846 research outputs found

    Gun Shows Across a Multistate American Gun Market: Observational Evidence of the Effects of Regulatory Policies

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    Objective: To describe gun shows and assess the impact of increased regulation on characteristics linked to their importance as sources of guns used in crime.Design: Cross-sectional, observational.Subjects: Data were collected at a structured sample of 28 gun shows in California, which regulates these events and prohibits undocumented private party gun sales; and in Arizona, Nevada, Texas and Florida -- all leading sources of California's crime guns -- where these restrictions do not exist.Main outcome measures: Size of shows, measured by numbers of gun vendors and people in attendance; number and nature of guns for sale by gun vendors; measures of private party gun sales and illegal surrogate ("straw") gun purchases.Results: Shows in comparison states were larger, but the number of attendees per gun vendor was higher in California. None of these differences was statistically significant. Armed attendees were more common in other states (median 5.7%, interquartile range (IQR) 3.9 - 10.0%) than in California (median 1.1%, IQR 0.5 - 2.2%), p = 0.0007. Thirty percent of gun vendors both in California and elsewhere were identifiable as licensed firearm retailers. There were few differences in the types or numbers of guns offered for sale; vendors elsewhere were more likely to sell assault weapons (34.9% and 13.3%, respectively; p = 0.001). Straw purchases were more common in the comparison states (rate ratio 6.6 (95% CI 0.9 to 49.1), p = 0.06).Conclusions: California's regulatory policies were associated with a decreased incidence of anonymous, undocumented gun sales and illegal straw purchases at gun shows. No significant adverse effects of these policies were observed

    The Epidemiology of Firearm Violence in the Twenty-First Century United States

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    This brief review summarizes the basic epidemiology of firearm violence, a large and costly public health problem in the United States for which the mortality rate has remained unchanged for more than a decade. It presents findings for the present in light of recent trends. Risk for firearm violence varies substantially across demographic subsets of the population and between states in patterns that are quite different for suicide and homicide. Suicide is far more common than homicide and its rate is increasing; the homicide rate is decreasing. As with other important health problems, most cases of fatal firearm violence arise from large but low-risk subsets of the population; risk and burden of illness are not distributed symmetrically. Compared with other industrialized nations, the United States has uniquely high mortality rates from firearm violence

    Where the guns come from: The gun industry and gun commerce.

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    Under federal law, it is illegal for youth under age 18 to purchase rifles or shotguns, and for those under age 21 to purchase handguns. However, fatality and injury statistics clearly show that guns are finding their way into young people's hands. Many of these youth obtain guns through illegal gun markets.This article focuses on how guns in the United States are manufactured, marketed, and sold. The article shows how the legal and illegal gun markets are intimately connected and make guns easily accessible to youth."Although the domestic gun manufacturing industry is relatively small and has experienced declining sales in recent years, it has significant political clout and a large market for its products, and has engaged in aggressive marketing to youth."Lax oversight of licensed firearms dealers, combined with little or no regulation of private sales between gun owners, mean that guns can quickly move from the legal gun market into the illegal market, where they can be acquired by young people.Certain guns, especially inexpensive, poorly made small handguns, are particularly attractive to criminals and youth. The author observes that several policy innovations -- including increased regulation of licensed firearms dealers, intensified screening of prospective buyers, regulation of private sales, gun licensing and registration, and bans on some types of weapons -- hold promise for decreasing the flow of guns into the hands of youth.[Note: The photo on page 68 is not longer available and deleted from the online publication.

    Characteristics of Federally Licensed Firearms Retailers and Retail Establishments in the United States: Initial Findings from the Firearms Licensee Survey

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    Firearms have widely supported legitimate purposes but are also frequently used in violent crimes. Owners and senior executives of federally licensed firearms dealers and pawnbrokers are a potentially valuable source of information on retail commerce in firearms, links between legal and illegal commerce, and policies designed to prevent the firearms they sell from being used in crimes. To our knowledge, there has been no prior effort to gather such information. In 2011, we conducted the Firearms Licensee Survey on a probability sample of 1,601 licensed dealers and pawnbrokers in the United States believed to sell 50 or more firearms per year. This article presents details of the design and execution of the survey and describes the characteristics of the respondents and their business establishments. The survey was conducted by mail, using methods developed by Dillman and others. Our response rate was 36.9 % (591 respondents), similar to that for other establishment surveys using similar methods. Respondents had a median age of 54; 89% were male, 97.6% were White, and, 98.1% were non-Hispanic. Those who held licenses under their own names had been licensed for a median of 18 years. A large majority of 96.3% agreed that "private ownership of guns is essential for a free society"; just over half (54.9%) believed that "it is too easy for criminals to get guns in this country." A match between the job and a personal interest in the shooting sports was the highest-ranking reason for working as a firearms retailer; the highest-ranking concerns were that "there are too many 'gun control' regulations" and that "the government might confiscate my guns." Most respondents (64.3%) were gun dealers, with significant variation by region. Residential dealers accounted for 25.6% of all dealers in the Midwest. Median annual sales volume was 200 firearms for both dealers and pawnbrokers. Dealers appeared more likely than pawnbrokers to specialize; they were more likely to rank in the highest or lowest quartile on sales of handguns, inexpensive handguns, and tactical rifles. Sales of inexpensive handguns and sales to women were more common among pawnbrokers. Internet sales were reported by 28.3% of respondents and sales at gun shows by 14.3%. A median of 1% of sales were denied after purchasers failed background checks; firearm trace requests equaled G1 % of annual sales. Trace frequency was directly associated with the percentage of firearm sales involving handguns, inexpensive handguns, and sales to women. Frequency of denied sales was strongly and directly associated with frequency of trace requests (pG0.0001). These results are based on selfreport but are consistent with those from studies using objective data

    The Growth of Government, Trust in Government, and Evidence on Their Coevolution

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    The coevolution of trust in government alongside the growth of government is an aspect of the latter topic that has not been explored. Moreover, trust is viewed as part of social capital, facilitating social and economic transactions and the governance of society, and its decline has caused concern. We consider this coevolution in the context of a political economy model and a public interest view of government growth, incorporating the role of trust in government. Though a negative association of the growth in government with trust in government is broadly consistent with the historical data since the late 1950s, we present an econometrically sophisticated, time series analysis of the data. We find strong evidence that two aspects of government size—transfer payments and regulatory activity—align with the political economy model where government growth erodes trust. Specifically, we find cointegration indicating the following: negative associations of trust and lobbying activity and of trust and each of these two measures of government, and a positive association of trust and productivity. Though other measures of government size do not produce such robust findings, we do not find evidence of positive associations of trust and government size nor of trust and lobbying, as might be expected from a public interest view of government

    Southwestern Minnesota Farm Business Management Association 2008 Annual Report

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    Average net farm income was 190,901in2008forthe99farmsincludedinthisannualreportoftheSouthwesternMinnesotaFarmBusinessManagementAssociation.Averageearningsdecreasedby21190,901 in 2008 for the 99 farms included in this annual report of the Southwestern Minnesota Farm Business Management Association. Average earnings decreased by 21% from the average of 242,267 in 2007 (Figure 1). 2008 ended a steady trend of increasing year-to-year incomes for these farms from 2001 to 2007. Crop farms, with historically high corn and soybean prices, remained very profitable. However, specialized hog farms, which had been very profitable for the past four years, experienced substantial losses. Highlights of association financial results for 2008: Median net farm income was 178,874,slightlylowerthantheaverage,indicatingthattheaveragewasincreasedbyhighprofitsofthemostprofitablefarms.Thiseffectwasnotaslargeaspreviousyears,likelybecauseoflossesbylargerhogoperations.•Thedifferencebetweenthemostprofitablefarmsandtheleastprofitablecontinuedtoincrease.Themostprofitable20178,874, slightly lower than the average, indicating that the average was increased by high profits of the most profitable farms. This effect was not as large as previous years, likely because of losses by larger hog operations. • The difference between the most profitable farms and the least profitable continued to increase. The most profitable 20% of the farms earned an average net farm income of 449,997 while the least profitable lost −29,476.•Averagegrosscashincomeincreasedby20-29,476. • Average gross cash income increased by 20% while expenses increased 22% for the average farm. Most of the reduction in income resulted from a lower value of inventory changes. Inventories did increase in value, but not by as much as in 2007. • Government payments accounted for 2% of gross cash farm income (Figure 2). Crop sales accounted for 50% of income while livestock sales were 42%. • Average rate of return on assets (ROA) was 11% with assets valued at adjusted cost or book value, down from 17% in 2007 (Figure 3). Rate of return on equity (ROE) averaged 15%, down from 25 percent. The fact that ROE exceeded ROA indicates that debt capital earned more than its cost. • The average farm generated net worth growth of 115,999. The average debt-to-asset ratio improved slightly to 39%, down from 40% (Figure 4). • Corn yields were up but soybean yields were down. Corn averaged 172 bushels per acre compared to 162 in 2007. Soybeans yields decreased to 44 bushels from 49 in 2007 (Figure 5). • Both corn and soybean prices received increased by over 50% to 4.51forcornand4.51 for corn and 10.83 for soybeans. • The cost to raise an acre of corn (with land rent) increased by 23% while soybean costs increased by 21%. The cost to produce a bushel of corn on cash rented land increased from 2.58perbushelin2007to2.58 per bushel in 2007 to 2.90 in 2008, while soybean costs per bushel increased from 6.14to6.14 to 7.21. • The average specialized hog operation (those with 70% of sales from hogs or pigs) lost over 150,000in2008(Figure6).Allotherfarmtypeswithenoughfarmstoreportaveragednetincomesveryclosetotheassociationaverage.•Basedonrateofreturnonassets,cropfarms(thosewith70150,000 in 2008 (Figure 6). All other farm types with enough farms to report averaged net incomes very close to the association average. • Based on rate of return on assets, crop farms (those with 70% of sales from crops) were the most profitable type of farm in 2008, with an ROA of 14.7% (Figure 7). All other farm types were profitable except specialized hog farms, which earned a -2.2% ROA. • Hog farms, after large losses in 2008, replaced Crop/Beef farms as the type of farm group with the highest debt to asset ratio at the end of the year (Figure 8). • The largest farms, those with gross revenue over 1,000,000, were the least profitable based on rate of return on assets. This group earned an average ROA of 7% compared to 14% for farms that grossed between 500,000and500,000 and 1,000,000. • With exceptionally high feed prices, no hog or beef enterprise, with the exception of contract growing of hogs (where the contractor provided the feed) covered even direct costs of production. The report provides additional information on profitability, liquidity, and solvency as well as other whole-farm information and detailed information on crop and livestock enterprises. Also reported are whole-farm financial condition and performance by county, sales size class, type of farm, debt-to-asset ratio, and age of operator.Agricultural Finance, Farm Management,

    Development and Content Validity Testing of a Patient-Reported Treatment Acceptance Measure for Use in Patients Receiving Treatment via Subcutaneous Injection

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    AbstractBackgroundNew therapies in development for lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, such as alirocumab, require administration by subcutaneous injections. There is a need to assess the acceptance of such treatments and their mode of administration.ObjectivesTo develop a novel patient-reported outcome measure, the Injection-Treatment Acceptance Questionnaire (I-TAQ), and assess its content validity using qualitative methods.MethodsConcepts generated from a literature and instrument review informed the initial drafting of 17 items in the I-TAQ, with item wording adapted from three existing instruments. Three rounds of qualitative interviews were conducted with 29 US-English speaking patients at high cardiovascular risk. Concept elicitation questioning was used to explore patients’ treatment experiences followed by cognitive debriefing of the I-TAQ using “think-aloud” methods. Verbatim transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis.ResultsQualitative analysis of concept elicitation data identified the following relevant concepts: perceived efficacy, side effects, self-efficacy, convenience, and overall acceptance. Seven (24%) patients discussed an initial fear of needles, but described this as subsiding with no impact on adherence. Five items were added after round one interviews, three of which were retained after round two testing in which two further items were added, forming the conceptually comprehensive 22-item I-TAQ. Patients demonstrated good understanding of item wording, instructions, response scales, and recall period.ConclusionsSuccessive rounds of in-depth interviews resulted in a treatment acceptance measure with strong content validity. Pending demonstration of its psychometric properties, the I-TAQ may prove to be a valuable measure of patients’ perspectives toward being treated with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol–lowering therapies requiring subcutaneous injections

    Selection of workers and firm heterogeneity

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    A model based on differences between workers regarding their preferences for wage and leisure drives the heterogeneity of firms result. The more industrious workers are driven to small firms due to free riding in large firms. An industry consisting of small and large firms turns out to produce more output than an industry consisting of only large firms. Some comparative statics results are derived with respect to the size of large firms, the productivity difference between firms, and monitoring capabilities

    Structure of the C-terminal domain of the arginine repressor protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The structure of the core domain of the arginine repressor protein from M. tuberculosis has been determined with (1.85 Å resolution) and without (2.15 Å resolution) the arginine corepressor bound. Three additional arginine molecules have been found to bind to the core domain hexamer at high (0.2 M) arginine concentration

    Effects of Policies Designed to Keep Firearms from High-Risk Individuals

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    This article summarizes and critiques available evidence from studies published between 1999 and August 2014 on the effects of policies designed to keep firearms from high-risk individuals in the United States. Some prohibitions for high-risk individuals (e.g., those under domestic violence restraining orders, violent misdemeanants) and procedures for checking for more types of prohibiting conditions are associated with lower rates of violence. Certain laws intended to prevent prohibited persons from accessing firearms -- rigorous permit-to-purchase, comprehensive background checks, strong regulation and oversight of gun dealers, and requiring gun owners to promptly report lost or stolen firearms -- are negatively associated with the diversion of guns to criminals. Future research is needed to examine whether these laws curtail nonlethal gun violence and whether the effects of expanding prohibiting conditions for firearm possession are modified by the presence of policies to prevent diversion
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