585 research outputs found

    Graphene-based nanomaterials for tissue engineering in the dental field

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    The world of dentistry is approaching graphene-based nanomaterials as substitutes for tissue engineering. Apart from its exceptional mechanical strength, electrical conductivity and thermal stability, graphene and its derivatives can be functionalized with several bioactive molecules. They can also be incorporated into different scaffolds used in regenerative dentistry, generating nanocomposites with improved characteristics. This review presents the state of the art of graphene-based nanomaterial applications in the dental field. We first discuss the interactions between cells and graphene, summarizing the available in vitro and in vivo studies concerning graphene biocompatibility and cytotoxicity. We then highlight the role of graphene-based nanomaterials in stem cell control, in terms of adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Particular attention will be given to stem cells of dental origin, such as those isolated from dental pulp, periodontal ligament or dental follicle. The review then discusses the interactions between graphene-based nanomaterials with cells of the immune system; we also focus on the antibacterial activity of graphene nanomaterials. In the last section, we offer our perspectives on the various opportunities facing the use of graphene and its derivatives in associations with titanium dental implants, membranes for bone regeneration, resins, cements and adhesives as well as for tooth-whitening procedure

    Efeito da aplicação de inseticidas na floração da macieira sobre Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae).

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    Os inseticidas Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel 100mL.100L-1) e Novaluron (Rimon 100 CE 40 ml.100L-1) são registrados para o controle de Lepidoptera na cultura da macieira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação destes inseticidas no período de floração da macieira sobre Apis mellifera. O experimento foi conduzido na safra 2014/2015 em Fraiburgo, SC, utilizando pomares de macieira com 5 hectares

    Avaliação econômica dos sistemas de produção de morango: convencional, integrado e orgânico.

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    Microlasers based on effective index confined slow light modes in photonic crystal waveguides

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    We present the design, theory and experimental implementation of a low modal volume microlaser based on a line-defect 2D-photonic crystal waveguide. The lateral confinement of low-group velocity modes is controlled by the post-processing of 1 to 3μm wide PMMA strips on top of two dimensional photonic crystal waveguides. Modal volume around 1.3 (λ/n)3can be achieved using this scheme. We use this concept to fabricate microlaser devices from an InP-based heterostructure including InAs0.65P0.35quantum wells emitting around 1550nm and bonded onto a fused silica wafer. We observe stable, room-temperature laser operation with an effective lasing threshold around 0.5mW. © 2008 Optical Society of America

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves the osteogenic and vasculogenic properties of mesenchymal stem cells in the presence of inflammation in vitro

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    Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy has been reported to be beneficial for treating many conditions of inflammation-associated bone loss. The aim of this work was to in vitro investigate the effect of HBO in the course of osteogenesis of human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) grown in a simulated pro-inflammatory environment. Cells were cultured with osteogenic differentiation factors in the presence or not of the pro-inflammatory cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), and simultaneously exposed daily for 60 min, and up to 21 days, at 2,4 atmosphere absolute (ATA) and 100% O2. To elucidate osteogenic differentiation-dependent effects, cells were additionally pre-committed prior to treatments. Cell metabolic activity was evaluated by means of the MTT assay and DNA content quantification, whereas osteogenic and vasculogenic differentiation was assessed by quantification of extracellular calcium deposition and gene expression analysis. Metabolic activity and osteogenic properties of cells did not differ between HBO, high pressure (HB) alone, or high oxygen (HO) alone and control if cells were pre-differentiated to the osteogenic lineage. In contrast, when treatments started contextually to the osteogenic differentiation of the cells, a significant reduction in cell metabolic activity first, and in mineral deposition at later time points, were observed in the HBO-treated group. Interestingly, TNF-α supplementation determined a significant improvement in the osteogenic capacity of cells subjected to HBO, which was not observed in TNF-α-treated cells exposed to HB or HO alone. This study suggests that exposure of osteogenic-differentiating MSCs to HBO under in vitro simulated inflammatory conditions enhances differentiation towards the osteogenic phenotype, providing evidence of the potential application of HBO in all those processes requiring bone regeneration

    Citrate Mediates Crosstalk between Mitochondria and the Nucleus to Promote Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell In Vitro Osteogenesis

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    Citrate, generated in the mitochondria, is a key metabolite that might link metabolism with signaling, chromatin structure and transcription to orchestrate mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) fate determination. Based on a detailed morphological analysis of 3D reconstruction of mitochondria and nuclei in single cells, we identified contact sites between these organelles that drastically increase in volume and number during the early stage of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. These contact sites create a microdomain that facilitates exchange of signals from mitochondria to the nucleus. Interestingly, we found that the citrate derived from mitochondria is necessary for osteogenic lineage determination. Indeed, inhibition of the citrate transporter system dramatically affected osteogenesis, reduced citrate levels that could be converted in α-ketoglutarate, and consequently affected epigenetic marker H3K9me3 associated with the osteogenesis differentiation process. These findings highlight that mitochondrial metabolites play key regulatory roles in the MSCs differentiation process. Further in-depth investigation is needed to provide novel therapeutic strategies in the field of regenerative medicine

    Manifestation of the coupling phase in microwave cavity magnonics

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    The interaction between microwave photons and magnons is well understood and originates from the Zeeman coupling between spins and a magnetic field. Interestingly, the magnon/photon interaction is accompanied by a phase factor which can usually be neglected. However, under the rotating wave approximation, if two magnon modes simultaneously couple with two cavity resonances, this phase cannot be ignored as it changes the physics of the system. We consider two such systems, each differing by the sign of one of the magnon/photon coupling strengths. This simple difference, originating from the various coupling phases in the system, is shown to preserve, or destroy, two potential applications of hybrid photon/magnon systems, namely dark mode memories and cavity-mediated coupling. The observable consequences of the coupling phase in this system is akin to the manifestation of a discrete Pancharatnam-Berry phase, which may be useful for quantum information processing

    Caracterização Agronômica da Amoreira-preta Cultivada no Sul do Estado do Paraná.

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