41 research outputs found

    Pairwise interaction between human population density and depth with respect to occurrence of <i>Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos</i>.

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    <p>Depth is only influential in areas of low human population density and the effect of human population density is reduced in shallow waters.</p

    Partial dependency plots for boosted regression tree analysis of total large-bodied reef fish biomass (all species pooled) and presence/absence of key species.

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    <p>Species selection was based on maximum data density, and management and ecological importance. CAAB = <i>Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos</i>, LUBO = <i>Lutjanus bohar</i>, MASP = <i>Macolor</i> spp., TROB = <i>Triaenodon obesus</i>, NAHE = <i>Naso hexacanthus</i>, SCRU = <i>Scarus rubroviolaceus</i>, CAME = <i>Caranx melampygus</i>, CHUD = <i>Cheilinus undulatus</i>.</p

    Pairwise interactions between predictor variables used to relate total biomass and occurrence of each taxa to environment.

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    <p><i>Interactions displayed are the top two for each taxonomic group (based on value) that involved the 8 predictors offering the highest contribution to the model displayed in </i><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031374#pone-0031374-g005" target="_blank"><i>Figure 5</i></a><i>. Only one interaction is displayed for Total Biomass as none of the lower interactions had values greater than 0.01. Interaction value indicates the relative degree of departure from a purely additive effect; with a value of zero indicating that no interaction is present. A summary description is given for the association of the peak in each of 9 taxonomic groups and the pairwise interactions for those predictor variables showing a clear relationship (for example positive, negative, or modal) with the taxa in </i><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031374#pone-0031374-g005" target="_blank"><i>Figure 5</i></a>.</p><p> <i>Categorical variables are noted with “()”.</i></p><p> <i>NA indicates sample sizes insufficient to model interactions.</i></p

    Pairwise interaction between depth and temperature with respect to total biomass of large-bodied reef fish.

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    <p>The effect of temperature on total large-bodied reef fish biomass is magnified in areas of warm water and the effect of temperature is magnified at deeper depths.</p

    Two-dimensional nMDS ordination plots of islands in the Mariana Archipelago based on multivariate species-level dispersion-weighted biomass of large-bodied (>50 cm TL) reef fishes and Bray-Curtis similarities.

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    <p>Cluster contours represent significant SIMPROF groups (∼30% similarity within groups). In the first panel, symbols reflect level of human population. Aguijan is categorized as “Mid” human population due to the influence of nearby Tinian and Saipan as well as reported visitation by fishers from Guam. Subsequent panels are the same nMDS as panel 1, with symbols representing relative biomass of each species.</p

    List of taxonomic groups and reasons for inclusion in the analysis.

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    <p>Species were chosen based on their prevalence in the data, their relative contribution to overall patterns in the all-species multivariate PRIMER analysis, and/or their ecological, economic, or management importance.</p

    Pairwise interaction between wave energy and sand cover with respect to occurrence of <i>Scarus rubroviolaceus</i>.

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    <p>The effect of wave energy was highest in areas with low sand cover and the effect of sand cover was greatest in areas were wave energy was between 100 and 200 kW/m.</p

    Summary of sampling survey effort; Herbivorous fish functional classification; Predictors terms, estimating anthropogenic impacts and modeling; Herbivore species richness and biomass by region; Summary of the best performing GAMMs (all models with weight > 0.05) with smoother graphs. from Natural bounds on herbivorous coral reef fishes

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    Number of replicate stationary point count and towed-diver surveys per island.;Herbivorous coral reef fishes were functionally classified based on a combination of their diet, morphology of feeding apparatus, feeding behavior, and impact on benthic communities. ;Details of the human and biophysical predictor terms used and details of the generalized mixed effect modeling process.;Proportion of sightings per species in each functional group and summary results of modeling functional group biomass as a function of functional group richness.;The summary results from the generalized additive mixed effects modeling procedure showing the top candidate models (all models with weight > 0.05), variable importance estimates and jack-knife sensitivity test. The smoother terms for the highest ranked models are plotted