42 research outputs found

    Metrology Organic Solvents in the Shoes Industry to Sfax City (Tunisia)

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    In spite of the importance to the use of organic solvents in the shoes industry, exposure data of the employees at these solvents in this sector are absent in Tunisia. The objective of this study is to establish a biotoxicological supervision of exposure in shoes manufacturing companies. After the inventory of the most dominant solvents (acetone, cyclohexane, hexane and methylethylketone, toluene) in the preparations used in shoes manufacturing, 18 voluntary companies benefited from 55 dynamic atmospheric samplings realized on a duration of 4 hours. The exposure index some mixture ranged between 0.1 and 8.8 and presented an average value superior to 1, mainly in the partly industrialized process. These values reached, respectively, 1.7, 2.5 and 4.5 for the posts of finishing, shoes collector and glues dispatcher. The atmospheric average concentrations of certain solvents exceeded the limit value of professional exposure mainly for the hexane with a value of 214 mg/m3 in certain posts. The chronic exposure to organic solvents in a shoes industry and to establish a first report on the profiles of exposure to these solvents in this sector. Hence, an approach of evaluation of the professional risk by the biotoxicological supervision of exposure is established in Sfax city

    Per- and Trichloroethylene Air Monitoring in Dry Cleaners in the City of Sfax (Tunisia)

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    The use of chlorinated solvents in dry cleaning poses risks to human health. The occupational health exposure assessment to these volatile chemicals is conducted through quantification of airborne concentrations inside the facilities. Indeed, the lack of such measurements in Tunisia pushed us to conduct the study. After identifying dry cleaners in Sfax city, we conducted door-to-door canvassing in 47 facilities. Then, the levels of perchloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the indoor air are measured in two sampling positions: fixed and individual. The pollutants are adsorbed with charcoal sorbent tubes where their amounts correspond to given air volumes that are suctioned through the pump. It is later used to calculate their mean concentrations. These solvents are desorbed using carbon disulfide and analyzed by gas chromatography—flame ionization detection. After the analytical validation of the protocol, 19 air samples were quantified. The measured concentrations of TCE are close to the occupational exposure limit value in almost all facilities, whereas the PCE concentrations are about half of the OELV. The overall results showed that the working environment in dry cleaning in Sfax city are concerning and can lead to many adverse health effects up to several types of cancers

    Méthodes automatiques pour la pangonométrie, la morphométrie et la reconstruction 3D des os du membre inférieur

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    L'extraction des informations d'intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  partir des images mĂ©dicales 2D et 3D est essentielle dans plusieurs pratiques mĂ©dicales. Elle est nĂ©cessaire pour 1' Ă©tablissement de diagnostic, la planification chirurgicale et la conception de prothĂšses sur mesure. Cependant, cette tĂąche requiert du clinicien une dĂ©tection manuelle ou semi-automatique. Entre temps, la liste d'attente pour une intervention clinique s'allonge de jour en jour. Selon le rapport de la Direction de l'Ă©valuation des technologies et des modes d'intervention en santĂ© des centres hospitaliers de l'universitĂ© de MontrĂ©al et de l'universitĂ© McGill de 2007, la demande pour les arthroplasties du membre infĂ©rieur a augmentĂ© de prĂšs de 90% au cours des dix derniĂšres annĂ©es. L'attente pour ce type d'intervention dĂ©passe les 6 mois. L'objectif principal de cette thĂšse est d'offrir aux cliniciens des outils capables d'extraire Ă  partir des donnĂ©es mĂ©dicales 2D et 3D une information clinique utile et cela de façon automatique. Cinq applications sont proposĂ©es: ‱ un analyseur automatique de la pangonomĂ©trie du fĂ©mur en vue frontale, ‱ un analyseur automatique de la pangonomĂ©trie du fĂ©mur en vue latĂ©rale, ‱ un outil pour le recalage automatique de modĂšles gĂ©nĂ©riques 3D du fĂ©mur sur une paire de radiographies frontale et latĂ©rale, ‱ un outil pour la reconstruction automatique de modĂšle 3D du fĂ©mur prĂ© personnalisĂ© Ă  partir de donnĂ©es radiographiques, ‱ un outil pour l'analyse automatique de la morphomĂ©trie du membre infĂ©rieur Ă  partir de modĂšles 3D. La base de ces outils est un modĂšle mathĂ©matique. Ce modĂšle regroupe des gĂ©omĂ©tries simples telles que sphĂšres et cylindres en une seule fonction algĂ©brique dans le but d'exprimer la surface externe des structures osseuses sous forme d'une surface analytique. Dans cette reprĂ©sentation, chaque gĂ©omĂ©trie simple modĂ©lise une zone anatomique Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de l'os. En ayant une paire de radiographies du membre infĂ©rieur d'un patient, le modĂšle mathĂ©matique avec des techniques de gĂ©nĂ©ration de primitives (transformĂ©e de Hough) et de classification ont permis d'estimer les indices cliniques nĂ©cessaires pour une analyse pangonomĂ©trique. L'estimation de ces indices a permis aussi de recaler sur les radiographies du patient un modĂšle gĂ©nĂ©rique connu a priori. Ce regalage a Ă©tĂ© Ă  l'origine de la reconstruction d' un modĂšle 3D prĂ©-personnalisĂ©. En 3D, le modĂšle mathĂ©matique proposĂ© a permis aussi une analyse morphologique et moprhomĂ©trique du modĂšle 3D de l'os (fĂ©mur et tibia). Ce modĂšle peut ĂȘtre obtenu en utilisant notre mĂ©thode ou toute autre mĂ©thode de reconstruction 3D. Les Ă©tudes comparatives menĂ©es ont dĂ©montrĂ© le potentiel des mĂ©thodes dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour un usage clinique de routine. Tous les outils mis au point offrent des rĂ©sultats comparables Ă  ceux obtenus par des analyses manuelles faites par des experts. Pour certains repĂšres, nos outils prĂ©sentent de meilleures prĂ©cisions que les procĂ©dures manuelles, grĂące Ă  leur capacitĂ© d'identifier plus de donnĂ©es sur les images mĂ©dicales que le repĂ©rage manuel

    Biotoxicological Monitoring of Organic Solvents in the Tunisian Footwear Industry

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    Organic solvents (OS) are widely used in Tunisian footwear industry; however, there are no data related to employees’ exposure. The objective of this study was therefore to adjust analytical methods in our laboratory for exposure assessment purposes. The predominant solvents are acetone, cyclohexane, hexane, methyl ethyl ketone, and toluene. Eighteen companies benefited from 55 airborne and 190 urine samples. Quantification of solvents and their metabolites was achieved by analytical methods that were adapted and validated in our laboratory. Airborne solvents were determined using gas chromatography (GC-FID). Urinary solvents or metabolites were measured either by GC or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Validation criteria were determined and used to judge the methods reliability. For airborne solvents, the concentrations exceeding the threshold limit value are mainly for hexane. For urines, the hippuric acid concentrations exceeded the biological limit value in semi-industrial process. Surprisingly, trans, trans-muconic acid was found in industrial and artisanal processes even though benzene was not among the used products. GC and HPLC methods have been adjusted, optimized, and effectively used to quantify OS and their metabolites in airborne and urine samples. Thus, a process of occupational risk assessment via a biotoxicological and airborne monitoring for solvents is now set

    What are the Health Risks of Occupational Exposure to Adhesive in the Shoe Industry?

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    The term “shoe” covers a wide range of products made from various materials. Organic solvents (OS) are components of various products such as the adhesives which are used in many industries. The shoe industry consumes large amounts of adhesives. This chemical risk assessment (CRA) is to validate the hypothesis of decreasing gradient of RA craft enterprises to industrial enterprises through the semi-industrial. The simplified methodology CRA of INRS was applied. For each chemical, a hazard class is assigned based on the sign, and then the potential exposure class is determined according to parameters “quantity and frequency of use”. Our RA process is complete with ambient measurements for solvents to which employees are most frequently exposed. Adhesives being constituted as solvent mixture, we have conventionally used an exposure index which is compared with the limit values. The simplified method CRA of INRS was chosen because it is one of the reference methods in RA established from the Kinney model. If these atmospheric samples and toxicology tests were made for the first time in the shoe industry in Sfax, they concerned a sample of companies of the three shoe manufacturing processes preceded by a preliminary RA with post-study and inventory of products handled

    Understanding patient non-transport decision theories in the pre-hospital setting: a narrative review

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    © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background In pre-hospital emergency care, decisions regarding patient non-conveyance emerged as significant determinants of healthcare outcomes and resource utilization. These complex decisions became integral to the progress of emergency medical services, thus warranting an evolving exploration within the medical discourse. Objectives and methods This narrative review aimed to synthesize and critically evaluate various theoretical stances on patient non-conveyance in the pre-hospital emergency. The focus on studies published between January 2012 and August 2022 was intentional to capture contemporary practices and insights. PubMed and Google Scholar served as the primary databases for the investigation, while the AL-RayyanÂź software facilitated a thorough screening process. Results and discussion Twenty-nine studies—encompassing articles, books, and theses—were discovered through our search, each presenting unique perspectives on patient non-transport, thus highlighting its criticality as a healthcare concern. Predominant factors influencing non-transport decisions were classified into patient-initiated refusals (PIR), clinician-initiated decisions (CID), and dispatcher-initiated decisions (DID). Conclusions The issue of patient non-conveyance to hospitals continues to pose a crucial challenge to the seamless operation of emergency healthcare systems, warranting increased attention from various healthcare entities. To comprehend and pinpoint potential areas of improvement, a comprehensive analysis of pre-hospital non-transport events is imperative. A well-informed, strategic approach could prevent resource waste while ensuring patients receive the required and definitive care.Peer reviewe

    Epidemiological Determinants of Patient Non-Conveyance to the Hospital in an Emergency Medical Service Environment

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background: The increasing prevalence of comorbidities worldwide has spurred the need for time-effective pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS). Some pre-hospital emergency calls requesting EMS result in patient non-conveyance. Decisions for non-conveyance are sometimes driven by the patient or the clinician, which may jeopardize the patients’ healthcare outcomes. This study aimed to explore the distribution and determinants of patient non-conveyance to hospitals in a Middle Eastern national Ambulance Service that promotes the transportation of all emergency call patients and does not adopt clinician-based non-conveyance decision. Methods: Using R Language, descriptive, bivariate, and binary logistic regression analyses were conducted for 334,392 multi-national patient non-conveyance emergency calls from June 2018 to July 2022, from a total of 1,030,228 calls to which a response unit was dispatched. Results: After data pre-processing, 237,862 cases of patient non-conveyance to hospital were retained, with a monthly average of 41.96% (n = 8799) of the emergency service demands and a standard deviation of 5.49% (n = 2040.63). They predominantly involved South Asians (29.36%, n = 69,849); 64.50% (n = 153,427) were of the age category from 14 to 44 years; 61.22% (n = 145,610) were male; 74.59% (n = 177,424) from the urban setting; and 71.28% (n = 169,552) had received on-scene treatment. Binary logistic regression with full variables and backward methods identified the final models of the determinants of patient non-conveyance decisions with an Akaike information criterion prediction estimator, respectively, of (250,200) and (250,169), indicating no significant difference between both models (Chi-square test; p-value = 0.63). Conclusions: Despite exercising a cautious protocol by encouraging patient transportation to hospital, patient non-conveyance seems to be a problem in the healthcare system that strains the pre-hospital medical response teams’ resources. Policies and regulations should be adopted to encourage individuals to access other primary care centers when required rather than draining emergency services for non-emergency situations.Peer reviewe

    Hazardous material and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incident readiness among prehospital care professionals in the State of Qatar

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    This study aimed to determine whether the Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service (HMCAS) personnel fulfil the pre-hospital readiness requirements for hazardous material and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (HazMat-CBRN) incidents. This cross-sectional study performed an online assessment of non-specialist paramedics’ behaviour and knowledge about HazMat-CBRN incident management, followed by a ‘HazMat-CBRN incident management’ course with pre-and post-activity assessments. The validity and reliability of the knowledge assessment questions were also tested. The pre-and-post course assessement responses revealed certain deficiencies in staff knowledge. The multiple linear regression and paired groups t-test demonstrated that this was rectified after the training intervention. The results indicate that the implemented course helped HMCAS staff acquire a satisfactory level of knowledge to ensure their readiness for safe and effective responses to potential HazMat-CBRN incidents in Qatar

    Exploring pre‐hospital healthcare workers' readiness for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats in the State of Qatar: A cross‐sectional study

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    Background Hazardous Material—Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (HazMat-CBRN) incidents, though infrequent, are environmentally precarious and perilous to living beings. They can be deliberate or accidental or follow the re-emergence of highly contagious diseases. Successful management of such incidents in pre-hospital settings requires having well-trained and prepared healthcare workers. Aims This study aimed to explore the reliability and validity of a satisfaction survey, answered by Specialized Emergency Management (SEM) personnel from a national Middle Eastern ambulance service, with a “Hazardous Material Incident Management” course offered to them as a continuing professional development activity and seek their opinion regarding Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service personnel needs for other HazMat-CBRN related training topics. Method In the cross-sectional study, we conducted an online satisfaction survey for this group of course participants to obtain their feedback as subject matter experts. Aiken's content validity coefficient (CVC) was calculated to assess the content validity. Cronbach's α coefficient was determined to explore the survey's reliability. IBMÂź-SPSSÂź version 26 was utilized to explore the data. Results The SEM satisfaction survey demonstrated important satisfaction with the implemented training with its robust reliability and content validity (Cronbach's α = 0.922 and CVC = 0.952). The participants also recommended additional related topics. Conclusion Sustaining and reinforcing the HazMat-CBRN Incident Management course was strongly recommended, considering the increase of HazMat-CBRN threats worldwide

    Exploring factors influencing time from dispatch to unit availability according to the transport decision in the pre-hospital setting: an exploratory study

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    © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background: Efficient resource distribution is important. Despite extensive research on response timings within ambulance services, nuances of time from unit dispatch to becoming available still need to be explored. This study aimed to identify the determinants of the duration between ambulance dispatch and readiness to respond to the next case according to the patients’ transport decisions. Methods: Time from ambulance dispatch to availability (TDA) analysis according to the patients’ transport decision (Transport versus Non-Transport) was conducted using R-Studioℱ for a data set of 93,712 emergency calls managed by a Middle Eastern ambulance service from January to May 2023. Log-transformed Hazard Ratios (HR) were examined across diverse parameters. A Cox regression model was utilised to determine the influence of variables on TDA. Kaplan–Meier curves discerned potential variances in the time elapsed for both cohorts based on demographics and clinical indicators. A competing risk analysis assessed the probabilities of distinct outcomes occurring. Results: The median duration of elapsed TDA was 173 min for the transported patients and 73 min for those not transported. The HR unveiled Significant associations in various demographic variables. The Kaplan–Meier curves revealed variances in TDA across different nationalities and age categories. In the competing risk analysis, the ‘Not Transported’ group demonstrated a higher incidence of prolonged TDA than the ‘Transported’ group at specified time points. Conclusions: Exploring TDA offers a novel perspective on ambulance services’ efficiency. Though promising, the findings necessitate further exploration across diverse settings, ensuring broader applicability. Future research should consider a comprehensive range of variables to fully harness the utility of this period as a metric for healthcare excellence.Peer reviewe