni teoriche e dati empirici, i contributi del volume esplorano le trasformazioni dell\u2019identit\ue0 paterna e le sue possibili sfaccettature, evidenziando le fragilit\ue0 e i punti di forza che caratterizzano il ruolo paterno nelle diverse realt\ue0 familiari. Il filo conduttore dei diversi contributi \ue8 l\u2019idea che la costruzione dell\u2019immaginario paterno debba prescindere dagli attuali stereotipi sociali, nella convinzione che accedere al mondo del figlio non debba essere una mera imitazione del materno, bens\uec costruzione di una propria identit\ue0. Il volume si rivolge agli studenti e ai laureati delle lauree triennali in Scienze e tecniche psicologiche, Scienze dell\u2019educazione e Scienze del Servizio Sociale e delle lauree magistrali in Psicologia del ciclo di vita e Psicologia clinica nonch\ue9 ai professionisti che operano nell\u2019ambito delle relazioni d\u2019aiuto, interessati ad approfondire e comprendere le attuali declinazioni dell\u2019essere padre

    Effect of cultivating conditions on α-galactosidase production by a novel Aspergillus foetidus ZU-G1 strain in solid-state fermentation

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    The work is intended to achieve optimum culture conditions of α-galactosidase production by a mutant strain Aspergillus foetidus ZU-G1 in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Certain fermentation parameters involving moisture content, incubation temperature, cultivation period of seed, inoculum volume, initial pH value, layers of pledget, load size of medium and period of cultivation were investigated separately. The optimal cultivating conditions of α-galactosidase production in SSF were 60% initial moisture of medium, 28 °C incubation temperature, 18 h cultivation period of seed, 10% inoculum volume, 5.0~6.0 initial pH of medium, 6 layers of pledget and 10 g dry matter loadage. Under the optimized cultivation conditions, the maximum α-galactosidase production was 2 037.51 U/g dry matter near the 144th hour of fermentation