242 research outputs found

    Challenges and Prospects of Budget Preparation and Utilization: a Study in Selected Finance Bureau of Kaffa Zone

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    The main objective of this study was to examine challenges and prospects of budget preparation and utilization in Kaffa zone selected finance bureau. All 94 employees directly related to budget related issue was used as population. Five-year data has been collected from secondary sources and also primary data was collected through self-administered questionnaire, & semi- structured interview. To collect essential data the study employed both qualitative and quantitative approach. All collected information was analyzed by using both descriptive and empirical model.  Finding indicates that budget preparation process in Kaffa zone was good but budget utilization practice is unsuccessful. As the study compare recurrent budget to capital budget, recurrent budge have satisfactory utilization performance while capital budget was ineffective performance. The finding also discovered that budget utilization significantly affected by contractor’s capacity, auditing system and diverting fund from planed activities to unplanned one whereas staff capacity and Inland Revenue collection has no significantly effects on budget utilization. The study recommended that budget utilization performances more focused to capital budget rather than recurrent budget. To protect delays of capital projects and its weak quality strong rules and society involvement is essential.  Finally focusing on planed program, strong auditing system, re-structuring planning and construction and design department are the most critical mechanisms to overcome challenges in budget utilization as a solution in Kaffa zone. Keyword: Budget, budget preparation, utilization, prospects & challeng

    Mikrokalorimetrische und mikrobiologische in vitro Untersuchungen auf akarizide, insektizide und antibiotische Wirkungen von Propolis

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    0\. Title Page and detailed Table of Contents 1\. General Introduction 1 2\. The Energy and Nutritional demands of Varroa mites 24 3\. The Antivarroa Action of Propolis: a Laboratory Assay 42 4\. The Effect of Temperature on the Antivarroa Action of Propolis 54 5\. The Antivarroa Actions of Propolis of Different Geographic Origins 66 6\. The Effect of Propolis on Galleria mellonella 86 7\. The Antimicrobial Actions of Different Propolis Extracts 100 8\. General Discussion / Allgemeine Diskussion 141 9\. Outlook 153 10\. References 155 11\. Appendix 170The energy and nutritional demands of the parasitic lifestyle of Varroa mites have been demonstrated in this thesis, for the first time, through mite starvation and calorimetric experiments. The mites suck up to 28% of the non- replenishable reserve food of the capped brood that otherwise would have been consumed by the pupa during metamorphosis. This in turn leads to the emergence of crippled bees, and can be aggravated by viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. The antivarroa action of propolis (bee glue) has been investigated for the first time calorimetrically, respirometrically, and using the Petridish bioassay method. Propolis samples collected from different geographic origins showed Varroa narcotizing and varroacidal effects. The length of narcosis and mortality rate of mites depended on the solvent of extraction (70% or 40% ethanol, or water), concentration of propolis, and contact time. Propolis extracted in 70% ethanol has been found to be highly toxic, resulting in the death of 80% to 100% mites regardless of the contact time and concentration of propolis. The treatment with 40% ethanol-extracted propolis was less effective, followed by the water extracted propolis. The insecticidal action of propolis has been demonstrated by dipping the different larval stages of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella in ethanol-extracted propolis for 30 s. The treatment with propolis narcotized the larvae, and reduced their metabolic rates remarkably. Higher concentrations of propolis such as 10% (w/v) caused larval mortality, whereas lower ones (1% and 2%) displayed insect growth regulator actions by shortening the length of pupal metamorphosis. A 4% w/v propolis resulted in the abortion of metamorphosis. The antimicrobial actions of different extracts of propolis from various geographic origins were compared by using parameters such as the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC), minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC), diameter of the inhibition zone, and several parameters of the heat production rate vs. time (p-t) curves. For all propolis samples tested, the strength of antimicrobial activity decreased in the order of ethanol-extracted propolis (EEP), propolis volatiles (PV), and water-extracted propolis (WEP). For some propolis samples, however, there was no remarkable difference in the strength of antimicrobial activities between EEP and PV. The extraction of propolis with ethanol procures all water soluble, ethanol soluble, and the volatile components of propolis making EEP superior to the other two extracts qualitatively and/or quantitatively. The Gram positive bacteria were more sensitive to propolis treatments than the Gram negative ones and the fungi. The lower sensitivity of Gram negative bacteria can be accounted for by the impermeability of their outer membrane to antibacterial agents. Filamentous fungi were less sensitive to propolis treatment than yeasts, the latter showing higher diameters of inhibition zones especially at higher propolis concentrations. The antimicrobial, insecticidal, and acaricidal actions of propolis illustrated here show that propolis can be used in the control of parasites, pests and pathogens of the honeybees.In dieser Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal die genaue Energiemenge bestimmt, die die Varroa-Milbe den Bienen durch ihren parasitischen Lebensstil entzieht. Der Energiebedarf wurde durch das Aushungern der Milben und kalorimetrische Versuche ermittelt. Die Milben verbrauchen bis zu 28% der Futterreserven der verdeckelten Brut. Diese Reserven werden nicht wieder ergänzt, so dass die Nahrung den Puppen während der Metamorphose fehlt. Daher schlüpfen aus den befallenen Zellen Bienen, die unter dem typischen ?Milben-Syndrom? leiden und aufgrund ihrer geschwächten Konstitution leicht das Opfer von Infektionen werden. Die Wirkung von Propolis gegen Varroa-Milben ist in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal mit kalorimetrischen, respirometrischen und Petrischalen Experimenten untersucht worden. Propolis, das aus verschiedenen Regionen und Kontinenten stammte, narkotisierte und tötete die Milben. Die Länge der Narkose und die Mortalitätsrate der Milbe hing von der Wahl des Lösungsmittels, von der Propolis-Konzentration und von der Dauer des Kontaktes ab. Propolis, dass in 70%-igem Äthanol gelöst wurde, wirkte hochgradig giftig auf die Milben. Es tötete 80 bis 100% der Milben, unabhängig von der Dauer des Kontaktes und der Konzentration. Die Behandlung mit Propolis, dass in 40%-igem Äthanol gelöst wurde, war weniger effektiv, gefolgt von in Wasser gelöstem Propolis. Die insektizide Wirkung von Propolis wurde gezeigt, indem die verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Großen Wachsmotte Galleria mellonella für 30 Sekunden in äthanol-gelöstes Propolis getaucht wurden. Diese Behandlung betäubte die Larven und reduzierte ihre Stoffwechselrate beträchtlich. Höhere Propolis-Konzentrationen (10% w/v) führten zum Tod der Larven, während niedrigere Konzentrationen (1% und 2%) sich regulativ auf das Larvenwachstum auswirkten und zur Verkürzung der Metamorphose führten. Eine 4%-ige Lösung führte zum Abbruch der Metamorphose. Die antimikrobielle Wirkung der Propolisextrakte aus verschiedenen geographischen Regionen wurde anhand von Parametern wie der Minimalen inhibitorischen Konzentration (MIK), der Minimalen bakteriziden Konzentration (MBK), dem Durchmesser der Hemmhöfe und einigen Parametern der Wärmeproduktionsrate / Zeit (p-t) Kurven verglichen. Bei allen untersuchten Proben zeigte das in Äthanol gelöste Propolis (EEP) die stärkste antimikrobielle Wirkung, gefolgt von den flüchtigen Substanzen im Propolis (PV) und in Wasser gelöstem Propolis (WEP). Bei einigen Proben gab es nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen PV und EEP. Löst man Propolis in Äthanol, enthält dieser Ansatz alle wasserlöslichen, alkolhollöslichen und flüchtigen Komponenten des Propolis. Dadurch ist in Äthanol gelöstes Propolis den beiden anderen Formen qualitativ und quantitativ überlegen. Grampositive Bakterien verhielten sich gegenüber Propolis grundsätzlich empfindlicher als gramnegative Bakterien und als Pilze. Die geringere Empfindlichkeit der gramnegativen Bakterien könnte darin begründet liegen, dass ihre äußere Membran für antibakterielle Substanzen undurchdringlich ist. Schimmelpilze waren Propolis gegenüber unempfindlicher als Hefen. Bei letzteren hatten die Hemmhöfe größere Durchmesser; insbesondere bei höheren Propolis- Konzentrationen. Die hier beschriebenen antimikrobiellen, insektiziden und akariziden Wirkungen von Propolis zeigen, dass Propolis als Mittel gegen die Parasiten, Seuchen und Krankheitserreger der Honigbiene eingesetzt werden kann

    Challenges and Prospects of Budget Preparation and Utilization: a Study in Selected Finance Bureau of Kaffa Zone

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    The main objective of this study was to examine challenges and prospects of budget preparation and utilization in Kaffa zone selected finance bureau. All 94 employees directly related to budget related issue was used as population. Five-year data has been collected from secondary sources and also primary data was collected through self-administered questionnaire, & semi- structured interview. To collect essential data the study employed both qualitative and quantitative approach. All collected information was analyzed by using both descriptive and empirical model.  Finding indicates that budget preparation process in Kaffa zone was good but budget utilization practice is unsuccessful. As the study compare recurrent budget to capital budget, recurrent budge have satisfactory utilization performance while capital budget was ineffective performance. The finding also discovered that budget utilization significantly affected by contractor’s capacity, auditing system and diverting fund from planed activities to unplanned one whereas staff capacity and Inland Revenue collection has no significantly effects on budget utilization. The study recommended that budget utilization performances more focused to capital budget rather than recurrent budget. To protect delays of capital projects and its weak quality strong rules and society involvement is essential.  Finally focusing on planed program, strong auditing system, re-structuring planning and construction and design department are the most critical mechanisms to overcome challenges in budget utilization as a solution in Kaffa zone. Keywords: Budget, budget preparation, utilization, prospects & challeng

    The Effect of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Rural Farm Households’ Income in case of Dilla Zuria Wereda, Gedeo Zone, Sothern Ethiopia

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    The effect of agricultural sector is wide ranging and extends to economic growth, food security, poverty reduction, livelihoods, rural development and the environment. Despite of this, agriculture’s contribution to the economy, it is facing and will continue to face major challenges related to climate change in the years to come and Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Hence, this study is an effort to determine the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on rural farm households’ income level in case of Dilla zuria woreda, Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Furthermore, the study hypothesized the impact of household size, gender, education farm size, access to credit and membership to farm based associations /institutions on farmers’ income level. In doing this, the study used primary data which is collected by questionnaires distributed for 374 farm households at the year 2018. In analyzing the data, the researcher employed both binary logit and Ordinary Least Square method of econometric regression. The binary logit model is employed to assess the factors affecting climate change adaptation strategies in Dilla zuria woreda and the Ordinary Least Square regression method is employed to know the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on rural farm households’ income. The study confirms that climate change adaptation strategy is found to be significant in boosting famers’ income level in the woreda. The implication is that local policy makers and the woreda’s agricultural bureau have to work more on creation of awareness for farmers about the importance of climate change adaptation strategies. Moreover, the woreda should try to set up facilities for those farmers for to do climate change mitigation practices. Keywords: Climate change, adaptation strategies, income level. DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/69-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    The Effect of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Rural Farm Households’ Income in case Southern Ethiopia

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    This study is an effort to determine the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on rural farm households’ income in case of Southern Ethiopia. The study used primary data which is collected by questionnaires distributed for 374 farm households in 2018. In analyzing the data, the researcher employed both binary logit and Ordinary Least Square econometric regression. Binary logit model is employed to assess the factors affecting climate change adaptation strategies in Southern Ethiopia and the Ordinary Least Square method is employed to know the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on rural farm households’ income. The study confirms that climate change adaptation strategy is found to be significant in boosting famers’ income level in the study area. The implication is that local policy makers and the Zone’s agricultural bureau have to work more on creation of awareness for farmers about the importance of climate change adaptation strategies. Keywords: Climate change, adaptation strategies, income level. DOI: 10.7176/JPID/57-03 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Effect of Public External Debt on Economic Growth in Ethiopia

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    This study is an effort to determine the effect of public external debt on economic growth in Ethiopia. In doing this, the study used an Autoregressive Distributive Lag model (ARDL modeling) to analyze Ethiopian data from 1981 to 2014 with GDP per capita as a function of stock of public external debt, public external debt servicing, human capital, physical capital, labor force, trade openness and policy change dummy. The empirical result reveals that in the long-run high level of stock of public external debt has a significant negative effect on economic growth.  Therefore, there is an evidence for the “Debt overhang” and “Conventional view” of public debt in Ethiopia. On the other hand, public external debt servicing has a negative coefficient but insignificant in affecting economic growth. That is, there is no evidence for the “Crowding out” effect of public external debt in the country. Besides, human capital is found to have negative impact on GDP per capita. Moreover, Labor force has a significant positive impact but private capital formation and trade openness are insignificant in explaining the Ethiopian economy. Hence, the study’s implication is that the government and policy makers should improve the existing policies on public external debt management through investing in productive activities and sectors. Moreover, the government should implement structural change, public sector and tax reform, and diversifying the economy so as to generate more revenue in domestic. Keywords: ARDL Approach, Economic Growth, Public external debt, Public external debt Servicing JEL Code: G29 DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-13-04 Publication date:July 31st 202

    METABOLOMICS: A Tool to Assess the Physiological Response of Pseudomonas Strains to Environmental Changes

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    Analyzing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Rural Farm Households’ Income in Case Southern Ethiopia

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    This study is an effort to determine the main determinants that affect farmers decision to adopt climate change mitigation practices and to assess the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on rural farm households’ income in case of Southern Ethiopia. The study used primary data which is collected by questionnaires distributed for 374 farm households in 2020. In analyzing the data, the researcher employed both binary logit and Ordinary Least Square econometric regression. Binary logit model is employed to assess the factors affecting farmers decision to adopt climate change adaptation strategies in Southern Ethiopia and the Ordinary Least Square method is employed to know the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on rural farm households’ income. The study confirms that climate change adaptation strategy is found to be significant in boosting famers’ income level in the study area. Moreover, the main parameters that can affect farmers decision to mitigate climate change adaptation strategies are identified throughout the process. The implication is that local policy makers and the Zone’s agricultural bureau have to work more on creation of awareness for farmers about the importance of climate change adaptation strategies. Keywords: Climate change, adaptation strategies, household income. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-17-06 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Identification of Potential Eco-tourism Site Suitability Using AHP and GIS in Dinsho District of Bale Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia

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    Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the tourism industry at present. Ecotourism has attracted increasing attention in recent years, not only as an alternative to mass tourism, means of economic development and environmental conservation. The present study is identifying the potential ecotourism sites in Dinsho district of Bale Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia using Geographic information system (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).  This study was assessed the potential suitable areas for ecotourism based on Landscape (land use land cover), Topography (elevation, slope, aspect) and Climate Characteristics (rainfall). These factors were selected based to the literature reviews and the data availability. First, a resource inventory and a list of ecotourism criteria and factors were developed using the AHP method on ArcGIS 10.5. At the next stage GIS techniques were used to measure the ranking of different sites according to the set factors and identify those with the high, moderate, less and not suitable. Later, the ecotourism potential suitability map for ecotourism was created, based on the linear combination of the criteria and factors with their respective weights. The degree of suitability of each factor was classified as highly suitable, moderately suitable, less suitable and not suitable for ecotourism. The result of the study revealed that highly suitable for ecotourism potential area accounts for 24.43% (15873.6 ha), moderately suitable accounts 15.48% (10062.7ha), less potential areas 52.79% (34298.4 ha) and 7.30% (4739.7ha) not suitable in the study area. Therefore, this study shows that the district has high potential of ecotourism which can contribute to the livelihood of the community through sustainable natural resource management. GIS and AHP are essential and effective for ecotourism site suitability selection. Keywords: Ecotourism, Suitability, Analytic Hierarchy Process, GIS, Factors DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/52-02 Publication date: December 31st 202
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