433 research outputs found

    Contribution to a Circular Economy Model: From LignocellulosicWastes from the Extraction of Vegetable Oils to the Development of a New Composite

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    [EN] The present works focuses on the development of a novel fully bio-based composite using a bio-based high-density polyethylene (Bio-HDPE) obtained from sugar cane as matrix and a by-product of extraction of chia seed oil (CO) as filler, with the objective of achieving a circular economy model. The research aims to revalorize an ever-increasing waste stream produced by the growing interest in vegetable oils. From the technical point of view, the chia seed flour (CSF) was chemically modified using a silane treatment. This treatment provides a better interfacial adhesion as was evidenced by the mechanical and thermal properties as well as field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The effect of silane treatment on water uptake and disintegration rate was also studied. On the other hand, in a second stage, an optimization of the percentage of treated CSF used as filler was carried out by a complete series of mechanical, thermal, morphological, colour, water absorption and disintegration tests with the aim to evaluate the new composite developed using chia by-products. It is noteworthy as the disintegration rate increased with the addition of CSF filler, which leads to obtain a partially biodegradable wood plastic composite (WPC) and therefore, becoming more environmentally friendly.I. D-C wants to thank Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for his FPI grant (PAID-2019-SP20190013) and Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) for his FPI grant (ACIF/2020/233).Domínguez-Candela, I.; Garcia-Garcia, D.; A. Perez-Nakai; Lerma-Cantó, A.; Lora-García, J.; Fombuena, V. (2021). Contribution to a Circular Economy Model: From LignocellulosicWastes from the Extraction of Vegetable Oils to the Development of a New Composite. Polymers. 13(14):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13142269S126131

    Autoevaluación de la calidad del servicio educativo en una institución educativa particular, Chiclayo 2017

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    La presente investigación, parte de la ausencia de un sistema de gestión de calidad en la I.E.P. El Nazareno, así mismo, se diagnosticó la gestión actual mediante las dimensiones del Modelo EFQM de Excelencia, y, esto permitirá mejorar el servicio brindado en términos de valor agregado, en donde, se promueva una planificación propuesta por el directivo en función de las necesidades demandadas por la sociedad. Teniendo como objetivo principal, el determinar el nivel de la calidad del servicio educativo basado en el Modelo EFQM de Excelencia en la I.E.P. El Nazareno. La metodología es de carácter cualitativo-cuantitativo y las técnicas de recolección de datos están basadas en el FODA realizado por el director y promotor, y encuestas a docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia, las cuales fueron validadas por especialistas procedentes de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Los resultados obtenidos, muestra que la estructura del modelo se puede adaptar fácilmente en la institución, y, permite realizar estrategias, orientadas a la mejora continua. Se concluye que la institución presenta un nivel medio de calidad, en cuanto al servicio que brinda y se adecua al Modelo EFQM de Excelencia

    Pilot Feasibility Study of a Campaign Intervention for Weight Loss among Overweight and Obese Adults

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    Background: Behavioral interventions produce significant short-term weight loss. However, these interventions typically require regular in-person sessions, which may not be feasible for all individuals. Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of a 12-week campaign intervention (CI) compared to a standard on-site, group-based behavioral weight loss intervention (SBWL) among overweight/obese adults. Methods: SBWL participants (n=13; age: 42.5 ± 9.1 years; BMI: 33.4 ± 3.8 kg/m²) attended weekly group meetings, were prescribed a daily reduced caloric goal and 200 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. CI participants (n=13; age: 43.8 ± 9.0 years; BMI: 33.2 ± 3.8 kg/m²) received the same recommendations as the SBWL, attended in-person group meetings at weeks 0 and 12, and received e-mail messages weeks 2-11. Additional CI features included a thematic framework and an incentive-based point system targeting behavioral goals. Results: Significant weight loss was demonstrated for intention-to-treat (SBWL: -5.6 ± 2.9 kg; CI: -3.1 ± 3.4 kg) (