785 research outputs found

    Economic Statistics and U.S. Agricultural Policy

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    Economic statistics can be used to inform policy as it is being designed, avoid policy design mistakes, or implement government programs once they are established into law. Oftentimes, statistics are used for all three purposes. This paper considers the relationships between statistics and agricultural policy in the case of the United States. We address first the broad historical picture of U.S. official economic statistics concerning agriculture, and then turn to selected examples that relate policies to economic statistics in more detail. The examples show diversity in the interplay between statistics and policy. As policies have become broader in scope, addressing not only farm commodity markets but also differences among farms and a widening set of activities on farms, policymakers have asked for more detailed information about the financial situation of individual farm businesses and households, sources of risk in farm returns, and production practices that affect the environment.Agricultural policy, Data collection and estimation, Economic history of U.S. agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18, C8, N52,

    K-Band Galaxy Counts in the South Galactic Pole Region

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    We present new K-band galaxy number counts from K=13 to 20.5 obtained from KK'-band surveys in the south galactic pole region, which cover 180.8 arcmin2^2 to a limiting magnitude of K=19, and 2.21 arcmin2^2 to K=21. These are currently the most precise K-band galaxy counts at 17.5<K<19.017.5<K<19.0 because the area of coverage is largest among the existing surveys for this magnitude range. The completeness and photometry corrections are estimated from the recovery of simulated galaxy and stellar profiles added to the obtained field image. Many simulations were carried out to construct a probability matrix which corrects the galaxy counts at the faint-end magnitudes of the surveys so the corrected counts can be compared with other observations. The K-band star counts in the south galactic pole region to K=17.25K=17.25 are also presented for use to constrain the vertical structure of the Galaxy.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ. 26 pages with 4 figures, and 2 plates are not included. All documents and figures can be retrieved from http://merope.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~minezaki/mine_paper.htm

    Dopamine D_2-receptor activation elicits akinesia, rigidity, catalepsy, and tremor in mice expressing hypersensitive 4 nicotinic receptors via a cholinergic-dependent mechanism

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    Recent studies suggest that high-affinity neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) containing α4 and β2 subunits (α4β2*) functionally interact with G-protein-coupled dopamine (DA) D_2 receptors in basal ganglia. We hypothesized that if a functional interaction between these receptors exists, then mice expressing an M2 point mutation (Leu9'Ala) rendering 4 nAChRs hypersensitive to ACh may exhibit altered sensitivity to a D_2-receptor agonist. When challenged with the D_(2)R agonist, quinpirole (0.5–10 mg/kg), Leu9'Ala mice, but not wild-type (WT) littermates, developed severe, reversible motor impairment characterized by rigidity, catalepsy, akinesia, and tremor. While striatal DA tissue content, baseline release, and quinpirole-induced DA depletion did not differ between Leu9'Ala and WT mice, quinpirole dramatically increased activity of cholinergic striatal interneurons only in mutant animals, as measured by increased c-Fos expression in choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive interneurons. Highlighting the importance of the cholinergic system in this mouse model, inhibiting the effects of ACh by blocking muscarinic receptors, or by selectively activating hypersensitive nAChRs with nicotine, rescued motor symptoms. This novel mouse model mimics the imbalance between striatal DA/ACh function associated with severe motor impairment in disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, and the data suggest that a D_(2)R–α4*-nAChR functional interaction regulates cholinergic interneuron activity.—Zhao-Shea, R., Cohen, B. N., Just, H., McClure-Begley, T., Whiteaker, P., Grady, S. R., Salminen, O., Gardner, P. D., Lester, H. A., Tapper, A. R. Dopamine D2-receptor activation elicits akinesia, rigidity, catalepsy, and tremor in mice expressing hypersensitive α4 nicotinic receptors via a cholinergic-dependent mechanism

    Generalizing with perceptrons in case of structured phase- and pattern-spaces

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    We investigate the influence of different kinds of structure on the learning behaviour of a perceptron performing a classification task defined by a teacher rule. The underlying pattern distribution is permitted to have spatial correlations. The prior distribution for the teacher coupling vectors itself is assumed to be nonuniform. Thus classification tasks of quite different difficulty are included. As learning algorithms we discuss Hebbian learning, Gibbs learning, and Bayesian learning with different priors, using methods from statistics and the replica formalism. We find that the Hebb rule is quite sensitive to the structure of the actual learning problem, failing asymptotically in most cases. Contrarily, the behaviour of the more sophisticated methods of Gibbs and Bayes learning is influenced by the spatial correlations only in an intermediate regime of α\alpha, where α\alpha specifies the size of the training set. Concerning the Bayesian case we show, how enhanced prior knowledge improves the performance.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages with eps-figs, accepted by J Phys

    A global disorder of imprinting in the human female germ line

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    Imprinted genes are expressed differently depending on whether they are carried by a chromosome of maternal or paternal origin. Correct imprinting is established by germline-specific modifications; failure of this process underlies several inherited human syndromes. All these imprinting control defects are cis-acting, disrupting establishment or maintenance of allele-specific epigenetic modifications across one contiguous segment of the genome. In contrast, we report here an inherited global imprinting defect. This recessive maternal-effect mutation disrupts the specification of imprints at multiple, non-contiguous loci, with the result that genes normally carrying a maternal methylation imprint assume a paternal epigenetic pattern on the maternal allele. The resulting conception is phenotypically indistinguishable from an androgenetic complete hydatidiform mole, in which abnormal extra-embryonic tissue proliferates while development of the embryo is absent or nearly so. This disorder offers a genetic route to the identification of trans-acting oocyte factors that mediate maternal imprint establishment

    Derivation of the human embryonic stem cell line RCe008-A (RC-4)

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    The human embryonic stem cell line RCe008-A (RC-4) was derived from a blastocyst voluntarily donated as unsuitable and surplus to fertility requirements following ethics committee approved informed consent under licence from the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. The cell line shows normal pluripotency marker expression and differentiation to ectoderm and mesoderm in vitro. It has a mixed 46XX/45X female karyotype and microsatellite PCR identity and blood group typing data is available

    Derivation of the human embryonic stem cell line RCe007-A (RC-3)

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    The human embryonic stem cell line RCe007-A (RC-3) was derived from a blastocyst voluntarily donated as unsuitable and surplus to fertility requirements following ethics committee approved informed consent under licence from the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. The cell line shows normal pluripotency marker expression and differentiation to the three germ layers in vitro. It has a normal 46XX female karyotype and HLA and blood group typing data is available

    Wirtschaftspolitik und wirtschaftliche Aussichten in den Industrieländern

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    Der vorliegende Bericht, der neunte in dieser Reihe, ist das Ergebnis einer Konferenz unabhängiger Ökonomen aus Japan, Westeuropa und Nordamerika. Wie auch im letzten Jahr, stand die Wirtschaftspolitik, die in den Ländern dieser drei Regionen betrieben wurde, im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche. Die Konferenz fand vom 2. -4. November 1977 bei der Brookings Institution in Washington unter dem Vorsitz des Unterzeichneten statt und wurde vom Institut für Weltwirtschaft, dem Japan Economic Research Center und der Brookings Institution gefördert. Die wirtschaftspolitischen Ergebnisse dieser Tagung wurden in einer Pressemitteilung zusammengefaßt und veröffentlicht. Dieser Bericht gibt Auskunft über den Hintergrund, auf dem die wirtschaftspolitischen Empfehlungen zustande kamen. Der erste Abschnitt beschreibt die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung während des vergangenen Jahres in jeder der drei Regionen. Dabei wird der Tatsache Rechnung getragen, daß die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung dieser Länder sowohl Gemeinsamkeiten als auch Unterschiede aufweist. Anschließend wird ein Ausblick für das kommende Jahr gegeben, und die wechselseitigen Einflüsse zwischen den Regionen werden kurz untersucht. Danach folgt eine Diskussion jener Probleme, die in allen oder zumindest den meisten Ländern bestehen und einer befriedigenderen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Wege stehen. Der Bericht endet mit der Darstellung der wirtschaftspolitischen Empfehlungen der Gruppe. Die Tagung und dieser Bericht wurden durch die Förderung durch den German Marshall Fund ermöglicht, dessen Präsident, Robert Gerald Livingston, der Konferenz beiwohnte. Die Teilnehmer der Konferenz, die die wirtschaftspolitischen Empfehlungen erarbeiteten, taten dies im eigenen Namen, nicht aber für die Institute, denen sie angehören. Dieser Bericht wird in Europa vom Institut für Weltwirtschaft, in Japan vom Japan Economic Research Center und in Nordamerika von der Brookings Institution publiziert. --

    Derivation of the human embryonic stem cell line RCe009-A (RC-5)

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    The human embryonic stem cell line RCe009-A (RC-5) was derived from a frozen and thawed Day 2 embryo voluntarily donated as unsuitable and surplus to requirement for fertility treatment following informed consent under licence from the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. RCe009-A carries the common DF508 mutation on the cystic fibrosis trans-membrane regulator gene associated with the disease cystic fibrosis. The cell line shows normal pluripotency marker expression and differentiation to the three germ layers in vitro. It has a normal 46XX female karyotype and microsatellite PCR identity, HLA and blood group typing data are available

    Ears of the Armadillo: Global Health Research and Neglected Diseases in Texas

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    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have\ud been recently identified as significant public\ud health problems in Texas and elsewhere in\ud the American South. A one-day forum on the\ud landscape of research and development and\ud the hidden burden of NTDs in Texas\ud explored the next steps to coordinate advocacy,\ud public health, and research into a\ud cogent health policy framework for the\ud American NTDs. It also highlighted how\ud U.S.-funded global health research can serve\ud to combat these health disparities in the\ud United States, in addition to benefiting\ud communities abroad