12 research outputs found

    Novel phages of Pseudomonas syringae unveil numerous potential auxiliary metabolic genes.

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    Relatively few phages that infect plant pathogens have been isolated and investigated. The Pseudomonas syringae species complex is present in various environments, including plants. It can cause major crop diseases, such as bacterial canker on apricot trees. This study presents a collection of 25 unique phage genomes that infect P. syringae. These phages were isolated from apricot orchards with bacterial canker symptoms after enrichment with 21 strains of P. syringae. This collection comprises mostly virulent phages, with only three being temperate. They belong to 14 genera, 11 of which are newly discovered, and 18 new species, revealing great genetic diversity within this collection. Novel DNA packaging systems have been identified bioinformatically in one of the new phage species, but experimental confirmation is required to define the precise mechanism. Additionally, many phage genomes contain numerous potential auxiliary metabolic genes with diversified putative functions. At least three phages encode genes involved in bacterial tellurite resistance, a toxic metalloid. This suggests that viruses could play a role in bacterial stress tolerance. This research emphasizes the significance of continuing the search for new phages in the agricultural ecosystem to unravel novel ecological diversity and new gene functions. This work contributes to the foundation for future fundamental and applied research on phages infecting phytopathogenic bacteria

    Molecular and evolutionary basis of O-antigenic polysaccharide-driven phage sensitivity in environmental pseudomonads.

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    Pseudomonas protegens CHA0, a bacterial strain able to suppress plant pathogens as well as efficiently kill lepidopteran pest insects, has been studied as a biocontrol agent to prevent ensuing agricultural damage. However, the success of this method is dependent on efficient plant colonization by the bacterial inoculant, while it faces competition from the resident microbiota as well as predators such as bacteriophages. One of these naturally occurring phages, ΦGP100, was found to drastically reduce the abundance of CHA0 once inoculated into plant microcosms, resulting in the loss of plant protection effect against a phytopathogen. Here, we investigated the molecular determinants implicated in the interaction between CHA0 and the phage ΦGP100 using a high-density transposon-sequencing approach. We show that lipopolysaccharide cell surface decorations, specifically the longer OBC3-type O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the two dominant O-PS of CHA0, are essential for the attachment and infection of ΦGP100. Moreover, when exploring the distribution of the OBC3 cluster in bacterial genomes, we identified several parts of this gene cluster that are conserved in phylogenetically distant bacteria. Through heterologous complementation, we integrated an OBC3-type gene copy from a phylogenetically distant bacterium and were able to restore the phage sensitivity of a CHA0 mutant which lacked the ability to form long O-PS. Finally, we evidence that the OBC3 gene cluster of CHA0 displays a high genomic plasticity and likely underwent several horizontal acquisitions and genomic rearrangements. Collectively, this study underlines the complexity of phage-bacteria interactions and the multifunctional aspect of bacterial cell surface decorations. IMPORTANCE The application of plant-beneficial microorganisms to protect crop plants is a promising alternative to the usage of chemicals. However, biocontrol research often faces difficulties in implementing this approach due to the inconsistency of the bacterial inoculant to establish itself within the root microbiome. Beneficial bacterial inoculants can be decimated by the presence of their natural predators, notably bacteriophages (also called phages). Thus, it is important to gain knowledge regarding the mechanisms behind phage-bacteria interactions to overcome this challenge. Here, we evidence that the major long O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the widely used model plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 is the receptor of its natural predator, the phage ΦGP100. We examined the distribution of the gene cluster directing the synthesis of this O-PS and identified signatures of horizontal gene acquisitions. Altogether, our study highlights the importance of bacterial cell surface structure variation in the complex interplay between phages and their Pseudomonas hosts

    The Response of the Honey Bee Gut Microbiota to Nosema ceranae Is Modulated by the Probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici and the Neonicotinoid Thiamethoxam.

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    The honey bee Apis mellifera is exposed to a variety of biotic and abiotic stressors, such as the highly prevalent microsporidian parasite Nosema (Vairimorpha) ceranae and neonicotinoid insecticides. Both can affect honey bee physiology and microbial gut communities, eventually reducing its lifespan. They can also have a combined effect on the insect's survival. The use of bacterial probiotics has been proposed to improve honey bee health, but their beneficial effect remains an open question. In the present study, western honey bees were experimentally infected with N. ceranae spores, chronically exposed to the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, and/or supplied daily with the homofermentative bacterium Pediococcus acidilactici MA18/5M thought to improve the honey bees' tolerance to the parasite. Deep shotgun metagenomic sequencing allowed the response of the gut microbiota to be investigated with a taxonomic resolution at the species level. All treatments induced significant changes in honey bee gut bacterial communities. Nosema ceranae infection increased the abundance of Proteus mirabilis, Frischella perrara, and Gilliamella apicola and reduced the abundance of Bifidobacterium asteroides, Fructobacillus fructosus, and Lactobacillus spp. Supplementation with P. acidilactici overturned some of these alterations, bringing back the abundance of some altered species close to the relative abundance found in the controls. Surprisingly, the exposure to thiamethoxam also restored the relative abundance of some species modulated by N. ceranae. This study shows that stressors and probiotics may have an antagonistic impact on honey bee gut bacterial communities and that P. acidilactici may have a protective effect against the dysbiosis induced by an infection with N. ceranae

    Clostridioides difficile S-layer protein A (SlpA) serves as a general phage receptor

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    Therapeutic bacteriophages (phages) are being considered as alternatives in the fight against Clostridioides difficile infections. To be efficient, phages should have a wide host range, buthe lack of knowledge about the cell receptor used by C. difficile phages hampers the rational design of phage cocktails. Recent reports suggested that the C. difficile surface layer protein A (SlpA) is an important phage receptor, but available data are still limited. Here, using the epidemic R20291 strain and its FM2.5 mutant derivative lacking a functional S-layer, we show that the absence of SlpA renders cells completely resistant to infection by ϕCD38-2, ϕCD111, and ϕCD146, which normally infect the parental strain. Complementation with 12 different S-layer cassette types (SLCTs) expressed from a plasmid revealed that SLCT-6 also allowed infection by ϕCD111 and SLCT-11 enabled infection by ϕCD38-2 and ϕCD146. Of note, the expression of SLCT-1, -6, -8, -9, -10, or -12 conferred susceptibility to infection by 5 myophages that normally do not infect the R20291 strain. Also, deletion of the D2 domain within the low-molecular-weight fragment of SlpA was found to abolish infection by ϕCD38-2 and ϕCD146 but not ϕCD111. Altogether, our data suggest that many phages use SlpA as their receptor and, most importantly, that both siphophages and myophages target SlpA despite major differences in their tail structures. Our study therefore represents an important step in understanding the interactions between C. difficile and its phages

    Comparative Genomics of Clostridioides difficile.

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    Clostridioides difficile, a Gram-positive spore-forming anaerobic bacterium, has rapidly emerged as the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhoea in hospitals. The availability of large numbers of genome sequences, mainly due to the use of next-generation sequencing methods, has undoubtedly shown their immense advantages in the determination of C. difficile population structure. The implementation of fine-scale comparative genomic approaches has paved the way for global transmission and recurrence studies, as well as more targeted studies, such as the PaLoc or CRISPR/Cas systems. In this chapter, we provide an overview of recent and significant findings on C. difficile using comparative genomic studies with implications for epidemiology, infection control and understanding of the evolution of C. difficile