6 research outputs found

    Estimating quarterly GDP Data for the South Pacific Island Nations

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    Time series analyses generally rely on having a relatively high frequency of consistent and reliable data to work with. However for many of the South Pacific Island Nations (SPINS), data on major macroeconomic series, like GDP, are typically available only annually from the early 1980s. This paper empirically estimates quarterly GDP data from annual series using the approach of Abeysinghe and Rajaguru (2004), following the basic framework of Chow and Lin (1971), Fernandez (1981) and Litterman (1983). We link the available annual GDP series for a select group of SPINS with GDP-related series (predictor variables) that are available quarterly. We deem that our quarterly estimates of GDP are more consistent and reliable compared to estimates obtained through less sophisticated methods of univariate interpolation.PublishedAbeysinghe, T. and Rajaguru, G. (2004). “Quarterly Real GDP Estimates for China and ASEAN4 with a Forecast Evaluation”. Journal of Forecasting, 23, 432-447. 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    Time series analyses generally rely on having a relatively high frequency of consistent and reliable data to work with. However for many South Pacific Island Nations (SPINs), data on macroeconomic series, like GDP, are typically available only annually from the 1980s onwards. This paper empirically estimates quarterly GDP data from annual series using the modified Chow and Lin (1971) approach. We link available annual GDP series for select SPINs with GDP-related series that are available quarterly. We deem that our quarterly estimates of GDP are more consistent and reliable compared to estimates obtained through less sophisticated methods of univariate interpolation.Quarterly GDP, disaggregation of time series, South Pacific Island Nations, C82, E00