4 research outputs found

    Nursing care of a patient in terminally ill cancer - case study

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    The aim was to show the nurses and hospice care as a member of the team over the patient in a hospice for terminally ill cancer resident inthe house. Nurse choosing to work with patients who die must know that not only medical knowledge will be needed in carrying out its duties but alsoa lot of love, patience and above all humility toward life and death. Characterized range of palliative care and its residents. The paper presents adescription and policies for hospices and home desktops and volunteers working in them. Material - the subject of research - the case of a patient withpancreatic cancer he cultivated to the last moments of life. Test method - method of individual cases, which applies to nursing, is a qualitativedescription of the passage of reality and its interpretation. Used to collect all kinds of information about the case, in particular about the familysituation, social, environmental, material and existential, psychological, physical or other person examined. This is a descriptive study undertaken bytype of research problem, which requires the use of methods relating to a single case or small their number.Research problems:1. How long the patient has symptoms associated with cancer diagnosed?2. Have there been cases of death from cancer in the family sick?3. Have you previously was treated oncological?4. When the first signs of disease?5. Does the patient know about his condition?6. Are they symptomatic treatment introduced hospice doctor brings relief from symptoms?7. Is recommended to take the product (Megace) improves the appetite, gives the desired effect?8. Is your oxygen therapy brought relief in breathing?9. How effective were notmorphotic painkillers?10.Do you sick of the constant care exercised a family?11. Is the hospice team visits took place at regular intervals or whenever the call of the family?12. Is the patient dying in dignity, surrounded by kin?The goal of the research work presented, a description of the patient (the subject of research), research problems and the method ofresearch, technology and research tools, describes the results of research. Presented in a special way and meaningful roles of a nurse who has thecare of the patient in the terminal stage of cancer, staying at home. The problem of mental, spiritual, and emotional problems of the patient and theenvironment. Based on the literature of the subject and based on scientific study, the following conclusions:1. In view of the cancer patient who is not eligible for treatment at the forefront the problem of cancer pain and other ailments of thedigestive and respiratory systems, and greatly reduced physical fitness.2. The patient was the biggest problem was lack of appetite and emaciation of the body related to it which greatly limited its self-care, andin a later stage, prevented completely.3. Above the patient in the terminal who will remain in the home should be planned nursing care consulting and communicating withmembers of her family, educating them in implementing the active care, care and assist.4. The nurse takes action on dying nursing care aimed at improving the quality of life, eliminating pain, psychological comfort, eliminationof other ailments associated with the disease, assist

    Living with diabetes - case study

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    Introduction. Diabetes is a chronic disorder of metabolism. It is caused by impaired insulin secretion and action. There are type 1 diabetes,type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and other specific types of diabetes. Risk factors for this disease include age (risk increases after 45 years ofage), obesity, low physical activity, hypertension, lipid disorders genetics. Symptoms of the disease are frequent urination, excessive thirst, weakness,lethargy, emaciation, fungal infections, furunculosis. Patients have elevated blood glucose levels. Complications of diabetes can be divided into acuteand chronic. Complications include acute hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Chronic complications is microangiopathy (retinopathy, nephropathy,neuropathy) and macrovascular disease (myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular disease). Diabetes occurs more frequently, is an importantsociological and social problem. Her diagnosis always causes anxiety, uncertainty, sense of danger. Ill try to find answers to many questions.Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of life for patients with diabetes, diagnosis of care problems, patienteducation in terms of information essential for living with chronic disease.Materials. Material - the subject of research was a woman aged 64 suffering from diabetes type II. Patient presented information aboutdiabetes, we got to know her health problems and their solutions.Methods. A Study of the individual case. Techniques: Observation, interview, examination of documents.Research problems posed in the work are:What are the health problems common in patients with diabetes?The extent to which a patient with diabetes is capable of self-care and self-control?As the nurse prepares the patient to change and lifestyle modification in chronic disease that is diabetes?The paper presents a range of activities including patient self-care and self-control.Results. The patient reported the following health problems relating to diabetes: the lack of insulin, inability to use the meter, the lack ofsufficient knowledge about the complications of diabetes, skin abrasion on the foot and clammy skin between the toes, being overweight.Conclusion. Patient is a walking, self-contained. All nursery operations performed alone. With the support of her daughter is trying toovercome all the difficulties associated with the disease. She uses medical care as a medical indication, every 6-8 weeks in primary exercise controlstudy of blood glucose levels, use of medical visits, always ordered the hypoglycemic drugs, insulin, diabetic diet, was informed by a nurse for furthercare and self-control. The paper presents a range of activities including patient self-care and self-control.The patient was informed of the need for lifestyle changes such as diet, avoidance of drugs, the constant control of blood glucose(glucometer training will be offered), a small regular exercise, etc.First of all making clear to patient that diabetes is not cited, you can live with this disease, do not fall apart. The proper operation oftreatment with a conscious discipline of the patient, can maintain good performance in life and personal life satisfaction.She learned to use the same meter and examine the level of blood sugar at a specified time. She is aware of the problems associated withthe disease. He is aware that only applies to the stringent requirements and restrictions, will allow it to avoid future complications. Despite anincurable disease is trying to discern the meaning of life and the meaning of their sacrifices. He believes in the fact that a positive attitude to thedisease is part of the success on the road to quality of life

    Palliative care as an active and comprehensive patient care in the terminal stage of cancer

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    The main assumption of the work is to show the important role played by health care, palliative care. Palliative care is a specific field,which aims to provide the highest level of quality of life of terminally ill, end-stage disease. Most patients want the latter period of his life spent athome, among his relatives.The best form of care in such cases, home hospice care is carried out by the hospices. A comprehensive, holistic nature of care for theterminally ill person is a prerequisite for its effectiveness. The main objective of this care is not prolonging life, but with dignity and without painexperience as possible of the remaining time. In view of impending death and the continuity of the full co-operation team caring for patients becomesextremely important, Nurse owned the team must make every effort to help the patient get through this tough period in his life. In addition to extensiveknowledge and practical skills should have a set of individual characteristics to a good relationship with the patient.In the paper the case study. The research method used in the interview and observation. The most important problems of the patient locatedin the terminal stage of disease.Nurse together with people from the immediate surroundings became the source of patient support. She does not feel lonely, and decides onthe action taken

    Adiponectin as a Biomarker of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women: Controversies

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    The literature reports indicating a link between plasma levels of adiponectin and body fat, bone mineral density, sex hormones, and peri- and postmenopausal changes, draw attention to the possible use of adiponectin as an indicator of osteoporotic changes, suggesting that adiponectin may also modulate bone metabolism. In this study, we attempted to analyze the available in vitro and in vivo results which could verify this hypothesis. Although several studies have shown that adiponectin has an adverse effect on bone mass, mainly by intensifying resorption, this peptide has also been demonstrated to increase the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts, inhibit the activity of osteoclasts, and reduce bone resorption. There are still many ambiguities; for example, it can be assumed that concentrations of adiponectin in plasma do not satisfactorily reflect its production by adipose tissue, as well as conflicting in vitro and in vivo results. It seems that the potential benefit in the treatment of patients with osteoporosis associated with the pharmacological regulation of adiponectin is controversial