Garnerings 譯藪 1992-93


第五期的《譯藪》也繼承了前四期的優良傳統。前四期的《譯藪》不論在內容和風格上,都成為出版了這期《譯藪》的借鏡。這期《譯藪》的內容包羅萬有,多姿多采。九七將近,「政人政事」會探討過渡期香港的政治發展,有劉慧卿議員和我們學院的講師對香港前途的看法;「婚姻分恩」觸及社會問題一單親家庭;嚴肅之餘,也有「摩登時代」帶你遨遊萬里,聆聽醉人的音樂,並向你介紹時裝、飲食和電腦潮流趨向。嶺南升格後,猛人雲集;「教師檔案」訪問了蜚聲國際的劇作家馬森教授,和 港大「過江龍」李漢榮博士。讓能詩能文、精於翻譯的黃國彬博士跟你深入淺岀談翻譯…… The 5th issue of Garnerings carries on the fine tradition of the former four issues. Our creation is based on the lessons drawn from the contents and styles of the previous four issues of Garnerings. The contents of this issue cover many areas, and are marked by great variety. As 1997 is approaching, Real Politik investigates the political development of Hong Kong\u27s transitional period. There are also the views of the Legco Councillor, Ms. Emily Lau, and of our lecturer on Hong Kong\u27s future. Marriage, Divorce touches upon single families - a social problem. Apart from these serious topics, we have Modern Time” to take you on a tour of the world, and of fantastic music, and introduce the recent trend of fashion, diet and computer to you. Following the upgrading of Lingnan College, distinguished scholars and famous lecturers have come here, Teacher\u27s File feature two interviews with the world-famous opera writer, Professor MA Sen and Dr. LEE Hon-wing from Hong Kong University. Let Dr. Lau re nee WONG, a poet and essayist versed in translation, explain to you the profound meaning of translation in simple language.....

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