4,926 research outputs found

    The role of homophily in the emergence of opinion controversies

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    Understanding the emergence of strong controversial issues in modern societies is a key issue in opinion studies. A commonly diffused idea is the fact that the increasing of homophily in social networks, due to the modern ICT, can be a driving force for opinion polariation. In this paper we address the problem with a modelling approach following three basic steps. We first introduce a network morphogenesis model to reconstruct network structures where homophily can be tuned with a parameter. We show that as homophily increases the emergence of marked topological community structures in the networks raises. Secondly, we perform an opinion dynamics process on homophily dependent networks and we show that, contrary to the common idea, homophily helps consensus formation. Finally, we introduce a tunable external media pressure and we show that, actually, the combination of homophily and media makes the media effect less effective and leads to strongly polarized opinion clusters.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Cluster and field elliptical galaxies at z~1.3. The marginal role of the environment and the relevance of the galaxy central regions

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    We compared the properties of 56 elliptical galaxies selected from three clusters at 1.2<z<1.41.2<z<1.4 with those of field galaxies in the GOODS-S (~30), COSMOS (~180) and CANDELS (~220) fields. We studied the relationships among effective radius, surface brightness, stellar mass, stellar mass density ΣRe\Sigma_{Re} and central mass density Σ1kpc\Sigma_{1kpc} within 1 kpc radius. We find that cluster ellipticals do not differ from field ellipticals: they share the same structural parameters at fixed mass and the same scaling relations. On the other hand, the population of field ellipticals at z1.3z\sim1.3 shows a significant lack of massive (M>2×1011M_*> 2\times 10^{11} M_\odot) and large (Re>45_e > 4-5 kpc) ellipticals with respect to the cluster. Nonetheless, at M<2×1011M*<2\times 10^{11} M_\odot, the two populations are similar. The size-mass relation of ellipticals at z~1.3 defines two different regimes, above and below a transition mass mt23×1010m_t\sim 2-3\times10^{10} M_\odot: at lower masses the relation is nearly flat (ReM0.1±0.2_e\propto M_*^{-0.1\pm 0.2}), the mean radius is constant at ~1 kpc and ΣReΣ1kpc\Sigma_{Re}\sim \Sigma_{1kpc} while, at larger masses, the relation is ReM0.64±0.09_e\propto M*^{0.64\pm0.09}. The transition mass marks the mass at which galaxies reach the maximum ΣRe\Sigma_{Re}. Also the Σ1kpc\Sigma_{1kpc}-mass relation follows two different regimes, Σ1kpcM1.07 <mt0.64 >mt\Sigma_{1kpc}\propto M*^{0.64\ >m_t}_{1.07\ <m_t}, defining a transition mass density Σ1kpc23×103\Sigma_{1kpc}\sim 2-3\times10^3 M_\odot pc2^{-2}. The mass density ΣRe\Sigma_{Re} does not correlate with mass, dense/compact galaxies can be assembled over a wide mass regime, independently of the environment. The central mass density, Σ1kpc\Sigma_{1kpc}, besides to be correlated with the mass, is correlated to the age of the stellar population: the higher the central stellar mass density, the higher the mass, the older the age of the stellar population. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 20 pages, 13 figures (replaced to match the A&A version

    Lower mass normalization of the stellar initial mass function for dense massive early-type galaxies at z ~ 1.4

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    This paper aims at understanding if the normalization of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) of massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) varies with cosmic time and/or with mean stellar mass density Sigma (M*/2\pi Re^2). For this purpose we collected a sample of 18 dense (Sigma>2500 M_sun/pc^2) ETGs at 1.2<z<1.6 with available velocity dispersion sigma_e. We have constrained their mass-normalization by comparing their true stellar masses (M_true) derived through virial theorem, hence IMF independent, with those inferred through the fit of the photometry assuming a reference IMF (M_ref). Adopting the virial estimator as proxy of the true stellar mass, we have assumed for these ETGs zero dark matter (DM). However, dynamical models and numerical simulations of galaxy evolution have shown that the DM fraction within Re in dense high-z ETGs is negligible. We have considered the possible bias of virial theorem in recovering the total masses and have shown that for dense ETGs the virial masses are in agreement with those derived through more sophisticated dynamical models. The variation of the parameter Gamma = M_true/M_ref with sigma_e shows that, on average, dense ETGs at = 1.4 follow the same IMF-sigma_e trend of typical local ETGs, but with a lower mass-normalization. Nonetheless, once the IMF-sigma_e trend we have found for high-z dense ETGs is compared with that of local ETGs with similar Sigma and sigma_e, they turn out to be consistent. The similarity between the IMF-sigma_e trends of dense high-z and low-z ETGs over 9 Gyr of evolution and their lower mass-normalization with respect to the mean value of local ETGs suggest that, independently on formation redshift, the physical conditions characterizing the formation of a dense spheroid lead to a mass spectrum of new formed stars with an higher ratio of high- to low-mass stars with respect to the IMF of normal local ETGs.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for pubblication in A&A, updated to match final journal versio

    Age, metallicity and star formation history of spheroidal galaxies in cluster at z~1.2

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    We present the analysis, based on spectra collected at the Large Binocular Telescope, of the stellar populations in seven spheroidal galaxies in the cluster XLSSJ0223 at zz\sim1.22. The aim is to constrain the epoch of their formation and their star formation history. Using absorption line strenghts and full spectral fitting, we derive for the stellar populations of the seven spheroids a median age =2.4±\pm0.6 Gyr, corresponding to a median formation redshift $\sim2.6_{-0.5}^{+0.7}$ (lookback time = 11$_{-1.0}^{+0.6}$ Gyr). We find a significant scatter in age, showing that massive spheroids, at least in our targeted cluster, are not coeval. The median metallicity is [Z/H]=0.09$\pm$0.16, as for early-types in clusters at 0$<z<0.9.Thislackofevolutionof[Z/H]overtherange0<0.9. This lack of evolution of [Z/H] over the range 0<zz<1.3,correspondingtothelast9billionsyears,suggeststhatnosignificantadditionalstarformationandchemicalenrichmentarerequiredforclusterspheroidstoreachthepresentdaypopulation.Wedonotdetectsignificantcorrelationbetweenageandvelocitydispersion1.3, corresponding to the last 9 billions years, suggests that no significant additional star formation and chemical enrichment are required for cluster spheroids to reach the present-day population. We do not detect significant correlation between age and velocity dispersion \sigma_e,ordynamicalmassM, or dynamical mass M_{dyn},oreffectivestellarmassdensity, or effective stellar mass density \Sigma_e.Onthecontrary,themetallicity[Z/H]ofthesevenspheroidsiscorrelatedtotheirdynamicalmassM. On the contrary, the metallicity [Z/H] of the seven spheroids is correlated to their dynamical mass M_{dyn},accordingtoarelationsimilartotheoneforlocalspheroids.[Z/H]isalsoanticorrelatedtostellarmassdensity, according to a relation similar to the one for local spheroids. [Z/H] is also anticorrelated to stellar mass density \Sigma_ebecauseoftheanticorrelationbetweenM because of the anticorrelation between M_{dyn}and and \Sigma_e.Therefore,thebasictrendsobservedinthelocaluniversewerealreadyestablishedat. Therefore, the basic trends observed in the local universe were already established at z\sim1.3$, i.e. more massive spheroids are more metal rich, have lower stellar mass density and tend to be older than lower-mass galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, published on MNRA

    The population of early-type galaxies: how it evolves with time and how it differs from passive and late-type galaxies

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    The aim of our analysis is twofold. On the one hand we are interested in addressing whether a sample of ETGs morphologically selected differs from a sample of passive galaxies in terms of galaxy statistics. On the other hand we study how the relative abundance of galaxies, the number density and the stellar mass density for different morphological types change over the redshift range 0.6<z<2.5. From the 1302 galaxies brighter than Ks=22 selected from the GOODS-MUSIC catalogue, we classified the ETGs on the basis of their morphology and the passive galaxies on the basis of their sSFR. We proved how the definition of passive galaxy depends on the IMF adopted in the models and on the assumed sSFR threshold. We find that ETGs cannot be distinguished from the other morphological classes on the basis of their low sSFR, irrespective of the IMF adopted in the models. Using the sample of 1302 galaxies morphologically classified into spheroidal galaxies (ETGs) and not spheroidal galaxies (LTGs), we find that their fractions are constant over the redshift range 0.6<z<2.5 (20-30% ETGs vs 70-80% LTGs). However, at z<1 these fractions change among the population of the most massive (M*>=10^(11) M_sol) galaxies, with the fraction of massive ETGs rising up to 40% and the fraction of massive LTGs decreasing down to 60%. Moreover, we find that the number density and the stellar mass density of the whole population of massive galaxies increase almost by a factor of ~10 between 0.6<z<2.5, with a faster increase of these densities for the ETGs than for the LTGs. Finally, we find that the number density of the highest-mass galaxies (M*>3-4x10^(11) M_sol) both ETGs and LTGs do not increase since z~2.5, contrary to the lower mass galaxies. This suggests that the population of the most massive galaxies formed at z>2.5-3 and that the assembly of such high-mass galaxies is not effective at lower redshift.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Published in A&

    Electronic transport within a quasi two-dimensional model for rubrene single-crystal field effect transistors

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    Spectral and transport properties of the quasi two-dimensional adiabatic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model are studied adjusting the parameters in order to model rubrene single-crystal field effect transistors with small but finite density of injected charge carriers. We show that, with increasing temperature TT, the chemical potential moves into the tail of the density of states corresponding to localized states, but this is not enough to drive the system into an insulating state. The mobility along different crystallographic directions is calculated including vertex corrections which give rise to a transport lifetime one order of magnitude smaller than spectral lifetime of the states involved in the transport mechanism. With increasing temperature, the transport properties reach the Ioffe-Regel limit which is ascribed to less and less appreciable contribution of itinerant states to the conduction process. The model provides features of the mobility in close agreement with experiments: right order of magnitude, scaling as a power law TγT^{-\gamma}, with γ\gamma close or larger than two, and correct anisotropy ratio between different in-plane directions. Due to a realistic high dimensional model, the results are not biased by uncontrolled approximations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Submitte