17,661 research outputs found

    Financing Higher Education in Latin America

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    Latin American countries have been enjoying a strong growth during the 2000s for the first time since the debt crisis of the 1980s. This article focuses on some of the changes that took place during these boom years with regard to public and private funds earmarked for tertiary education, some consequences of this funding pattern in terms of equity, and the main innovations in funding mechanisms put in place to allocate public funds.Fil: Garcia, Ana Maria. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Ideology of objectivity in political journalism. Attitudes, values and beliefs around truth as a possible horizon?

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    Desde un enfoque crítico-discursivo se analizan contenidos automáticos y reflexivos en torno a la “objetividad”, como código estilístico-normativo y dispositivo cultural de contornos míticos, compartido por periodistas y audiencias de la información política. Con base en entrevistas realizadas bajo un enfoque etnográfico entre 2012 y 2014, a profesionales de diferentes medios masivos de Córdoba-Argentina, primero se discuten la auto-percepción de su rol contemporáneo y las condiciones de su vínculo cotidiano con fuentes y acontecimientos. Dado el carácter inter-subjetivo del fenómeno, en un segundo momento se incluye el contraste entre las perspectivas periodísticas y las percepciones de audiencias locales, recopiladas en sesiones experimentales simultáneas. Mediante una estrategia de triangulación analítica, se advierte un significativo vínculo de circularidad entre definiciones profesionales y expectativas de consumo.From a critical-discursive approach, automatic and reflexive contents are analyzed around "objectivity", as a stylistic-normative code and cultural device with mythical contours, shared by journalists and audience of political information. Based on interviews to professionals from different mass media in Córdoba-Argentina (conducted under an ethnographic approach between 2012 and 2014), firstly the self-perception of their contemporary role and the conditions of their daily link with sources and events are discussed. Given the inter-subjective nature of the phenomenon, in a second moment the contrast between the journalistic perspectives and the perceptions of local audiences, gathered in simultaneous experimental sessions, is included. Through an analytical triangulation strategy, a significant circularity link between professional definitions and consumption expectations is noticed.From a critical-discursive approach, automatic and reflexive contents are analyzed around “objectivity”, as a stylistic-normative code and cultural device with mythical contours, shared by journalists and audience of political information. Based on interviews to professionals from different mass media in Córdoba-Argentina — conducted under an ethnographic approach between 2012 and 2014 —, firstly the self-perception of their contemporary role and the conditions of their daily link with sources and events are discussed. Given the inter-subjective nature of the phenomenon, in a second moment the contrast between the journalistic perspectives and the perceptions of local audiences, gathered in simultaneous experimental sessions, is included. Through an analytical triangulation strategy, a significant circularity link between professional definitions and consumption expectations is noticed.Fil: Paz Garcia, Ana Pamela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIPsi), CONICET - Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    The Delineation and Apportionment of an EU Consolidated Tax Base for Multi-jurisdictional Corporate Income Taxation: a Review of Issues and Options.

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    The Commission Services study on Company Taxation in the Internal Market and the Communications COM(2001)582 and COM(2003)726 on EU company taxation presented a long-term strategy to tackle the corporate income tax obstacles in the Internal Market by providing multi-jurisdictional companies with a consolidated tax base for their EU-wide activities for corporate taxation purposes. This comprehensive approach relies on a number of crucial steps such as delineating the CTB and choosing the mechanism for apportioning the multinationals' tax bases between the relevant Member States, so that they can then apply the national corporation tax rate to their respective shares. This work systematically addresses some of the fundamental questions that arise when considering the design of a consolidation + apportionment system for sharing multinationals' consolidated profits between EU Member States.European Union, Corporate Taxation, multinational taxation, formula apportionment

    The Agri-Food Cooperative Netchain: A Theoretical Framework to Study its Configuration

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    This paper proposes a research framework of the design and configuration of agrifood chains where the focal firm is a second-tier cooperative (group of affiliated cooperatives) in order to assess the alignment of (relational) governance structures and coordination mechanisms in these chains with supply chain management (SCM) principles. The theoretical framework proposes an integrative approach by drawing on the Relational View of inter-organisational competitive advantage and the Theory of Networks as inter-cooperative vertical relationships are embedded in horizontal ties between firms (first-tier cooperatives) of social rather economic nature. The conceptual framework developed herein will help theory building in SCM, but most importantly it would advance current knowledge on the scope of SCM in the agrifood cooperative sector.supply chain management, agrifood cooperatives, governance structure and coordination mechanisms, Agribusiness,

    Keeping Negotiations in the Dark: Environmental Agreements under Incomplete Information

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    This paper investigates the role of uncertainty as a tool to support cooperation in international environmental agreements. We consider two layers of uncertainty. Under unilateral uncertainty treaties become successful with positive probability in the signaling game, even under parameter conditions for which no agreement is reached under complete information. Under bilateral uncertainty, a separating equilibrium emerges where the leader participates in the treaty only when its environmental concerns are high. We show that the agreement is signed for larger sets of parameter values under unilateral uncertainty. We then show that further layers of uncertainty might enhance social welfare.Signaling games; Unilaterial uncertainty; Bilateral uncertainty; Non-binding negotiations

    Can Incomplete Information Lead to Under-exploitation in the Commons

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    This paper analyzes the protection of a common pool resource (CPR) through the manage- ment of information. Speci?cally, we examine an entry deterrence model between an incumbent perfectly informed about the initial stock of a CPR and an uninformed potential entrant. In our model, the appropriation of the CPR by the incumbent reduces both players?future pro?ts from exploiting the resource. In the case of complete information, we show that the incumbent operating in a high-stock common pool overexploits the CPR during the ?rst period since it does not internalize the negative external e¤ect that its ?rst-period exploitation imposes on the en- trant?s future pro?ts. This ine¢ ciency, however, is absent when the common totally regenerates across periods. Under incomplete information, we identify an additional form of ine¢ ciency. In particular, the incumbent operating in a low-stock CPR underexploits the resource in order to signal the low available stock to potential entrants, deterring entry. When the common fully regenerates, we show that such underexploitation becomes more signi?cant since the low-stock incumbent aims to protect its larger monopoly pro?ts.Common Pool Resources; Signaling games; Externalities

    The Informative Role of Subsidies

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    This paper investigates the effect of monopoly subsidies on entry deterrence. We consider a potential entrant who observes two signals: the subsidy set by the regulator and the output level produced by the incumbent firm. We show that not only an informative equilibrium can be supported, where information about the incumbent's costs is conveyed to the entrant, but also an uninformative equilibrium, where the actions of regulator and incumbent conceal the monopolist's type, thus deterring entry. While the regulator?s role can support entry-deterrence practices, we demonstrate that his presence is nonetheless welfare improving. Furthermore, we compare equilibrium welfare relative to two benchmarks: complete information environments, and standard entry-deterrence games where the regulator is absent.Entry deterrence; Signaling; Monopoly subsidies

    Environmental Protection Agencies: Measuring the Welfare Benefits from Regulation under Different Information Contexts

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    This paper evaluates the welfare benefits of introducing environmental regulation in a market that is subject to the threat of entry. We consider complete and incomplete information settings, where potential entrants use the regulator’s tax policy and the incumbent’s output decisions in order to infer the incumbent’s cost structure. When the regulator is absent, we show that firms? entry-deterring practices increase pollution relative to complete information. Hence, under certain conditions, environmental regulation becomes more beneficial in incomplete than in complete information contexts. Our results, therefore, identify under which cases an under-or over-estimation of the welfare benefits of environmental regulation arises from ignoring the information setting in which firms interact. We also examine how this estimation error increases as firms become more symmetric in their production costs.Entry deterrence; Signaling; Emission fees; Welfare Benefits