887 research outputs found

    Impending carotid blowout stabilization using an LT-D tube

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    Adequate stabilization of a patient presenting with a carotid blowout is one of the most challenging issues an on-call ENT surgeon can be confronted with. Reducing the bleeding and securing the airway are essential before more definitive management. We present the case of a 72-year-old patient with head and neck cancer who arrived at the emergency room with a carotid blowout and who was successfully stabilized using a King LT-D ventilation tube

    Treatment of head and neck cancer with photodynamic therapy: results after one year

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new and promising treatment modality for the treatment of malignant disease. This paper reports the preliminary experience of our group in the use of this therapy for the treatment of tumours arising in the head and neck. The majority of treatments in these cases have used a second generation systemic photosensitizer, meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (m-THPC). Two other cases were treated with either Photofrin 2 (a first generation systemic sensitizer) or with the topical photosensitizer, delta-aminolaevulinic acid (delta-ALA).The initial results have been encouraging with good clinical responses evident in patients presenting with a variety of differing tumour types. We feel there is now sufficient evidence of the efficacy of this treatment to warrant a multicentre prospective study into the treatment of early head and neck cancer with PDT

    Davidsonian semantic theory and cognitive science of religion

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    This article investigates the extent to which the cognitive science of religion (CSR) and Donald Davidson’s semantic holism (DSH) harmonize. We first characterize CSR, philosophical semantics (and more specifically DSH). We then note a prima facie tension between CSR and DSH’s view of First-Person Authority (that we know what is meant when we speak in a way that we do not when others speak). If CSR is correct that the causes of religious belief are located in cognitive processes in the mind/brain, then religious insiders might have no idea what they are talking about: only the scholar of CSR would have a chance of knowing what they ‘really’ mean. The article argues that the resolution to this problem is to take seriously DSH’s rejection of semantic bifurcation, specifically rejecting the idea that religious and non-religious language can be sharply distinguished. We conclude by supporting the following claims: (i) common cognitive neural/psychological processes are explanatorily relevant in proposed meaning-theories for any discourse, and (ii) those processes need semantic supplementation with reference to external and naturalistic factors (biological, cultural, environmental etc.)

    Coupling of effective one-dimensional two-level atoms to squeezed light

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    A cavity QED system is analyzed which duplicates the dynamics of a two-level atom in free space interacting exclusively with broadband squeezed light. We consider atoms in a three or four-level Lambda-configuration coupled to a high-finesse optical cavity which is driven by a squeezed light field. Raman transitions are induced between a pair of stable atomic ground states via the squeezed cavity mode and coherent driving fields. An analysis of the reduced master equation for the atomic ground states shows that a three-level atomic system has insufficient parameter flexibility to act as an effective two-level atom interacting exclusively with a squeezed reservoir. However, the inclusion of a fourth atomic level, coupled dispersively to one of the two ground states by an auxiliary laser field, introduces an extra degree of freedom and enables the desired interaction to be realised. As a means of detecting the reduced quadrature decay rate of the effective two-level system, we examine the transmission spectrum of a weak coherent probe field incident upon the cavity

    Spatiotemporal Fluctuation Induced Transition in a Tumor Model with Immune Surveillance

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    We report on a simple model of spatial extend anti-tumor system with a fluctuation in growth rate, which can undergo a nonequilibrium phase transition. Three states as excited, sub-excited and non-excited states of a tumor are defined to describe its growth. The multiplicative noise is found to be double-face: The positive effect on a non-excited tumor and the negative effect on an excited tumor.Comment: 8pages,5figure

    Comparing comparison: Smith and Davidson

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    Nos últimos anos, vários autores têm criticado a comparação, como método na ciência da religião. Grande parte da discussão aborda o que chamamos da dilema da comparação religiosa: ou as semelhanças entre os casos comparados são reais e as diferenças acidentais, ou as diferenças são reais e as semelhanças meramente aparentes. No primeiro caso, o ato da comparação impõe semelhanças de uma maneira artificial, privilegiando erroneamente uma das coisas a serem comparadas, o que pressupõe uma visão essencialista, afirmando que as suas características servem como medida de todo caso comparável. No segundo caso, as diferenças entre os casos a serem comparados são vistas como uma barreira insuperável, minando a própria premissa da comparação. Argumentamos que este aparente dilema pressupõe uma concepção representativa do significado, ou seja, que a comparação tem como meta descobrir qual tipo de coisa é representada pelos casos que estão sendo comparados. Entretanto, existem outras concepções do significado que podem potencialmente evitar ou resolver o dilema, reorientando a concepção básica de comparação, ao invés de entrar em detalhes dos recentes debates críticos. Este artigo afirma que o interpretarismo, uma abordagem do significado associada ao filósofo Donald Davidson, faz exatamente isso. JZ Smith não adotou explicitamente uma teoria semântica. Mas demonstramos que todos os seus principais elementos em seu trabalho de comparação se sustentam na base de uma visão interpretarista. As obras de Smith representam um modelo rico e detalhado de como a comparação prossegue sob uma semântica interpretativa. Este artigo tem duas implicações importantes para o estudo da religião. Primeiro, ela dissolve o dilema da comparação religiosa, sugerindo uma base teórica e metodológica mais firme para estudos comparativos. Segundo, sublinha que o trabalho de Smith serve como um modelo poderoso e prático do método comparativo, construído a partir desta base. Como corolário, oferece um benefício colateral interdisciplinar: a leitura de Smith à luz de Davidson também faz contribuições importantes para a filosofia da linguagem

    Non-Markovian Quantum Trajectories of Many-Body Quantum Open Systems

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    A long-standing open problem in non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (QSD) approach to open quantum systems is to establish the non-Markovian QSD equations for multiple qubit systems. In this paper, we settle this important question by explicitly constructing a set of exact time-local QSD equations for NN-qubit systems. Our exact time-local (convolutionless) QSD equations have paved the way towards simulating quantum dynamics of many-body open systems interacting with a common bosonic environment. The applicability of this multiple-qubit stochastic equation is exemplified by numerically solving several quantum open many-body systems concerning quantum coherence dynamics and dynamical control.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. manuscript revised and reference update

    Detailed study of dissipative quantum dynamics of K-2 attached to helium nanodroplets

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    We thoroughly investigate vibrational quantum dynamics of dimers attached to He droplets motivated by recent measurements with K-2 [1]. For those femtosecond pump-probe experiments, crucial observed features are not reproduced by gas phase calculations but agreement is found using a description based on dissipative quantum dynamics, as briefly shown in [2]. Here we present a detailed study of the influence of possible effects induced by the droplet. The helium droplet causes electronic decoherence, shifts of potential surfaces, and relaxation of wave packets in attached dimers. Moreover, a realistic description of (stochastic) desorption of dimers off the droplet needs to be taken into account. Step by step we include and study the importance of these effects in our full quantum calculation. This allows us to reproduce and explain all major experimental findings. We find that desorption is fast and occurs already within 2-10 ps after electronic excitation. A further finding is that slow vibrational motion in the ground state can be considered frictionless.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum state transfer and entanglement distribution among distant nodes in a quantum network

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    We propose a scheme to utilize photons for ideal quantum transmission between atoms located at spatially-separated nodes of a quantum network. The transmission protocol employs special laser pulses which excite an atom inside an optical cavity at the sending node so that its state is mapped into a time-symmetric photon wavepacket that will enter a cavity at the receiving node and be absorbed by an atom there with unit probability. Implementation of our scheme would enable reliable transfer or sharing of entanglement among spatially distant atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figure
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