5 research outputs found

    Garnerings 譯藪 1991-1992

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    This is the last year in which Garnerings will be compiled by third year students. Henceforth the Publication Workshop will take place in second year. The current issue, like its two predecessors, has set future generations of students an enviably high standard. All of us are indebted to the contributors and their translators. I wish this 1992 issue every success.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_garnerings/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Garnerings 譯藪 89-90

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    Garnerings goes to press at a highly significant period in the history of the College. We look forward to a decision by Government in June or July which will put the College under the auspices of the Universities and Polytechnics Grants Committee as degree awarding institution, so that we will be able to play our part in the Government\u27s far reaching plans to make first degree courses available to a much larger number of students in Hong Kong. The College hopes that Government will give us the land and the funds which will enable us to put up new buildings on a new site, so that our student numbers can grow from next year’s 1200 to some 4000 by the end of the decade. For the Department this growth will mean a doubling of student numbers and a corresponding growth of resources in terms of the staff, course options and facilities. It will also mean going over to teaching an Honours Degree. That, in turn, will produce changes in our course structure. We would like to think that Garnerings will survive these changes, though not necessarily entirely in its present format. As other final years in the Department tackle their tasks as editors, treasurers, publicity officers, translators, interpreters, proof readers and cajolers of reluctant contributors, they will want to make changes in format and content. What will remain, we hope, is a student directed journal which is bi-lingual in form and international in outlook. If Hong Kong is to retain its place as international centre in the world of trade, commerce and manufacture over these next 20 or 30 years, it will need to turn its attention outwards to the world around the Pacific Rim and elsewhere, in order to seek a better understanding of the people with whom we trade and the cultures which form their environment. Translation graduates will clearly have a vital role to play in that continuing process of internationalization. They will know that the twin activities of translation and interpreting involve more than the mere manipulation of linguistic codes. They require an insatiable curiosity about other cultures, other systems and other ways of doing things. Translators and interpreters need a capacity to understand the other person’s shop and to think themselves into the other person\u27s frame of mind. We like to think that the contributions in these pages are a modest token of that kind of activity. On behalf of Garnerings readers I should like to express our gratitude to the contributors, interviewers and translators whose work fills these pages and to many others who have helped to bring this second issue to fruition, be it as editors, publicity workers, treasurers, secretaries, advisers, advertisers, or donors. 《譯藪》的出版適逢是本校歷史上一個關鍵時 刻。我們殷切期待政府在六、七月間作出 決定,將本校納入「大學及理工資肋委員會」,成為另一所頒授學位的院校;能在政府增加學士學位 課程的長遠教育計劃中,擔當我們應有的角色。 本校冀望政府撥地撥款,使我們得建新校舍, 令學生人數由下年度一千二百人增至九十年代末的約四千人。 對本系來說,此項發展不但意味着學生人數的倍增、學資源的相應增加,諸如教職員人數、課程的選擇、教學設施等,同時也代表本系將可開辦榮譽學位課程。上述因素將促使我們的課程有所改 變。 我們相信《譯藪》處於這些轉變中,仍會繼續出版,雖然它毋須按照目前的形式出現。當本系其他畢業班的同學擔任編輯、財政、公關、翻譯、傳 譯、校對及約稿的「說客」時,他們自然希望改變 《譯藪》的形式及內容。而我們則希望《譯藪》仍是一本完全由學生製作的雙語刊物,具國際性的視野。 在未來二、三十年,倘若香港仍要保持在世界貿易及工商界的國際金融中心地位,就需要把注意力擴展至太平洋繞圈及以外的地區,以此與我們通商的人士促進彼此的了解,及進一步認識他們的文化。翻譯系的畢業同學在持續國際化的過程中,將明顯地扮演重要的角色。他們知道要做好翻譯及傳譯工作,單是精通語言規則並不足夠,更需要孜孜不倦地探求其他文化、制度及處事方法的特色。翻譯員和傳譯員旣要了解他人所屬行業的性質,又能代入他人的思想中去思考問題。我們深信,本刊各篇文章會表現這些特色。我謹代表《譯藪》的讀者,向本刊的投稿者、訪問員、譯員及協助本刊第二期順利出版的各位編輯、公關、財政、秘書、顧問、廣告商及捐助人 士,致以衷心的感謝。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_garnerings/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Garnerings 譯藪 88-89

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    Garnerings is edited, translated and largely compiled by the third year Honours Diploma students of the Lingnan Translation Department. They set out to polish their translation techniques and to put into practice what they have learnt about publishing and printing. During the process of putting Garnerings” into print, students were greatly motivated and had set high standards for their work. They were responsible for the overall design and content after having consulted the opinions of students from all years in the department. When students interviewed teachers, administrators in translation and interpretation, they learned to work harmoniously as a team to gain experience in interviewing, editing, translating, publishing and printing. Since there is a shortage of labour due to brain drain in the fields of translation and publishing, it is most gratifying to know there are young blood forthcoming. I sincerely hope that the students of Translation Workshop” can make use of the professional skills, mastered through untiring effort to translate, edit and publish more quality works. 《譯藪》是嶺南學院翻譯系榮譽文憑課程的同學所編譯;目的是使他們有更多機會砥礪翻譯技巧和應用出版及印刷知識。在出版的過程中,同學都表現得很熱誠和嚴謹,他們很周詳地策劃書中的內容;旣在系內諮詢各級同學的意見。並在校內校外進行了一連串的專訪。期間同學旣能發揮羣體合作的精神,亦可體驗到採訪、編 輯、翻譯、出版及印刷等各方面理論的實踐。 面對香港在翻譯和出版行業人才短缺和外流的情况,我非常高興能預見這一班幹勁的靑年成接班 人。但願他們在學成之後一展所長,努力不懈地編譯和出版更多精闢的著作。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_garnerings/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Garnerings 譯藪 90-91

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    This year\u27s Garnerings is a tribute to the resourcefulness and industry of the graduating class of 1991. They appear to have actually managed to fulfill the high expectations of Michael Leung, let alone those of the rest of us. For that we are very much in their debt. Their biggest challenge is to persuade more people actually to read Garnerings and - better still - to buy it!https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_garnerings/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Garnerings 譯藪 1992-93

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    第五期的《譯藪》也繼承了前四期的優良傳統。前四期的《譯藪》不論在內容和風格上,都成為出版了這期《譯藪》的借鏡。這期《譯藪》的內容包羅萬有,多姿多采。九七將近,「政人政事」會探討過渡期香港的政治發展,有劉慧卿議員和我們學院的講師對香港前途的看法;「婚姻分恩」觸及社會問題一單親家庭;嚴肅之餘,也有「摩登時代」帶你遨遊萬里,聆聽醉人的音樂,並向你介紹時裝、飲食和電腦潮流趨向。嶺南升格後,猛人雲集;「教師檔案」訪問了蜚聲國際的劇作家馬森教授,和 港大「過江龍」李漢榮博士。讓能詩能文、精於翻譯的黃國彬博士跟你深入淺岀談翻譯…… The 5th issue of Garnerings carries on the fine tradition of the former four issues. Our creation is based on the lessons drawn from the contents and styles of the previous four issues of Garnerings. The contents of this issue cover many areas, and are marked by great variety. As 1997 is approaching, Real Politik investigates the political development of Hong Kong\u27s transitional period. There are also the views of the Legco Councillor, Ms. Emily Lau, and of our lecturer on Hong Kong\u27s future. Marriage, Divorce touches upon single families - a social problem. Apart from these serious topics, we have Modern Time” to take you on a tour of the world, and of fantastic music, and introduce the recent trend of fashion, diet and computer to you. Following the upgrading of Lingnan College, distinguished scholars and famous lecturers have come here, Teacher\u27s File feature two interviews with the world-famous opera writer, Professor MA Sen and Dr. LEE Hon-wing from Hong Kong University. Let Dr. Lau re nee WONG, a poet and essayist versed in translation, explain to you the profound meaning of translation in simple language.....https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_garnerings/1004/thumbnail.jp