3 research outputs found

    Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ogilvie’s syndrome) or colonic perforation: A rare complication following cesarean section

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    Ogilvie’s syndrome or pseudo-obstruction of the colon shows up as a clinical picture of acute obstruction of the large bowel without an associated pathological lesion as usually occurs in older patients. Here, we report a case series of three cases of Ogilvie’s syndrome following caesarean section. The caesarean section seems to be the most common operative procedure associated with this syndrome. The diagnosis was made by plain X-ray of the patient’s abdomen, which revealed dilated gut loops or air under the diaphragm in case of perforation. The pathological cause seems to be the disturbance of the autonomic innervation of the colon. The colon should be decompressed rapidly using colonoscopy. Surgery should be reserved for cases that have complications or that have been refractory to conservative treatment. Of our three cases, one was treated successfully by colonoscopic decompression and IV neostigmine, whereas, rest two patients presented late with colonic perforation. So they were immediately taken for exploratory laparotomy

    Antimicrobial Activity of Secondary Metabolites in Medicinal Plants: An Update

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    Plants have filled in as a significant wellspring of elements for conventional drugs for centuries. Verifiable records and present day ethno botanical field examines feature their significance in the conventional treatment of irresistible malady. Be that as it may, plants form just a minor level of present collection of FDA-endorsed antimicrobial medications. The present article gives an outline of active components of plants as hint for other wellspring of antimicrobial agents to be used in the battle against microscopic organisms. It additionally surveys the ethno botanical way to deal with sedate disclosure and talks about various inventive focuses for future medication revelation endeavours in this field. Without an uncertainty, antimicrobials are miracle tranquilizers. They have represented a very long time against different irresistible infections and spared a huge number of lives. The ongoing disappointment of antimicrobials because of the sensational rise of multidrug-safe microbes and fast spread of new diseases, be that as it may, prompts wellbeing associations and the pharmaceutical business worldwide to change their methodology and to expand improvement of antimicrobials against quickly rising anti-infection safe microorganisms. In spite of the fact that there is thinking about elective wellsprings of characteristic antimicrobial molecules from plants having different methods of activity, some of which have been utilized in regular medication for a considerable length of time and have appeared to have serious impacts contrasted with other antimicrobials. This examination portrays plant intensity as an elective hotspot for antimicrobial agents