357 research outputs found

    Antepartum posterior encephalopathy syndrome: a case study

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    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is increasingly being recognised as a clinic-neuro-radiological complication of eclampsia, with the availability of better imaging techniques. Preeclampsia and eclampsia continues to be one of the leading cause of both maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. PRES is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge when it develops in a case of preeclampsia. Reported here a case of 21 years old primi gravida, presenting in emergency OPD with 30 weeks pregnancy, history of seizures and in unconscious state. She was diagnosed to have PRES by imaging. PRES is associated with various clinical conditions i.e. hypertensive encephalopathy, renal failure, auto immune disorders and treatment with cytotoxic medication and presence with headache, encephalopathy, seizures, cortical visual disturbances or blindness. Early recognition of the condition with prompt management can prevent permanent neurological damage antihypertensive, control of seizures and anti-oedema measures are the main stay of the treatment as prompt control of BP will cause reversal of the syndrome. Clinical improvement with prompt resolution of the neurological deficit in the reported case highlights the importance of early suspicion, diagnosis and management of PRES in order to prevent short and long term neurological damage.

    Fixed point Results with Soft G- Metrc spaces

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    In the present paper, we prove fixed point results of mapping defined on soft G-metric space. Keywords: - Soft set, soft G-metric space, fixed point. Mathematics Subject Classification: - 47H10, 54H25

    Non-stress test as an admission test to assess the outcome in high-risk pregnancy

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    Background: Perinatal deaths are still a significant problem in India. Therefore, there is a need for effective fetal surveillance, in order to improve the outcomes of pregnancy.Methods: This was a prospective study including fifty one females with high-risk pregnancy and 50 with low risk pregnancy. The included participants were subjected to NST done using a cardiotocograph with ultrasound transducer placed on maternal abdomen for duration of 20 min. The NST results were classified into reactive and non-reactive. Subjects were then followed up for mode of delivery and different variables of perinatal outcome.Results: Majority of study subjects were in the age group of 26-30 years (n=74; 73.3%). The period of gestation in 74 (73.3%) subjects was 37-38 weeks. Gestational diabetes mellitus was the most common risk factor in the high-risk group (n=22; 43.1%).The NST was non-reactive in 6 and 4 subjects in the high-risk and low-risk groups respectively (p=0.741). Only 3 subjects in the high-risk group had a vaginal delivery, while 33 in low-risk group did.Conclusions: We did not find any significant difference in the results of the NST between women with high and low-risk pregnancy. But this test is a promising basic screening tool in pregnancy to assess fetal well-being

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent and young women: a hospital based observational study in a tertiary care teaching Hospital

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorder among women of fertile age. The incidence of PCOS as claimed by various observer ranges from 2.2% to as high as 26%. India is considered as an emerging epidemic area for PCOS and limited studies are done. Hence aim of this study is to find the prevalence of PCOS and determine the associated determining factors in adolescent girls.Methods: All the girls aged 15-24 years were approached and after undergoing detailed history, examination and investigations were further diagnosed as PCOS. The study subjects were then classified into two group: the PCOS and non-PCOS group and compared to determine significant differences as per the Rotterdam criteria.Results: The prevalence of PCOS was 7.5%, 18.68% and 11.18% as per NIH, Rotterdam and AES criteria respectively. BMI more than 30, waist circumference > 80 cm, hyperandrogenic manifestations, menstrual irregularity (oligomenorrhea) and family history of PCOS and DM showed statistically significant association with PCOS. Serum LH, LH/FSH ratio, S. Testosterones, serum insulin and HOMA-IR had significant association with PCOS. No significant association of Fasting blood sugar levels and deranged lipid profile was found with PCOS.Conclusions: PCOS is an emerging disorder during adolescents and hence awareness creation, early screening in order to inculcate early life style modifications and prevent metabolic and reproductive complications of this disease

    Venous Thrombosis could be Gender Specific, Women Beware!

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    Venous thrombosis (VT) is the third major cause of mortality in the world after heart attack and stroke. Its two major clinical manifestations are deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) which are serious medical conditions but often remain under-diagnosed. Although rate of occurrence of venous thrombosis in men is slightly higher, a number of studies have pointed out that woman poses higher risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) compared to men at various stages of life. Risk of VTE increases in women’s life particularly with use of oral contraceptives, during pregnancy and with exogenous administration of hormones like in post-menopausal hormone therapy. Various reports show that these factors increase risk of DVT and PE by several folds. DVT is considered as an important cause of maternal death in western countries. It is often asymptomatic and its signs and symptoms are similar to those of normal pregnancy. The hormonal changes at various stages of life and less physical activity increase the risk of VTE by blood flow stasis. It is extremely important for women to know the stages of life when they are prone to develop VTE, about its prevention and treatment. Detailed studies on differences in clinical manifestations of VTE between men and women are lacking. This review focusses on assessing the increased risk of VTE and its prognosis in women based on available literature
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