3,419 research outputs found

    Agronomical and environmental performances of organic farming in the Seine watershed, France

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    This work suggests that Soil Surface Balance is a robust indicator to compare the performances of organic agriculture with those of conventional agriculture, even strictly following the rules of rational and optimised application of fertilisers. The results of long term nitrogen budget calculation brought us to seriously reconsider the relevance of the need to increase crop yields, and more broadly to reconsider cropping patterns and production systems. In terms of policy levers for mitigating nitrogen contamination of water resources, only the shift to organic farming provides a possible way to reconcile agricultural production and water quality. Further, this view points out the need for specific measures to encourage more mixed farming approach to organic farming on a territorial basis, thus reversing a 50 years trend to regional specialization into either crop or livestock farming

    Anthropogenic nitrogen autotrophy and heterotrophy of the world's watersheds: Past, present, and future trends

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    Anthropogenic nitrogen autotrophy of a territory is defined as the nitrogen flux associated with local production of harvested crops and grass consumed by livestock grazing (in kg N/km(2)/yr). Nitrogen heterotrophy is the nitrogen flux associated with local food and feed consumption by humans and domestic animals. These two summarizing characteristics (anthropogenic nitrogen autotrophy and heterotrophy (ANAH)) indicate the degree of anthropogenic perturbation of the nitrogen cycle by agriculture and human consumption: their balance value provides information on either the potential for commercial export or the need to import agricultural goods; in a watershed, their vector sum is related to the nitrogen flux delivered to the sea. These indicators were calculated for all the watersheds in the Global Nutrient Export from Watersheds (NEWS) database for 1970 and 2000, as well as for 2030 and 2050, according to Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios. During this 30 year period, many watersheds shifted from relatively balanced situations toward either more autotrophic or more heterotrophic conditions. This trend is predicted to become more pronounced over the next 50 year

    N:P:Si nutrient export ratios and ecological consequences in coastal seas evaluated by the ICEP approach

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    The Indicator for Coastal Eutrophication Potential (ICEP) for river nutrient export of nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica at the global scale was first calculated from available measurement data. Positive values of ICEP indicate an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus over silica and generally coincide with eutrophication. The sign of ICEP based on measured nutrient fluxes was in good agreement with the corresponding one calculated from the Global-NEWS models for more than 5000 watersheds in the world. Calculated ICEP for the year 2050 based on Global NEWS data for the four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios show increasing values particularly in developing countries. For further evaluation of the ICEP at the outlet of the rivers of the world based on measurements, there is a need for additional determination silica fluxes and concentrations, which are scarcely documented

    Robust seismic velocity change estimation using ambient noise recordings

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    We consider the problem of seismic velocity change estimation using ambient noise recordings. Motivated by [23] we study how the velocity change estimation is affected by seasonal fluctuations in the noise sources. More precisely, we consider a numerical model and introduce spatio-temporal seasonal fluctuations in the noise sources. We show that indeed, as pointed out in [23], the stretching method is affected by these fluctuations and produces misleading apparent velocity variations which reduce dramatically the signal to noise ratio of the method. We also show that these apparent velocity variations can be eliminated by an adequate normalization of the cross-correlation functions. Theoretically we expect our approach to work as long as the seasonal fluctuations in the noise sources are uniform, an assumption which holds for closely located seismic stations. We illustrate with numerical simulations and real measurements that the proposed normalization significantly improves the accuracy of the velocity change estimation

    TV-Centric technologies to provide remote areas with two-way satellite broadband access

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    October 1-2, 2007, Rome, Italy TV-Centric Technologies To Provide Remote Areas With Two-Way Satellite Broadband Acces

    The nitrogen cycle in the Seine and Scheldt estuaries

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    The Seine and Scheldt estuaries are both located in the same geographical area and they represent important tributaries of the North Sea. Due to their high population density and large agricultural areas, the Seine and Scheldt estuaries receive extremely high nitrogen loads, mainly originating from wastewater and land fertilisers. The way this nitrogen is transformed in the system and exported to the North Sea depends on the characteristics of each system. The Seine and Scheldt estuaries are the outlet of river systems with respectively 78600 km² and 21500 km² watershed area, 420 and 108 m³/s average discharge, 46 and 40 % of agriculture area, and 195 and 425 inh./km² population density. Major difference between the estuaries lays in their hydrological characteristics. While the Seine estuary is typically channelled over most of its length with very reduced intertidal areas and short residence times (in the order of 1 week on the average), the Scheldt estuary has a typical funnel shape with large intertidal areas and long residence times (in the order of 1 month). The influence of these characteristics on major N-transformation processes (inorganic N assimilation by plankton, organic N mineralisation, nitrification, and denitrification) is presented and discussed, and the importance of both estuaries as sources of N for the North Sea is be evaluated

    Ce-L3-XAS study of the temperature dependence of the 4f occupancy in the Kondo system Ce2Rh3Al9

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    We have used temperature dependent x-ray absorption at the Ce-L3 edge to investigate the recently discovered Kondo compound Ce2Rh3Al9. The systematic changes of the spectral lineshape with decreasing temperature are analyzed and found to be related to a change in the 4f4f occupation number, n_f, as the system undergoes a transition into a Kondo state. The temperature dependence of nfn_f indicates a characteristic temperature of 150K, which is clearly related with the high temperature anomaly observed in the magnetic susceptibility of the same system. The further anomaly observed in the resistivity of this system at low temperature (ca. 20K) has no effect on n_f and is thus not of Kondo origin.Comment: 7 pages, three figures, submitted to PR